Hamlet Pharma has been granted M2.2€ from Horizon 2020
We are proud to announce that Hamlet Pharma has been granted 2.2 million Euros from the EIC Accelerator fund from Horizon 2020. The EIC Accelerator fund supports innovation within the EU to develop and bring to market new products, services and business models that will drive economic growth.
The grant is awarded for the application entitled ‘Alpha1H - A Unique Bladder Cancer Therapeutic, Acting with Great Precision’ and has a duration of 24 months. The grant will be paid in parts during the project's duration and will specifically support further clinical trials as well as the next steps in product development.
About Horizon 2020
Horizon 2020 is the most extensive EU Research and Innovation programme with nearly €80 billion of funding available over 7 years (2014 to 2020), in addition to the private investment that this money will attract. It promises more breakthroughs, discoveries and world-firsts by taking great ideas from the laboratory to the market.
The fact that the EU chooses to invest in our project is a very important quality stamp, confirming the potential of Hamlet Pharma” says Catharina Svanborg, founder and chairman of the board of Hamlet Pharma.
“We are extremely proud to be selected in the fierce competition for grants from the Horizon 2020, EIC fund”says Mats Persson, CEO of Hamlet Pharma Ltd
For more information, please contact
Catharina Svanborg, Chairperson of the board, Hamlet Pharma, +46 709 42 65 49
Mats Persson, CEO Hamlet Pharma, +46 705 17 67 57
About HAMLET Pharma
HAMLET Pharma, listed on Spotlight, develops drugs based on the unique tumoricidal protein-lipid complex, HAMLET, formed by two natural and harmless molecules found in breast milk. Development focuses primarily on drugs, for the treatment and prevention of cancer. HAMLET kills tumour cells and has proven safe in proof-of-concept studies in animal models. Alpha1H is the synthetic variant of HAMLET, which has enabled development of the agent for clinical trials. Alpha1H kills different types of tumour cells and has demonstrated therapeutic effects on bladder cancer in animal models. Hamlet Pharma has one ongoing Phase I/II clinical trial with Alpha1H in patients with bladder cancer, a costly form of cancer that is difficult to treat, and intends to expand its activities into other types of cancer. The first results from the ongoing clinical Phase I/II study shows no side effects of Alpha1H, indicating that the treatment is safe and well tolerated. Alpha1H also demonstrated clinical efficacy compared with patients who received placebo
This information is insider information that Hamlet Pharma AB is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication trough the agency of the contact persons set out above, on March 9, 2020.