Annual General Meeting of Handelsbanken's shareholders, 29 April 2003

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The agenda includes a proposal for dividends of SEK 4.75 per share.

Regarding election of Members of the Board, the proposal comprises re-election of Pirkko Alitalo, Lotty Bergström, Tommy Bylund, Göran Ennerfelt, Lars O Grönstedt, Hans Larsson, Fredrik Lundberg, Sverker Martin-Löf, Arne Mårtensson and Anders Nyrén.

Sigrun Hjelmquist and Jon Fredrik Baksaas are proposed as new members.

Dr. Per-Olof Eriksson, Olle Persson and Professor Bengt Samuelsson have declined re-election.

For further information, please contact: <!-- hugin-supplied --><br> Lars Lindmark, Head of Corporate Communications, tel: +46 8 701 1036; mobile: +46 70 595 8580 or <!-- hugin-supplied --><br> Bengt Ragnå, Head of Investor Relations, tel: +46 8 701 1216; <!-- hugin-supplied --><br> mobile: +46 70 567 1216