Bulletin from the Extraordinary General Meeting in Handelsbanken on 21 October 2021
An Extraordinary General Meeting in Svenska Handelsbanken AB was held today, 21 October 2021.
The Extraordinary General Meeting resolved in accordance with the Board’s proposals on: a) approving that Handelsbanken enter into an agreement on the acquisition of a total of 30,461,977 class A shares in AB Industrivärden (“Industrivärden”) from Svenska Handelsbankens Pensionsstiftelse and b) the distribution of the thus acquired class A shares in Industrivärden to the shareholders of Handelsbanken.
The record date for the distribution was resolved to be 25 October 2021. The last trading day in the Handelsbanken share, including the right to receive distribution of class A shares in Industrivärden, is thus 21 October 2021 and the first trading day in the Handelsbanken share, excluding the right to receive distribution of class A shares in Industrivärden, is on 22 October 2021. The class A shares in Industrivärden are expected to be available on directly registered shareholders’ VP accounts on 27 October 2021.
The resolutions entail that shareholders of Handelsbanken receive class A shares in Industrivärden in proportion to the number of shares they own in Handelsbanken on the record date. The shareholders of Handelsbanken will receive one class A share in Industrivärden for each 65 shares they own in Handelsbanken (irrespective of share class). Fractions of shares that are a result of shareholders’ holdings not entitling to a whole number of class A shares in Industrivärden, will be sold through the agency of Handelsbanken. The proceeds from the sold fractions of shares will be allocated between the shareholders who would have been entitled to receive these fractions.
For further information on the distribution of class A shares in Industrivärden to the shareholders of Handelsbanken, please see Handelsbanken’s website www.handelsbanken.com/agm where information including a brochure on the distribution is available.
For further information, please contact:
Martin Wasteson, Chief Legal Officer, +46 8 22 92 20
Lars Höglund, Head of Investor Relations & Financial Strategy, +46 70 345 51 70
Viktoria Aastrup, Head of Group Media Relations, +46 73 043 51 59
This information is of the type that Handelsbanken is obliged to make public pursuant to Nasdaq Stockholm's Issuer Rules. The information was submitted for publication at 17.00 CET on October 21, 2021.
For more information about Handelsbanken, see: www.handelsbanken.com