Cancellation of repurchased shares

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At the 2008 annual general meeting (AGM), it was resolved to reduce share capital by SEK 22,218,000 through the cancellation without repayment of the 4,830,000 shares that the Bank had repurchased since the 2007 AGM. The annual general meeting also resolved, by means of a bonus issue, to increase the Bank's share capital by SEK 31,173,473.10 through a transfer of this amount from its unrestricted share capital without the issuing of new shares.
On 28 May 2008, the cancellation of the 4,830,000 class A shares was executed. The number of shares in Handelsbanken then totalled 623,469,462, of which 611,719,019 were class A shares and 11,750,443 class B shares. The share capital amounts to SEK 2,899,132,998.30, giving a quota value per share of SEK 4.65.
For further information, please contact:
Mikael Hallåker, Head of Investor Relations, +46 8 701 2995
Lars Kenneth Dahlqvist, Investor Relations, +46 8 701 1018


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