Correction: Extra dividend in XACT F Euro and XACT F Sweden.

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In our previous press release the dividend per fund unit for XACT FTSE RAFI Fundamental Sweden was unfortunately incorrect. The correct dividend is 0.06 SEK per unit, making a total dividend of 378 000 SEK.

The Exchange Traded Funds XACT FTSE RAFI Fundamental Euro (XACT F Euro) and XACT FTSE RAFI Fundamental Sweden (XACT F Sweden) will close at year end. Last day to trade fund units on the stock exchange is December 14, 2009 for XACT F Euro and December 17, 2009 for XACT F Sweden. Fund units that have not been sold on the stock exchange on these days by the latest, will be redeemed on January 7, 2010 (XACT F Sweden) and January 11, 2010 (XACT F Euro) respectively.
The funds will pay an extra dividend in order to transferring the taxation of the fund's income to unit-holders, thus avoiding double taxation, according to the following schedule. The Board of Directors has decided the following dividend amounts.

Dividend per fund unit
Outstanding fund units
Total dividend
XACT FTSE RAFI Fundamental Euro
250 000
55 000
XACT FTSE RAFI Fundamental Sweden
6 300 000
378 000
Schedule for payment of dividend:

October 12, 2009 - The dividend amounts are announced
October 13, 2009 - Last day to trade fund units including right to dividend   
October 14, 2009 -Ex dividend day
October 16, 2009 - Record day
October 21, 2009 - Payment of dividend in XACT F Sweden
October 23, 2009 - Payment of dividend in XACT F Euro

The primary market for creating and redeeming fund units will be closed from and including October 13, 2009 to and including October 16, 2009.
For further information, please contact XACT Fonder AB, + 46 8 701 40 00.


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