Handelsbanken: Buyback of shares

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At the Annual General Meeting in 2003, the Board received a mandate to repurchase a maximum of 20 million shares. At the same time, the Board stated that it intended to repurchase shares for a maximum amount of SEK 2 billion.

Today, Handelsbanken started repurchasing shares via Stockholmsbörsen (the Stockholm Stock Exchange). The repurchases will be reported via Stockholmsbörsen in accordance with the applicable rules. Handelsbanken's website (www.handelsbanken.se/ireng) will also be updated daily.
For further information, please contact:
Lennart Francke, Head of Accounting and Control, phone: +46 8 701 4360
Bengt Ragnå, Head of Investor Relations, mobile: +46 70 567 1216
The press release can be downloaded from the following link:


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