Handelsbanken best for mobile service

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Handelsbanken has won a Cut The Wire Award for its efforts in developing mobile services. In competition with Nordea, Swedbank and Auriga, Handelsbanken won first prize in the Banking & Finance category.


In its citation, the jury wrote that Handelsbanken had received the award: "For creating a powerful, feature rich mobile banking service that has had an enormous positive customer impact. A true mobile banking service with powerful smartphone applications, bringing mobile banking services to the next level"


The candidates were judged on the following criteria: efficiency, positive environmental performance, customer relations and innovation and creativity.


"Our mobile service is another step in our efforts to always offer our customers the highest level of accessibility to their bank," says Mats Carlson, who is responsible for the mobile service at Handelsbanken.



For further information, please contact:
Mats Carlson, Manager Mobile Service, +48 -701 56 08, mobile: +46 70 893 70 44
Johan Lagerström, Press Officer, +46 8-701 1395, mobile: +46 70 265 80 14


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