Handelsbanken Capital Markets best in domestic equities

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The market research institute Prospera ranks Handelsbanken Capital Markets as number one for domestic equities. It is a shared position and the ranking is a big step from a third place last year. The outcome is based on 61 interviews about stockbroker's general features, performance and analytical competence.

"It is the first time that we gain the top position within domestic equities and we are of course very proud of the step from third to first place. This definitely reflects our aim to be the best Nordic investment bank", says Per Elcar Head of Nordic Equity Sales.
For further information, please contact:
Per Elcar, Head of Nordic Equity Sales, Handelsbanken Capital Markets,
Phone: +46 8 463 57 06, e-mail: peel04@handelsbanken.se
Peter Karlsson, Head of Equity and Credit research,
Phone: +46 8 701 21 51, e-mail: peka15@handelsbanken.se
Handelsbanken Capital Markets is Handelsbanken's investment bank. It is responsible for Handelsbanken's transactions in the fixed income, foreign exchange and stock markets, including macroeconomic, equity, credit and financial research, corporate finance, debt capital markets and structured products. Over 900 employees on three continents specialise in financial solutions for Nordic requirements. Handelsbanken Capital Markets is an integrated part of Handelsbanken, which has over 600 branches, operations in 20 countries, total assets of SEK 1,790 billion and an operating profit for 2006 of SEK 17.2 billion. The Bank has around 10,000 employees.


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