Handelsbanken is financing Rosengårds Fastighets AB investment in social sustainability

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Handelsbanken has entered into an agreement with Rosengård Fastighets AB on the terms of a sustainability-linked loan focusing on social sustainability.

“We are delighted to be able to offer financing that will contribute, not only to energy efficiency but also to increased security and more jobs” says Emelie Persson Lindqvist, specialist advisor within sustainable financing at Handelsbanken Debt Capital Markets.

Two out of three of the goals tied to the loan are within the field of social sustainability, an ever more important area within sustainability-linked products aimed at the real estate sector.

Sustainability is part of the day-to-day work of our employees and is the central pillar of our business plan. For this reason it is very gratifying that we, together with Handelsbanken, can now take this work a step further through sustainable financing, which we can link to social and environmental aspects. Together we can make a difference, and we believe that the positive effects can extend much further than the borders of our residential areas,” says Karin Antonsson CFO of Rosengård Fastighets AB.

“We can see clearly that social factors are becoming increasingly important. The real estate and financial sectors have a job to do together to take on shared challenges. We have learned a great deal from how Rosengård Fastighets AB works, which will add value to our coming work with social KPIs, and how we can contribute to social sustainability” says Emelie Persson Lindqvist, specialist advisor within sustainable financing at Handelsbanken Debt Capital Markets.

Green financing for the real estate sector is often set up to emphasise improving energy efficiency in buildings. But there are other sustainability topics that are just as important in order to create a certain breadth in sustainability work, and financing in this area should reflect this.

The goals of Rosengård Fastighets AB are to improve the energy efficiency of its portfolio to meet the City of Malmö’s Climate Contract 2030, to improve safety and security in the area, and to create jobs for individuals who would otherwise be outside the labour market. These goals will contribute to increased pride in the area, and consequently also improved security and less vandalism. The loan from Handelsbanken will contribute to fulfil these goals.

