Handelsbanken retains spot as the major bank with the most satisfied customers overall

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The annual survey of Swedish banks carried out by Swedish Quality Index (SKI) reveals that bank customers are generally more satisfied than they have been for some time. Handelsbanken has retained its spot as the major bank with the most satisfied customers overall. 

As recently as last year, the survey indicated that customers appreciate both personal contact and digital solutions, and this sentiment has been further reinforced this year. Digital services are becoming increasingly important, and, just as in other sectors, customers expect that banking services are straightforward and accessible. Handelsbanken ranks highly in the survey of digital services among both private and corporate customers.

“In the wake of the pandemic, there have been changes in customers’ behaviour and preferences. “Digital first” has become the new standard, and attributes such as quick and easy have become just as important as high quality. Notwithstanding this, customers who have a personal contact are more satisfied. The personal relationship continues to be an important factor,” explains Johan Parmler, chief executive at SKI, who conducted the survey. 

The survey shows that Handelsbanken’s customers are also particularly satisfied with the personal contact, the expertise of the Bank’s advisors and the way they are treated.
“Customers feel that the Bank is easy to do business with, and shows a genuine interest and commitment in their custom. These are key factors which Handelsbanken has proved to be very successful at providing,” comments Johan Parmler.


