Handelsbanken's annual general meeting

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At the annual general meeting on 24 April 2007, the board of Handelsbanken was re-elected. Mr Lars O Grönstedt was appointed chairman.
At the subsequent first board meeting Hans Larsson and Anders Nyrén were appointed as vice chairmen of the board.
The board members are listed below.
The annual general meeting adopted the board's proposal for a dividend of SEK 8 per share. The record day for dividend is Friday, 27 April 2007. The dividend is expected to be distributed by the VPC on Thursday, 3 May 2007.
Buyback of shares
In accordance with the board's proposal, the annual general meeting authorised the board to resolve on purchase of the Bank's own class A and/or B shares during the period until the annual general meeting in 2008 on the following conditions:
  •         The purchases shall be made on Stockholmsbörsen, the Stockholm stock exchange
  •         The Bank may purchase a total of no more than 40 000 000 class A and/or B shares.
  •         The shares must be acquired at the market price applicable at the time of purchase.
    At the subsequent first board meeting, the board resolved to utilise its repurchase mandate and assigned to the group chief executive to effect the repurchases when appropriate, for a maximum amount of SEK 6bn.
    Reduction of the share capital through cancellation of repurchased shares and bonus issue
    The annual general meeting resolved in accordance with the board's proposal to reduce the share capital by 92 260 960 Swedish kronor through cancellation without repayment of 20 732 800 shares held by the Bank.
    With the consent of the Finansinspektionen, the share capital can be reduced without the permission of a court of law, if the Bank takes measures so that the Bank's share capital does not decrease as a result of the reduction.
    The annual general meeting therefore resolved by means of a bonus issue to increase the Bank's share capital by 94 244 919,30 Swedish kronor by transferring this amount from its unrestricted share capital without the issuing of new shares
    Nomination committee
    The nomination committee shall have five members. Four of the members (the "Shareholders' Representatives") shall represent the Bank's four largest shareholders/shareholder groups in terms of votes, according to shareholder information as at 31 August from the VPC (the Swedish Central Securities Depository and Clearing Organisation), or which by some other means prove to be among the largest shareholders (the "Largest Shareholders") on this date; one of these members is to chair the committee. However, the nomination committee must not include representatives of companies which are significant competitors of the Bank in any of its main areas of operations.
    The AGM assigns the chairman of the board to contact the Largest Shareholders, which will each appoint one representative who, together with the chairman, are to constitute the nomination committee for the period until a new nomination committee is appointed by mandate from the next annual general meeting. The members of the nomination committee for the nomination of board members for 2008 shall be announced at least six months before the 2008 AGM.
    Members of the board 2007
    PIRKKO ALITALO, Helsinki
    ULRIKA BOËTHIUS, Stockholm
    PÄR BOMAN, Linköping
    Tommy Bylund, Ljusdal
    GÖRAN ENNERFELT, Upplands Väsby
    LARS O GRÖNSTEDT, Stockholm,
    HANS LARSSON, Stockholm
    ANDERS NYRÉN, Bromma
    BENTE RATHE, Trondheim
    Minutes of the Annual General Meeting will be available at the Bank's website http://www.handelsbanken.se/ireng within two weeks as of today.


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