Handelsbanken’s Annual General Meeting 2022
Svenska Handelsbanken AB’s annual general meeting of shareholders (AGM). The meeting was conducted through postal voting, without in-person attendance.
Board and auditors
The AGM re-elected Jon Fredrik Baksaas, Stina Bergfors, Hans Biörck, Pär Boman, Fredrik Lundberg, Kerstin Hessius, Ulf Riese, Arja Taaveniku and Carina Åkerström as members of the Board. Hélène Barnekow was elected to the Board as a new member. Pär Boman was re-elected as Chairman of the Board.
The AGM granted the members of the Board and the Group Chief Executive discharge from liability.
In accordance with the nomination committee’s proposal, the meeting elected as auditors PricewaterhouseCoopers AB and Ernst & Young AB, with Johan Rippe (authorised public accountant) as auditor in charge for PricewaterhouseCoopers AB, and Åsa Lundvall (authorised public accountant) as auditor in charge for Ernst & Young AB.
Board fees were adopted in accordance with the nomination committee’s proposal. The Board fees were allocated as follows: SEK 3,640,000 to the Chairman, SEK 1,040,000 to the Vice Chairman, and SEK 745,000 to each of the remaining members. For committee work, the following fees per member will be paid: remuneration committee SEK 140,000; credit committee SEK 440,000 to members and SEK 495,000 to the chair; UK committee SEK 440,000 to members and SEK 495,000 to the chair; risk committee SEK 440,000 to members and SEK 545,000 to the chair; and audit committee SEK 440,000 to members and SEK 545,000 to the chair. Board members who are employees of Handelsbanken do not receive a fee.
Fees to the auditors were adopted in accordance with the nomination committee’s proposal that the fees would be on approved account.
Income statement and balance sheet, remuneration report
The AGM adopted the income statement, balance sheet, consolidated income statement and consolidated balance sheet for 2021 and approved the Board’s report regarding remuneration to executive officers for 2021.
Dividend, etc.
The AGM also adopted the Board’s proposed dividend of SEK 5.00 per share, and its proposal that the remaining profits be carried forward to next year. It was resolved that the record day would be 25 March 2022.
The AGM discharged the members of the Board and the Group Chief Executive from liability.
Acquisition and divestment of the Bank’s own shares
The annual general meeting voted in favour of the Board’s proposal to authorise the Board to resolve on the acquisition and divestment of class A and/or B shares in Handelsbanken until the AGM in 2023. The maximum acquisition that may be made is 120 million shares. The number of shares may be adjusted due to certain corporate actions.
The AGM also voted in favour of the Board’s proposal that, during the period until the next annual general meeting, the Bank, for its securities operations, shall have the right to acquire its own ordinary class A and/or B shares for the Bank’s trading book. The holding of such shares shall not at any time exceed two per cent of all shares in Handelsbanken.
Authorisation for the Board to resolve on issuance of convertible tier 1 capital instruments
The AGM resolved to authorise the Board to issue convertibles during the period until the annual general meeting in 2023, in accordance with the Board’s proposal; the number of shares that may be added upon conversion may not exceed 198,002,849 shares. The number of shares may be adjusted due to certain corporate events.
Other resolutions
The AGM approved the Board’s proposal concerning guidelines for remuneration to executive officers.
The AGM resolved to adopt the instructions for the work of the nomination committee, and to adjust the procedure for appointing the nomination committee.
In addition, the AGM resolved in accordance with the Board’s proposal concerning the appointment of Ernst & Young AB as the auditor in certain foundations without own management.
The AGM rejected the two shareholder proposals that were presented.
Minutes of meetings
Minutes of the AGM will be available on the Bank’s website www.handelsbanken.com/agm within two weeks from today’s date.
For further information, please contact:
Martin Wasteson, Chief Legal Counsel, +46 8 22 92 20
Peter Grabe, Head of Investor Relations, +46 70 559 11 67
Viktoria Aastrup, Head of Group Media Relations, +46 73 043 51 59
For more information about Handelsbanken, see: www.handelsbanken.com