Handelsbanken's card best again this year

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Handelsbanken's Business Card has been acclaimed best charge card for 2009.
This is the third year running that over 2,500 business travellers and decision-makers have voted Handelsbanken Business Card as the absolutely best card on the market.

The vote is organised every year by Travel News magazine which, together with the Resegeometri research agency and the Swedish Business Travel Association, confer the Business Travel Awards. 
"This confirms that we have succeeded in meeting the very high demands that our customers have of our cards. At the same time, we are constantly endeavouring to find new, even better solutions, and to provide our customers with more useful services and other functionality on our cards," comments Carl Renström, head of Handelsbanken Card Services.
"One example of this is our new service whereby customers themselves can lock or unlock their cards for use outside Sweden or online - this has been very much welcomed by our customers. With a simple mouse-click - or phone call - customers can now unlock their card before travelling abroad and then lock it again when they return home. Many Handelsbanken customers already use this approach with the existing locking option for online purchases, opening the card immediately before buying an item, and then locking it again afterwards."
For further information, please contact:
Carl Renström, head of Card Services, +46 8-701 62 26
Patrik Åslin, head of Business Cards, +46 8-701 62 11


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