Handelsbanken's nomination committee appointed

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In accordance with a decision taken by the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Handelsbanken on 25 April 2006, the members of the nomination committee for the nomination of board members for 2007 are to be announced at least six months before the 2007 annual general meeting and are to be based on the known number of votes immediately before the announcement. The chairman of the board has now contacted the Bank's four major shareholders; each of these has appointed one representative who, together with the chairman, will constitute the nomination committee for the period until a new nomination committee is appointed by mandate from the next general meeting. In this respect, the decision of the AGM has been complied with, whereby the nomination committee must not include representatives of companies whose business is in competition with that of the Bank.
Using this definition, the four largest shareholders as at 29 September 2006 were Industrivärden, the Oktogonen Foundation, Alecta and the Second National Swedish Pension Fund.
The nomination committee:
Mr Carl-Olof By, Industrivärden
Mr Henrik Forssén, Oktogonen Foundation
Mr Tomas Nicolin, Alecta
Mr Carl Rosén, Second National Swedish Pension Fund
Mr Lars O Grönstedt, chairman of the board of Handelsbanken
Together, the members of the nomination committee represent approximately 29% of the number of votes for all shares in the Bank.
The matters to be discussed by the nomination committee are set out (in Swedish) on the Bank's website, www.handelsbanken.se, under the headings "Bolagsstyrning" and "Styrelse/Valberedning".
Shareholders who wish to make proposals for the nomination committee may do so by letter to the following address:
Svenska Handelsbanken, Nomination Committee, c/o Chairman's Office,
SE-106 70 Stockholm, by 5 March 2007.
The 2007 Annual General Meeting of Svenska Handelsbanken will take place on Tuesday, 24 April 2007.

For further information, please contact:
Lars O Grönstedt, Chairman of the Board,
Tel: +46 8 22 92 20
