Handelsbanken takes over units from Plastal and Plastal Holding

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Handelsbanken takes over units of Plastal and Plastal Holding from the respective bankruptcy estates. The units that are taken over represent about 10 percent of the previous Plastal Group.

The takeover means that the Belgian, Norwegian and Swedish units will form a new group with the name Plastal Industri AB.
Michael Green, Head of Regional Bank Western Sweden, states, "These units form a viable corporate group that today has a positive cash flow. We consider this to be the best possible solution for the units involved, for their 600 employees, and for the customers of these companies. Handelsbanken also considers this to be a good way to nurture and protect our collateral in the company."
For further details, see today's press release from Plastal Industri AB.
For further information, please contact:
Michael Green, head of Handelsbanken Western Sweden,
tel. +46 31 774 8000.


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