Business system for handycraft business- TimeFlow

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Hantverkshjälpen Sverige introduces TimeFlow, a cloud-based business system tailored for craftsmen. This innovative solution streamlines operations, enhances safety, and reduces workplace stress through comprehensive digital management tools. With 21 modules and AI features, TimeFlow revolutionizes the craftsman industry.

Press Release

Hantverkshjälpen Sverige Launches New Business System for Craftsmen: TimeFlow

Stockholm, Sweden – Hantverkshjälpen Sverige is proud to announce the launch of its new business system designed specifically for craftsmen, called TimeFlow. This cloud-based service aims to streamline the craftsman industry, enabling professionals to easily manage orders, projects, time tracking, and self-inspections through an integrated mobile app.

Founder Robert Hellgren highlights an additional significant benefit of TimeFlow: reducing workplace accidents in the craftsman sector. Recalling a tragic incident in November last year, Hellgren notes, “A construction hoist collapsed, resulting in the deaths of five craftsmen due to missed pins during assembly.” This incident, exacerbated by extreme cold and stress, underscores the need for better oversight and control, which TimeFlow aims to provide.

Current industry practices involve safety rounds, self-inspections, and risk assessments, but Hellgren sees a critical flaw: these checks are often documented on paper and filed away. With TimeFlow, these processes are digitized. Craftsmen are required to photograph and document inspections via the mobile app, and sign off with bank-ID authentication. Inspectors must also attach their reports and sign off digitally, creating an auditable trail and ensuring that uncompleted checks trigger alerts to relevant parties.

“It's high time the craftsman industry adopts smart IT systems to enhance efficiency, organization, and reduce stress and accidents,” says Hellgren.

TimeFlow includes a KMA (Quality, Environment, and Safety) module and 21 additional modules designed to support craftsmen in their daily operations. AI-powered features offer rapid calculations and product search functions, saving significant time and effort.

The launch of TimeFlow in Sweden this August marks the beginning of an international rollout, with plans to expand into Germany, England, the USA, Norway, Finland, and Denmark.

“Craftsmen using professional business systems like TimeFlow will save countless hours in their operations,” adds Hellgren.

Beyond TimeFlow, Hantverkshjälpen provides a comprehensive suite of services, including accounting, marketing, legal services, training, recruitment, debt collection, financing, and factoring. All these services can be seamlessly managed within TimeFlow. “Our concept works like a department store,” Hellgren explains, “enabling craftsmen to handle, order, and get help within the same system, eliminating the need to spend unnecessary time finding suppliers.”

Hantverkshjälpen's concept is tailored specifically to craftsmen, covering over 80 categories such as construction, electricians, plumbers, painters, cleaners, floor layers, masons, glaziers, tilers, landscapers, and consultants.

Hellgren concludes by emphasizing the untapped potential in the craftsman industry: “Despite being an ancient profession, the craftsman industry has lagged in IT adoption, primarily due to a mindset of self-sufficiency and a lack of suitable systems. However, the benefits of IT systems are clear – reducing mistakes, delays, accidents, and poor planning. We are convinced that with a good IT system, the industry can significantly boost productivity and profitability. TimeFlow will be a game-changer for craftsmen, simplifying their daily work.”

The craftsman industry is a significant sector with substantial market potential. In Sweden alone, there are 160,000 companies in the craftsman trades, the majority of which do not currently use business systems. The market is ready for a solution to its challenges, and TimeFlow is poised to meet this need, benefiting all stakeholders involved.

For more information or to schedule a meeting, please contact:

Team Hantverkshjälpen Sverige AB

Storgatan 11 B

171 63 SOLNA

Phone: +46 8 800 900

