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  • Galderma launches a virtual experience this Rosacea Awareness Month showcasing how the condition goes beyond the visible with Rosacea Space

Galderma launches a virtual experience this Rosacea Awareness Month showcasing how the condition goes beyond the visible with Rosacea Space

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  • Galderma is calling on the rosacea community and their friends and family to submit artistic creations to Rosacea Space this Rosacea Awareness Month, illustrating what rosacea means to them
  • Content from prominent artists and influencers will feature on the dedicated site www.rosaceaspace.com connecting those impacted by rosacea worldwide

Zug, Switzerland – Galderma is empowering the rosacea community and their friends and family to get creative this Rosacea Awareness Month (April) and submit a piece of art, a photograph, a selfie, poetry, music, videos and even letters* to Rosacea Space, a virtual experience created to raise awareness of this chronic condition.

On Rosacea Space, individual submissions make up the immersive space, where participants and visitors can find a collection that represents the diversity of rosacea impact, learn more about the condition and empower skin positivity.

To kick start the awareness campaign, online influencers suffering from rosacea as well as commissioned artists will share what rosacea means to them along with words of motivation to the Rosacea Space at www.rosaceaspace.com.

Galderma believes everyone’s skin is unique and we each have our own skin story. The Rosacea Space platform will allow those affected by rosacea – a chronic disease impacting an estimated 415 million people worldwide1 – to share how rosacea affects their life as well as messages of support.

A recent online survey of rosacea patients conducted by Galderma revealed that 69% felt that feelings of stigmatization associated with rosacea impacted their mental and emotional wellbeing. Additionally, nearly half (48%), have heard or been told by peers that ‘rosacea is not a serious skin condition.2 To help the rosacea community feel seen and heard, Galderma has created Rosacea Space as a platform for the rosacea community to showcase how the condition impacts their life beyond what you can see and to help educate on the chronic disease.

Galderma is committed to supporting the rosacea community. To learn more about initiatives supported by Galderma visit www.faceuptorosacea.com and follow @rosacea_beyondthevisible on social media.


About rosacea

Rosacea is a common inflammatory disease that presents variable clinical characteristics, of which the most common are flushing, persistent erythema, and inflammatory lesions. It mainly affects the central areas of the face, such as the cheeks and nose. The disease can affect both adult men and women, usually after the age of 30. Additionally, symptoms such as stinging, burning and increased sensitivity of the skin are common. The eyes are often affected, and might present as red, dry or itchy.

Although the cause of the disease is still under debate, various trigger factors are known, including spicy foods, alcohol, emotional stress, sun/UV-exposure, hot baths and beverages. Demodex – generally harmless mites – can also be found in the skin in an elevated quantity in some people with rosacea.

Rosacea may worsen over time if left untreated. People that suspect they suffer from rosacea should visit their dermatologist or healthcare provider. Because rosacea is a highly visible disease, it is known to cause embarrassment and anxiety in some patients, which in turn may cause frustration and have a negative impact on their social life.

  1. Gether L, Overgaard LK, Egeberg A, Thyssen JP. Incidence and Prevalence of Rosacea: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Br J Dermatol 2018 Feb 25. https://doi.org/10.1111/bjd.16481.
  2. Data on file. January. Self-administered survey of www.faceuptorosacea.ca, www.stelldichdeinerrosacea.de, www.encaralarosacea.com and www.rosacea.se email subscribers during September 2021 (289 respondents from Canada, Germany, Sweden and Spain)
  3. Stigmatization meaning and definition for UK English. Lexico definition, meaning & Spanish translations. Available at www.lexico.com/definition/stigmatization. Accessed February 2022.

Media Contacts

Rachel Mooney (Rachel.mooney@Galderma.com)

Emmett Murphy (Emmett.murphy@havas.com)