HC Andersen Capital Events 12/10: Meet the management in Agillic and GreenMobility

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HC Andersen Capital is today hosting digital events where you can meet and ask questions directly to the management. It is free for all to attend.

Agillic – Presentation of financial results for Q3 2023

Agillic expects to report its Q3 results 2023 on 12 October 2023. The same day at 11:00, Agillic’s CEO Emre Gürsoy and CFO Claus Boysen will present the financial results, SaaS metrics, and an update on the recent business highlights in a virtual live event. The management presentation will be followed by a Q&A session. 

 Looking at the recent H1 2023 results, Agillic grew 3% in total ARR YoY and 10% in total revenue YoY. Despite the slower growth, Agillic improved its EBITDA to DKK 1.0m in H1 2023 (DKK -1.7m in H1 2022) in line with the company’s focus on operational excellence. The company adjusted its 2023 guidance downward on ARR and revenue. With more cautious buying behavior from customers and increased SMS prices, customers have switched to less expensive communication channels offered by Agillic’s platform, leading to lower transaction-based revenue and ARR. This dynamic and potential new comments about the rest of the year will be one of the focus points in the Q3 report.

Agillic is a Danish Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) company within marketing technology (MarTech), headquartered in Copenhagen, Denmark. Agillic’s omnichannel marketing automation platform empowers brands to work with data-driven insights and content to create, automate, and send personalized communication to millions.

HC Andersen Capital receives payment from Agillic for a Corporate Visibility/Digital IR subscription agreement. /Michael Friis  09:25, 19 September 2023.

Thursday the 12th of October at 11:00 - 11:30.

Register here.

GreenMobility - Presentation of Q3 2023 trading report

GreenMobility expects to release its Q3 2023 trading results on 12 October 2023. Later the same day at 13.00, GreenMobility’s CFO Anders Wall will present the Q3 results and main achievements as well as answer questions from the audience in a virtual live event.

The results from the first half-year of 2023 showed mixed results, affected by the implementation of GreenMobility’s new strategy. Growth was more sluggish than expected stemming from a slower uptake than expected of the cars moved from closed cities to GreenMobility’s core markets. The negative surprise on the topline was countered by the strategy focusing on cost optimization. The guidance for the full year was adjusted accordingly. Revenue was adjusted downward to the guidance range of DKK 120-130m, and net result guidance was upgraded and is now expected to be in the range of DKK -42m to DKK -32m in 2023.

The goal of becoming profitable on a group level in 2024 while still growing the topline was reiterated. The focus in the Q3 trading report will again be directed to comments and results from the strategy transformation and the goals of becoming profitable in 2024.

GreenMobility is a Danish-based company in the Mobility-as-a-Service space, operating a free-floating carsharing business across cities in Europe.

HC Andersen Capital receives payment for a Digital IR/Corporate Visibility subscription agreement. CEO of HC Andersen Capital, Tue Østergaard, owns shares and is the Chairman of the Board of GreenMobility. /Michael Friis 15.44, 18 September 2023.

Thursday the 12th of October at 13:00 - 13:30.

Register here.

Mie Halse
Head of Digital and Events
+45 28746640

HC Andersen Capital digitializes the relation between listed companies and investors. We work long-term for companies that want more visibility in the market.  #DemocraticIR - HC Andersen Capital works to democratize access to the financial markets.
