HC Andersen Capital Events 12/6: Meet the top management in BioPorto & Shape Robotics

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HC Andersen Capital is hosting digital events where you can meet and ask questions directly to the top management. It is free for all to attend.

BioPorto – Rights offering with pre-emptive rights
Meet and ask questions to BioPorto CEO Tony Pare and CFO Neil Goldman today at 12.00pm CEST when they present the details of ongoing rights issue. This event is of interest for both current and future shareholders.

BioPorto has already secured 28% of the offering from major shareholders, entire board and management. Trading with subscription rights ends on 15 June and subscription ends on 19 June.  

Disclaimer: HC Andersen Capital receives payment from BioPorto for a Digital IR/Corporate Visibility subscription agreement./Claus Thestrup 07.50 AM 12/06-2023.

Monday 12th of June at 12:00 - 12:30

Sign up via. link 

This event is in Danish:

Shape Robotics – Seneste nyheder og Q&A
Siden offentliggørelsen af regnskabet for første kvartal 2023 har Shape Robotics annonceret åbningen af et datterselskab i Moldova, blevet udvalgt som eksklusiv distributør af DOBOT robotter og udstyr i Rumænien og Moldova samt opjusteret forventningerne til 2023 efter store ordrer.

Til dette virtuelle live-event idag, mandag d. 12. juni kl. 13:00 vil Shape Robotics’ CEO André Fehrn give en opdatering på de seneste nyheder. Der vil som altid være mulighed for at stille spørgsmål undervejs.     

Disclaimer: HC Andersen Capital modtager betaling fra Shape Robotics for en Digital IR/Corporate Visibility abonnementsaftale. /Kasper Lihn kl. 07.30 - 12/06-2023.

Monday 12th of June at 13:00 - 13:30

Sign up via. link 

Disclaimer: HC Andersen Capital receives payment from the companies mentioned for a DigitalIR/Corporate Visibility agreement. The content is not buy or sell recommendations. 


Mie Halse
Head of Digital and Events
+45 28746640

HC Andersen Capital digitizes the relationship between listed companies and investors. We work long-term for companies that want more visibility in the market. #DemocraticIR - HC Andersen Capital works to democratize access to the financial market.
