HC Andersen Capital Events 18.04: Meet the top management in GreenMobility & Re-Match

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HC Andersen Capital is hosting digital events where you can meet and ask questions directly to the top management. It is free for all to attend.

GreenMobility - Presentation of Q1 2023
On 18 April 2023, GreenMobility is expected to announce its Q1 2023 results. In a virtual live event on the same day at 11:00, GreenMobility’s Group CFO Anders Wall will present the financial results and provide an update on the main achievements, where you also can ask questions.   

For GreenMobility, 2023 is expected to be a year that is highly affected by the implementation of the new strategy. The new strategy focuses on cash preservation and costs, while still maintaining growth in its core markets. The company guides for approx. 40-50% growth for the full-year 2023, which is expected by moving cars from markets that are being closed to more mature markets with higher revenue per car. 

The Q1 2023 results and management comments are the first indicators of whether the strategy change is progressing. Focus will also be on whether the company is seeing some early signs that the gloomy end to 2022 with low consumer sentiment and high energy costs is getting better.  

Disclaimer: HC Andersen Capital receives payment for a Digital IR/Corporate Visibility subscription agreement. CEO of HC Andersen Capital, Tue Østergaard, owns shares and is the Chairman of the Board of GreenMobility. /Michael Friis 11:45, 31 March 2023.

Tuesday 18th of april, 11:00 - 11:30

Sign up via. link

This event is in Danish

Re-Match - Præsentation af årsrapport og tilbudsdokument

Re-Match’s 2022 årsrapport viste en rekordomsætning målt på justeret omsætning på DKK 51 mio. Den rapporterede omsætning fremviste dog et lille fald grundet den midlertidige nedlukning i af Herning faciliteten.

Et tilbudsdokument i den igangværende afnoteringsproces er desuden blevet offentliggjort forud for regnskabet. Hovedessensen i afnoteringsplanerne er, at du som aktionær tilbydes enten DKK 7 kontant pr. aktie i Re-Match som kontant vederlag, eller en nyudstedt aktie i Tilbudsgiver til gengæld for én aktie i Re-Match svarende til et ombytningsforhold på 1:1.  

På et event den 18. april med CEO og Co-Founder Nikolaj Magne Larsen vil vi dykke ned detaljerne bag årets resultat og fremskridt i udrulningsplanerne, samt gennemgå detaljerne bag ved tilbuddet i forbindelse med afnoteringen.  

Re-Match er en kunstgræs genbrugsvirksomhed, der muliggør bortskaffelsen af kunstgræs fra bl.a. fodboldbaner i en bæredygtig proces. Forretningsmodellen er skalerbar ved at indkøbe slidte kunstgræsbaner til gengæld for en gate fee. Kunstgræs reduceres, tørres og adskilles, og det genanvendte rene output materiale sælges.  

Disclaimer: HC Andersen Capital modtager betaling fra Re-Match for en Digital IR/Corporate Visibility abonnementsaftale. /Michael Friis kl. 12:48 04-04-2023.

Tirsdag den 18. april kl. 13:00 - 13:30

Tilmeld via. link

Disclaimer: HC Andersen Capital receives payment from the companies mentioned for a DigitalIR/Corporate Visibility agreement. The content is not buy or sell recommendations. 

Mie Halse
Head of Digital and Events
+45 28746640

HC Andersen Capital digitizes the relationship between listed companies and investors. We work long-term for companies that want more visibility in the market. #DemocraticIR - HC Andersen Capital works to democratize access to the financial market.
