ABG Sundal Collier and HDR Partners advisors as NeuroVive completes a directed share issue of SEK 65 million
NeuroVive Pharmaceutical AB (publ) (”NeuroVive” or the “Company”, OMX:NVP) today announces that the Company has completed a directed share issue of 1.3 million new shares, which brings SEK 65 million to the Company before transaction costs.
The new share issue, which was approved by the board of the Company on 19 February 2015 with authorization from the Annual General Meeting on 9 May 2014, includes 1,300,000 new shares and has been directed to a limited group of Swedish and international institutional qualified investors at a price of SEK 50 per share through a private placement procedure.
The proceeds from the directed share issue strengthens NeuroVive’s working capital and enables value-creating investments, including preparations for the upcoming commercialization of CicloMulsion® in Europe as well as continued development of NeuroSTAT® and other product candidates in pre-clinical or clinical development.
The subscription price has been set through a customary book building process. The subscription price entails a discount of approximately 14.4 percent in relation to the average closing price for the last 30 trading days.
ABG Sundal Collier acted as Joint Lead Manager and Sole Bookrunner, HDR Partners acted as Joint Lead Manager, and Advokatfirman Lindahl acted as legal advisor to NeuroVive in connection with the new share issue.
For more information, please visit our website www.hdrpartners.se or contact:
Anders Rodebjer - Partner
mobile: +46 70 190 75 53
e-mail: ar@hdrpartners.se