About Us

Through innovative business building, interactive, and brand development strategies, Kompani Group empowers leaders and their companies, people with ideas, and partners with great potential. For more information about our interactive and web design capabilities, please visit our new incubator brand Kompete at Kompeteyouwin.comWe Empower Companies – Are you looking for outside expertise to strengthen your current brand and marketing strategies, an independent third-party adviser to validate risky new initiatives, or someone who can provide you with an objective and uncensored list of growth opportunities for your company? We might be what you are looking for. Our in-house capabilities and crowd sourcing techniques allow us to develop clarity, create results, and empower your team in a matter of days with new growth strategies, branding, design, interactive, technology and marketing solutions.We Empower People with Ideas – How many times have you heard of someone who had a great idea, but never got to test the potential of that idea before someone else launched it successfully? Are you one of those executives with an idea for a new business concept, but don’t want to risk leaving your current job before you are assured that the new company has proven to be viable? We have the expertise, experience and in-house capabilities to cost effectively build a business around your ideas. We believe in “launch and learn” and our compensation can be based on equity in the new venture.We Empower Partners with Potential – We create opportunities around partners who have drive to succeed as business owners or managing partners of one of our incubator brands. Maybe you already have your own business and are looking for a team of experienced business owners, brand strategists, technology experts and marketers to help you revitalize your current business or take your company to the next level.


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