Peter Anderson recruited as the new CFO of Hemfosa Fastigheter

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Peter Anderson has been recruited as Hemfosa’s new CFO and will succeed Karin Osslind, Hemfosa’s current CFO and co-founder, in November 2018 the latest. Peter Anderson has extensive experience from positions as CFO and Head of Finance at property companies.  

Peter Anderson is joining Hemfosa from his current position as Finance Director at Kungsleden. His previous positions include a time as CFO of ICA Fastigheter and CFO at Steen & Ström Sverige as well as working as an auditor at KPMG´s Real Estate Group. He is 48 and has a graduate degree in business administration from the Stockholm School of Economics. In conjunction with joining Hemfosa as CFO, Peter will become a member of the Executive Management Team. Karin Osslind will assist Peter Andersson during a transitional period.

“We are delighted that together with Caroline Arehult, incoming CEO of Hemfosa, we have succeeded in recruiting Peter Anderson as Hemfosa’s new CFO now that Karin is winding up her operative career. Peter’s background and skills are an excellent fit with Hemfosa and the path we have envisaged for the company following the intended division of the Group into two listed companies. At the same time, I would like to thank Karin Osslind for the invaluable role she has played at Hemfosa from when it was founded in 2009, and in the company’s development since,” says Bengt Kjell, Chairman of Hemfosa.

For further information, please contact: 

Bengt Kjell, Chairman of the Board, mobile +46 70 594 53 98, office +46 8 448 04 80

About Hemfosa Fastigheter

Hemfosa is a Swedish property company focused on community service properties in the Nordic region, with the Swedish state and municipalities as its largest tenants. This provides stable revenue flows and a healthy yield. Hemfosa also aims to create value through active participation in the transaction market. As per March 31, 2018, Hemfosa owned properties with a total property value of approximately SEK 45 billion. The company’s ordinary share has been listed since March 2014, and the preference share since December 2014, both on Nasdaq Stockholm. Read more at

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