HATS Director Henry Bilinski Brings Christmas to Schools in London

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Healthcare and Transport Services Director Henry Bilinski visits special needs schools in the North London area with Father Christmas and his elves. 

London, UK. - The Christmas period can be one of the busiest times of the year when it comes to specialised transport in the Greater London area. Home to school transport, in particular, can often prove to be quite demanding for young school goers.

But, with the introduction of a little Christmas cheer, children at a number of special needs schools in Woodford and Holloway in London were able to get into the holiday spirit with a visit from Father Christmas.

At the Healthcare and Transport Services (HATS) Group, based in Wimbledon – one of the country’s leading specialist transport service providers - CEO and Director Henry Bilinski recently took some time to visit a number of special needs schools in the build up to Christmas.

With Father Christmas and his elves in tow, Henry travelled from school to school in one of HATS’ vehicles handing out gifts for the children and bringing smiles to those he met.

A central part of HATS’ on going community outreach, Henry talked about the importance of visiting schools in North London:

“Home to school transport is one of our core services at HATS. Being able to provide both mainstream and special educational needs children with essential travel is something we pride ourselves on.

“Having developed longstanding relationships with both local schools and communities, it’s great to be able to give something back and spread a little Christmas cheer to those who use our services.”

Henry Bilinski visited a number of schools in North London on the 4th of December including Joseph Clarke School, centre of excellence for visual impairment in Woodford, and specialist school for those with learning difficulties, The Garden, in Holloway.

The Healthcare and Transport Services (HATS) Group provide Special Educational Needs (SEN) and mainstream home to school transport to more than twenty local authorities and shires in the London area. As well as essential school travel, HATS also provide both non-emergency and high dependency patient transport to the NHS and beyond. 

PR Manager
Matthew Kaye
0113 246 0183

About HATS (Healthcare and Transport Services)

The United Kingdom is one of the most diversely populated countries in the world, with an unwavering ethos towards welcoming people into its community and then safeguarding their presence.

As a Service Provider to the public sector, in both the healthcare and education industries, Healthcare and Transport Services recognise the diverse needs, requirements and idiosyncrasies not only within each authorising body but also within each department or clinic and, further still, within each client.

Our ability to deliver a fully robust, yet flexible service model using an efficiency based platform is demonstrated continually. It is also supported by references from our extensive current partnerships within the healthcare and education industries.

