Hexagon acquires leading software company in Germany

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Hexagon has acquired all outstanding shares in the German company Messtechnik Wetzlar GmbH (www.mtwz.de).

MTWZ is a leading developer and provider of software solutions for quality control of complex mechanical parts in the powertrain area. Also, MTWZ is a solutions provider for turnkey projects around material handling metrology solutions.

Excluding inter-company sales MTWZ will add approximately 20 MSEK to Hexagon annual sales. The company has recorded a healthy growth over the last years and is expected to continue the growth path. The company employs 34 people.

MTWZ will remain a focused business unit and will continue to operate in the business model which has made them highly successful, i.e. providing general and customized solutions for power train applications.

“The acquisition of MTWZ shows our commitment to the high-end segment of software tools in the quality control of prismatic parts. MTWZ’s software package QUINDOS7 complements the Hexagon software package PC-DMIS and thus our software offering in this area”, says Ola Rollén, CEO and President of Hexagon AB.

MTWZ will be fully consolidated as of 1 July 2008 and will immediately contribute to Hexagon’s earnings.


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