Acta Holding ASA - Capital Markets Day

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* Changes in Acta by Chief Executive Officer Simen Mørdre
- Acta in brief
- Analysis of external conditions for Acta and the industry
- Changes in Acta
- Short and long term implications
* Investment- and savings markets in the Nordic region and Acta's market view by Chief Financial Officer Christian Tunge
- Markets
- Competitive situation
- Acta's market view
* Presentation of the new Acta Asset Management by Managing Director Geir Inge Solberg
- Business plan
- Organisation
- Presentation of Acta's product offering
* Q & A
The Capital Markets Day will be followed by lunch at 12:00.
The presentations will be held in Norwegian, but will be published in English on both and prior to the event.
Please register no later than Monday 22 June by e-mail to Please indicate whether you will be staying for lunch.
Stavanger, 15 June 2009
Jo-Inge Fisketjøn
Head of IR
Phone: +47 92 45 48 34