Geir Inge Solberg fast tilsatt som konsernsjef i Acta / Geir Inge Solberg permanently appointed as CEO in Acta

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Geir Inge Solberg ble ansatt i Actakonsernet i 2000 som administrerende direktør for Acta Fondsforsikring ASA, og i 2002 som leder av produkt og forvaltning i Acta Asset Management ASA, hvor han nylig ble utnevnt til administrerende direktør. Solberg kom til Acta fra stillingen som administrerende direktør i Vital Fondsforsikring AS, og har hatt ulike lederstillinger innen bank og finans. Solberg er utdannet siviløkonom fra Norges Handelshøyskole.

Acta Holding ASA

Styreleder Alfred Ydstebø, mobiltelefon 908 32 828

Geir Inge Solberg permanently appointed as CEO in Acta

The Board of Directors in Acta Holding has in a board meeting on September 7th appointed Geir Inge Solberg as CEO in Acta. Solberg has been acting CEO since 4th August and is now also approved by the Norwegian FSA as chairman of the board in Acta Kapitalforvaltning ASA and Acta Asset Management ASA.

Geir Inge Solberg joined the Acta Group in 2000 as Managing Director in Acta Fondsforsikring ASA. In 2002 he was made responsible for products and investments at Acta Asset Management ASA, the same company where he recently became Managing Director. Before he joined Acta, he was Managing Director of Vital Fondsforsikring AS. He has had various executive positions in the banking and financing industry. Solberg is a business economist with an MSc degree (siviløkonom) from the Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration (NHH).

Acta Holding ASA

Contact person:
Chairman Alfred Ydstebø, phone +47 908 32 828