Mandatory notification of trades
Coldevin Invest AS, a company owned by Jørgen Pleym Ulvness, CEO in Agasti Holding ASA, has on 11 February 2014 bought 4,044,682 shares in Agasti Holding ASA at a price of NOK 1.92 per share. After this transaction, Pleym Ulvness owns and controls 6,963,538 shares in Agasti Holding ASA. Coldevin AS will during the winter/spring of 2014 to consider reselling parts of the shares acquired February 11 2014 to other employees within the Agasti Group.
Lokenmoen Invest AS, a company owned by Svein Erik Lilleland, CEO in Agasti Wunderlich Capital Markets AS, has on 11 February 2014 bought 1,822,917 shares in Agasti Holding ASA at a price of NOK 1.92 per share. After this transaction, Lilleland owns 1,822,917 shares in Agasti Holding ASA.
JFBG AS, a company owned by Kjersti Aksnes Gjesdahl and related parties, cf vphl 2-5, CEO in Navigea Securities AS, has on 11 February 2014 bought 859,375 shares in Agasti Holding ASA at a price of NOK 1.92 per share. After this transaction, Aksnes Gjesdahl and related parties own 859,375 shares in Agasti Holding ASA.
Industriforedling AS, a company owned by Christian Dovland, CFO in Agasti Holding ASA, has on 11 February 2014 bought 1,562,500 shares in Agasti Holding ASA at a price of NOK 1.92 per share. After this transaction, Dovland owns 1,562,500 shares in Agasti Holding ASA.
This information is subject of the disclosure requirements acc. to §4-2 vphl (Norwegian Securities Trading Act).