New version of Portfolio account added

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* Launch of the Portfolio account with insurance in both Norway and Sweden          
* Gross subscriptions of more than NOK 1.2 billion
* Operating earnings of NOK 16 million
* Approximately 50 per cent of client's equity received from BUH1 reinvested
* 29 per cent of client's equity invested through Portfolio account

Stock exchanges around the world have been characterized by major turbulence during the last few months, and many have seen their investments decrease in value. Continuous economic challenges in the Euro zone, combined with uncertainty as to whether discussions in the US Congress would lead to an agreement to raise the nation's debt ceiling or not, added further uncertainty to the world's financial markets during the quarter.

We constantly work on developing and launching improved investment solutions that are adapted to the prevailing market conditions, the latest being "Portfolio account with insurance" ("PA-I").

This investment solution, which is a further development of the Portfolio account, implies that clients who choose the PA-I may set up an individual investment portfolio, consisting of Acta's total investment product offering, including the alternative investment universe.  In line with the tax-regulations for capital insurance, the clients are able to reallocate the portfolio without tax-consequences and postpone the payment of tax until the PA-I is paid out, and thus have a larger amount available for investments. We have high expectations for this way of holding investments, and believe that the Portfolio account with insurance will be suitable and attractive for many of our clients.

We are encouraged to see that approximately half of our satisfied clients have chosen to reinvest a large part of the equity they received following the real estate transaction where companies owned by our clients sold real estate for more than SEK 7 billion. Approximately 50 per cent of the equity distributed to shareholders in BUH1 was reinvested in products offered by Acta, and this contributed positively to gross subscriptions of more than NOK 1.2 billion in the second quarter of 2011.

The Acta Group had operating earnings of NOK 16 million in the second quarter of 2011. This represents an improvement of 60 per cent compared to the previous quarter. Adjusted for the correction made to the group's VAT accounts of NOK 19 million, and one-off costs related to the Swedish organisation, operating earnings ended at NOK 3 million. Even if we are not completely satisfied with the financial results, the underlying operations are showing signs of improvement. Combined with sound cost control, we are now focusing on increasing our revenue, and we believe 2011 will be an acceptable financial year given all the major adaptations we have carried out.

A complete English version of the interim report and the presentation of the 2nd quarter and 1st half of 2011 are attached on and on Acta's Investor Relations web pages

Geir Inge Solberg

Contact details:
Geir Inge Solberg, Chief Executive Officer, +47 908 78 043
Christian Tunge, Chief Financial Officer, +47 450 65 850
Rune Wangsmo, Public Relations Director, +47 995 41 507

This information is subject of the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.