Over 80% acceptance regarding offer from Kaupthing

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Reference is made to the stock exchange notice as of February 11th 2010 regarding Kaupthing Bank hf.'s offer to Acta's clients. Kaupthing has as of March 10th, which is the deadline for accepting the offer, received acceptances from over 80 per cent of the affected clients. Clients who have accepted the offer have borrowed approximately SEK 1 billion from Kaupthing of loans totaling  approximately SEK 1.2 billion. As a result of acceptance of the offer, these clients will pay a total of  approximately SEK 600 million to Kaupthing.

-An overwhelming majority of clients affected has already accepted the offer, but in respect of the clients who has expressed their concern regarding whether their acceptance has made it in time or not, Kaupthing has in dialog with Acta decided to prolong the deadline to March 15th," says Geir Inge Solberg, CEO in Acta. 


Please see www.votm.se for further information regarding the offer.


Contact details:

Rune Wangsmo, Director Public Relations, +47 99 54 15 07

Geir Inge Solberg, CEO, +47 90 87 80 43


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