Thalamus signs contract with Göteborg Energi

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Thalamus signs contract with Göteborg Energi Thalamus has signed a contract with Göteborg Energi in order to supply broadband services to single family residential areas. The broadband company, Thalamus Networks, has signed a three-year contract with Göteborg Energi regarding the supply of complete broadband services. Both of these companies have been collaborating since 1999, and were the first in Europe to provide broadband connections to a single-family residential area through a fibre optics network. This collaboration means that the 16,000 private homes to be supplied by Göteborg Energi with district heating, can use Thalamus' complete broadband services such as telephony, games and video-on-demand. "This is a step in our efforts to increase the value of the services we offer our customers, and constitutes a logical continuation of the development of our optic fibre network," explains Mats Devert, who directs the optic fibre network project at the Göteborg Energi Group. "Our 250-km network already connects a large part of the city, and we are doing our utmost to cover all of Göteborg within the next few years. " A previous survey of several hundred homeowners in the area revealed that 50% of them were interested in a broadband connection. "Being the first in Europe to supply broadband services to private homes, once again demonstrates that we are in the leading edge among broadband companies," asserts Jan Tidelius, CEO of Thalamus Networks. "Our goal is to make several similar arrangements in the near future." Thalamus Networks intends to apply to be quoted on the O-list of the OM Stockholm Stock Exchange during the third quarter of this year. Thalamus has been quoted on Nya Marknaden since 7 July 2000. The Company has been a supplier to Swedish homeowners since 1987. Facts Thalamus Networks AB ( is an independent participant in the rapidly expanding broadband area. The Company offers Thalamus®, the market's most versatile broadband service. This includes Internet access satisfying the demands of both the everyday surfer and the most advanced telecommuter. At the same time, Thalamus Networks is the only company that can meet property owners' needs of power management, information, media and telephony. Thalamus® supplies cable TV and Ethernet (LAN) through optical fibres, and soon through wireless connections. Thalamus Networks is rapidly expanding, and currently maintains offices in Ängelholm, Malmö, Halmstad, Göteborg and Stockholm, Sweden. At present, the Company has annual sales of about 40 million SEK and a staff of about 35. Göteborg Energi's business concept is to satisfy the needs of consumers and businesses for heating, cooling, light, power, communication as well as related property and consumer services. Broadband services will be supplied through the existing optical fibre network, which was begun ten years ago. This year, and in the next few years, the Göteborg Energi Group will commit a large amount of capital to expand the network to all residential and industrial areas of Göteborg. Göteborg Energi AB is a wholly owned subsidiary of Göteborgs Kommunala Förvaltnings AB. The Göteborg Energi Group includes Göteborg Energi Nät AB, Partille Energi AB and Falbygdens Energi AB. Sales for 1999 totalled about 2900 million SEK. For additional information, please contact: Jan Tidelius, CEO of Thalamus Networks. Phone: +46 (0)8-691 09 09, mobile: +46 (0)705-525626, e-mail Thomas Rebermark, Marketing Director of Thalamus Networks, Phone: +46 (0)8-691 09 06, mobile: +46 (0)703-240193, e-mail Mats Devert, Optical Fibre Network Director, Göteborg Energi. Phone: +46 (0)31-62 68 40, mobile: +46 (0)707-62 68 40, e-mail Bertil Wiktorén, Marketing Director of Göteborg Energi. Phone: +46 (0)31-62 60 03, mobile: +46(0)707-62 60 03, e-mail ------------------------------------------------------------ This information was brought to you by BIT The following files are available for download:
