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The following resolutions were adopted at the Annual General Meeting in HiQ International AB on 30 March 2020: 

  • Gunnel Duveblad, Erik Hallberg, Raimo Lind and Lars Stugemo were re-elected as members of the Board of Directors. In addition, Johan Dozzi och Katarina Axelsson Lindgren were elected as member of the Board. Susanne Ehnbåge och Ulrika Hagdahl have declined re-election. The General Meeting resolved to appoint Gunnel Duveblad as Chairman of the Board of Directors.
  • The General meeting decide to re-elect KPMG AB as the company’s auditor.
  • The General meeting decided to adopt the annual report and discharge the Board and the Managing Director from liability for the financial year 2019.
  • The Board of Directors proposed a resolution regarding issue of warrants, whereby some institutional owners, including Andra AP-fonden, C Worldwide and Skandia fonder, together representing approximately 15 per cent of the shares and votes at the Annual General Meeting, voted against the resolution proposed by the Board. As a result, the resolution did not get the required majority. 
  • The General Meeting decided in accordance with the proposal by the Board of Directors to authorise the Board of Directors to resolve on purchasing, at one or several occasions, so many own shares that the company’s holding does not at any time exceed 10 per cent of the total number of shares in the company. Furthermore, the General Meeting resolved to authorise the Board of Directors to pass resolutions on transferring the company’s own shares as payment in connection with an acquisition of companies or businesses, at a price within the share price interval registered at that time.
  • The General Meeting resolved in accordance with the proposal by the Board of Directors to authorise the Board of Directors to resolve on issues of shares against payment in kind of no more than 5,000,000 shares, at one or several occasions, during the period until the next Annual General Meeting in connection with acquisitions.
  • The general meeting resolved a policy on remuneration of Senior Executives of the Company, in accordance with the proposal by the Board of Directors.

HiQ International AB (publ)
The Board of Directors

For further information, please contact:
Lars Stugemo, President and CEO HiQ, tel: +46 (0)8-588 90 000
Fredrik Malm, CFO HiQ, tel: +46 (0)8-588 90 000

HiQ helps to make the world a better place by making people’s lives simpler through technology, design and communication. We are the perfect partner for everyone eager to achieve results that make a difference in a digital world. Founded in 1995, HiQ has close to 1,600 specialists in four countries and is listed on the Nasdaq Stockholm Mid Cap list. For more information and inspiration, please visit

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