Another Record Quarter for HiQ

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Sales for the first quarter 2012 totals SEK 379.4 (326.1) million, which is an increase of 16 per cent as compared with the same period last year. The company's operating profit (EBIT) totals SEK 62.9 (49.1) million; an operating margin of 16.6 per cent. Liquid assets amount to SEK 234.2 million. The annual general meeting has approved a dividend of SEK 2.20 per share – totalling SEK 116 million – in the form of a stock split and a mandatory redemption programme.

"This year's first quarter is once again a record-breaking quarter for HiQ. I am both happy and proud to have the privilege of working with so talented and dedicated employees and clients who simplify people's lives," says HiQ's CEO and President, Lars Stugemo.

"In the first quarter, we set a record in both sales and profit, and we have never had a stronger financial position, so, obviously, we have every reason to be happy. We have never had so many employees as we have today, either," Stugemo adds.

We help our customers to simplify and improve using a combination of technology and business and industry know-how. During the first quarter of the year, we secure new framework agreements with exciting customers like Skandia and Swedbank. We live in an age where the mobile lifestyle is revolutionising our lives in many different areas. We now shop using our mobile phones, submit tax returns using text messaging, watch TV on mobile devices and read the latest newspaper editions on our tablets.

"HiQ is further strengthening its position as a Nordic IT and management consultancy. We work closely with our innovative and future-oriented customers to boost the business advantages we deliver through our work. IT and mobility are business-critical in the extreme, and HiQ is helping to simplify and improve and to create a better world," Stugemo concludes.

HiQ's CEO and President, Lars Stugemo, will present the company's report today, Thursday 26 April at 9AM, at HiQ's offices at Regeringsgatan 20 in Stockholm.
A copy of the report can be ordered by calling +46 (0)8-588 90 000 or can be downloaded at

This information is such that HiQ will make in public according to the Swedish Securities Market Act and/or the Swedish Financial Instruments Trading Act. This press release was submitted for publication at 7.30AM on 26 April 2012.

For further information, you are welcome to contact:
Lars Stugemo, CEO and President, HiQ, Ph: +46 (0)8-588 90 000
Peter L. Häggström, Marketing and Information Manager at HiQ International, Ph: +46 (0)8-588 90 000, +46 (0)704-200 103

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