Eltel and HiQ expand their cooperation to Poland

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HiQ establishes a new unit in Poland to support Eltel’s international business.
“The services we provide to Eltel are a perfect example of a reliable business environment that serves as the basis for company’s growing IT infrastructure and services.” says Jukka Rautio, Managing Director, HiQ Finland.

Eltel Networks is building its long-term competitiveness by harmonizing and automating the order and delivery processes between its different customers and country branches in the Nordic and Baltic countries, Poland and Germany. Eltel started building service-centered processes with HiQ as integration partner 10 years ago. Currently, Eltel processes 1.5 million automated work order messages per year using the solution provided by HiQ.

The partnership will now expand to Poland, where the HiQ team supports Eltel’s business-driven IT projects. HiQ allows Eltel to provide its customers with modern interfaces, transparency and service-level monitoring.

“10 years ago, we used several different systems and had to enter the same information manually in each. Procedures varied greatly between the country branches. In recent years, we have harmonised our information systems and established a shared procedure for handling customers in different countries. The extended cooperation allows us to bring added value to our customers and introduce the harmonious service concept to all our markets in an efficient and agile way,” says Tea Kaivoluoto, CIO, Eltel Networks.

“We are happy to expand our strategic partnership outside the Finnish borders and build the services of the future also from Poland,” Kaivoluoto continues.

“We have strong expertise in using integration systems to transmit automated work order messages. The services we provide to Eltel are a perfect example of a reliable business environment that serves as the basis for company’s growing IT infrastructure and services.” says Jukka Rautio, Managing Director, HiQ Finland.

“The right architecture, appropriate scope of services and flexibility are key elements of modern integrations. Thanks to integrations, processes become flexible and new processes can be created quickly to respond to changing business needs,” says Antti Toivanen, Business Area Manager, Integrations, HiQ Finland.

For more information, please contact:
Erik Ridman, Head of Communications, HiQ. Tel +46 70-750 80 60, e-mail: erik.ridman@hiq.se
Jukka Rautio, Managing Director, HiQ Finland, Tel: +358 40 827 1142, e-mail: jukka.rautio@hiq.fi

HiQ helps to make the world a better place by making people’s lives simpler through technology, design and communication. We are the perfect partner for everyone eager to achieve results that make a difference in a digital world. Founded in 1995, HiQ has over 1,600 specialists in four countries and is listed on the Nasdaq Stockholm Mid Cap list. For more information and inspiration, please visit www.hiq.se

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