HiQ – specialisation pays off

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HiQ developed well in 2006. Net sales increased to SEK 801.4 (720.5) million, which represents organic growth of 11 percent. Operating profit (EBIT) increased to SEK 154.9 (148.3) million, equivalent to an operating margin of 19.3 (20.6) percent. Pre-tax profit increased to SEK 156.2 (149.5) million. The Board proposes to the AGM a dividend of SEK 2.10 per share.

“Today HiQ is one of the most important players in the Nordic region within our chosen niches. We give priority to quality both in our assignments for clients and in creating an attractive workplace for our skilled staff. That is why it is really pleasing that HiQ was recently chosen as Sweden’s best IT consultancy in a survey carried out among Sweden’s biggest buyers of consulting services. In addition, according to an external survey we are now one of the 10 most attractive employers within Computing/IT*. Naturally I am very proud of this and I see it as proof that we are working on the right things,” says Lars Stugemo, President and CEO of HiQ.

HiQ currently employs 787 people, with 239 new staff being recruited to the company in 2006.

“The HiQ brand is strong and we are attracting lots of skilled employees who want to work at the leading edge of technology on exciting assignments for leading international clients. The company’s growth in recent years is injecting new energy into the organisation and creates a driving force for new initiatives both geographically and in terms of our areas of expertise. I am very pleased with our performance during the year,” continues Stugemo.

HiQ works in long-term customer relationships with leading clients in a number of different sectors such as telecoms, gaming & entertainment, the automotive industry, finance, defence, etc. At the same time, work on broadening the client base is continuing and during the year HiQ won orders from a number of completely new clients.

HiQ’s expertise within quality assurance is increasingly in demand from technology intensive companies such as telecom suppliers.

“Today HiQ is a well-established player in quality assurance of mobile terminals, applications and platforms. We now conduct test activities with overall responsibility for planning, design, development and execution. This is an area in which our expertise is unique and I believe that we will be able to help more clients in this area in the future,” says Stugemo.

HiQ’s President and CEO Lars Stugemo presents the report at 9.00 a.m. today, Wednesday 31 January, at HiQ’s 9th floor offices at Mäster Samuelsgatan 17 in Stockholm.

The report can be ordered on +46 (0)8-588 90 000 or downloaded from www.hiq.se

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