HiQ and Fortum are building smarter homes
HiQ’s SmartLiving solution helps Fortum’s customers see their environmental impact in an easy-to-understand way.
“We wanted to lower the threshold for users by creating an attractive, intuitive, stripped-down design that makes it easy to grasp how behaviour affects energy consumption,” says Magnus Gudéhn, Managing Director at HiQ Stockholm.
Users can see their energy and water consumption in real time and can control lighting, alarms and other functions at home through a wall-mounted tablet or mobile app. There are also security features for apartment buildings with push notifications for things like fire and burglar alarms.
HiQ created and delivered the design concept and user experience for both the mobile app and wall tablet.
“Users usually have little interest in or knowledge of their energy consumption. This was the motivation for an easy-to-understand and intuitive design that helps users understand what factors and behaviours affect their consumption while also letting them view detailed data. Since the wall-mounted tablet is often in a prominent place in the home, it was also important for the design to be discreet and decorative,” says David Elander, Creative Lead at HiQ Stockholm.
HiQ has been working on projects with Fortum for quite a while, including the sustainable urban development project Norra Djurgårdsstaden. The assignment for Fortum is one of the projects that HiQ is involved in to make Stockholm the smartest city in the world by 2040.
For more information, please contact:
Erik Ridman, Head of Communications, +46 70-750 80 60, erik.ridman@hiq.se
Magnus Gudéhn, MD, HiQ Stockholm, +46 70-420 00 82, magnus.gudehn@hiq.se
HiQ helps to make the world a better place by making people’s lives simpler through technology, design and communication. We are the perfect partner for everyone eager to achieve results that make a difference in a digital world. Founded in 1995, HiQ has over 1,600 specialists in six countries and is listed on the Nasdaq Stockholm Mid Cap list. For more information and inspiration, please visit www.hiq.se