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HiQ has been commissioned to conduct a preliminary study investigating the possibilities for creating a digital solution for money transfers via mobile phones in Dubai.
“With Sweden being a leading country, and HiQ as experts in creating smart digital services, we will of course be very attractive to work with”, says Magnus Gudéhn, CEO of HiQ Stockholm.

To be able to transfer money digitally and easily is one of the conditions for moving towards a cashless society. This applies in Sweden, as well as throughout the rest of the world. The pre-study, which HiQ is now conducting, investigates the preconditions for setting up a system in Dubai that can be used for transactions between individuals.

“Sweden is one of the countries in the world that has come the furthest in moving towards a cashless society. This also means that basically the whole world is looking at Sweden as a pioneer country, which makes it natural to ask us for help”, says Magnus Gudéhn, CEO of HiQ Stockholm.

HiQ is the leading player in the development of smart technology solutions for the cashless society, that goes hand in hand with Sweden’s steps to be the first country in the world that no longer must handle notes and coins. But that is just one of the areas that HiQ operates within.

“Over the years, we have built up great knowledge about how we can simplify and improve for people using technology. Mobile payment systems are one good example of that. Digitalization within the healthcare system, smart technology that increases safety in cars and connected devices is other examples. Our knowledge and vast experience from many different segments makes us an interesting partner in this kind of projects”, says Lars Stugemo, CEO of HiQ.

For further information, please contact:

Magnus Gudéhn, CEO of HiQ Stockholm,
tel: +46 70-420 00 82, e-mail: magnus.gudehn@hiq.se

Erik Ridman, Head of Communications, HiQ,
tel: +46 70 750 8060, e-mail: erik.ridman@hiq.se

HiQ helps to make the world a better place by making people’s lives simpler through technology and communication. We are the perfect partner for everyone eager to achieve results that make a difference in a digital world. Founded in 1995, HiQ has 1,600 specialists in four countries and is listed on the Nasdaq Stockholm Mid Cap list. For more information and inspiration, please visit www.hiq.se

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