HiQ helps Viking Telecom to develop SMS system for fixed telephony

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HiQ helps Viking Telecom to develop SMS system for fixed telephony The IT and management consultancy, HiQ, is working on the development of an SMS system for Viking Telecom. This year Viking Telecom developed and launched an SMS system for fixed telephony. The system was launched at CeBIT 2001 and attracted much attention. Operators in several countries have already placed orders. "HiQ has provided consultants to support us in the development of our SMS system from preliminary study to testing and installation for customers. We are currently working on the next generation of the SMS system for launch at CeBIT 2002, and HiQ's experienced consultants are of great help," says Lars Thyr, COO of Viking Telecom. The SMS terminals, which are intended for home use, send and receive text messages to/from all fixed SMS terminals or to/from mobile phones. They have an alphanumerical keyboard, clear display and are connected to a normal telephone line. "Viking's product is innovative and easy to use. It is an easy system for users who don't want to start up the computer or press the 7 key four times on their mobile phone to just to write the letter S," says Bernt Sjögren, Managing Director of HiQ Open. "Also, Viking is an interesting company to work for, not least because of its aggressive and modern approach towards systems development," concludes Sjögren. "SMS use is increasing rapidly. Fixed telephony services continue to be developed parallel to the development of mobile services. Viking's SMS product is a good example of the fact that services that are introduced as mobile can become fixed. SMS is a cost-efficient communication solution that is also useful in the home," says Lars Stugemo, CEO of HiQ. For more information, please contact: Bernt Sjögren, Managing Director HiQ Open, tel.: +46 (0)703 160 960 Lars Stugemo, CEO, HiQ International, tel.: +46 (0)8 588 90 000 Anna Svensson, CIO, HiQ, tel.: +46 (0)704 200 103 HiQ is an IT and management consultancy that focuses on high tech solutions in the fields of telecoms, mobility and simulation technology. The company is a leader in these fields and the Nordic region is its domestic market. HiQ employs 450 people at offices in Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland. HiQ is listed on the Stockholm Exchange. For more information, please visit www.hiq.se ------------------------------------------------------------ This information was brought to you by Waymaker http://www.waymaker.net The following files are available for download: http://www.waymaker.net/bitonline/2001/12/19/20011219BIT00160/bit0001.doc http://www.waymaker.net/bitonline/2001/12/19/20011219BIT00160/bit0002.pdf