HiQ receives new FMV order worth SEK 19.7 million

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HiQ has received a new order from FMV, Swedish Defence Material Administration. The order, worth SEK 19.7 million, relates to the development of fighter-pilot training simulators for JAS 39A Gripen.

“The development of the simulators is advanced technology at its highest level. The simulators used for training of Swedish as well as foreign pilots to fly the JAS 39A Gripen are being developed in parallel with the aircraft itself. Our contribution is to look in to new system and educational requirements and to produce cost-effective solutions using new technology. HiQ holds a strong position as a leading supplier of services, equipment and modelling within the simulation area. The new order from FMV is a receipt of that,” says Anders Nilsson, Managing Director of HiQ Approve. Simulators are used to train pilots in purely tactical flight situations as well as to train technical staff. The advantage of flying in a simulator compared to a real plane is that a flight session is far less expensive in a simulator. Moreover, certain routines can be practised which would not be feasible in a real flight situation for reasons of safety, for example. “HiQ has worked on high-tech training simulators for the JAS 39A Gripen since 1992 and has long experience of development within the defence industry. We see an increased demand for competence in simulation technology, both for military and civil applications, a consecuence of the fast technical development. We are of course very proud of our good relation with FMV, says Lars Stugemo, CEO HiQ International. The Swedish Defence Material Administration, FMV, is a civil government agency reporting directly to the Swedish Government. It is charged with the responsibility for the design and procurement of new defence materials, ensuring that the products are suitable for the future network-based military defence organisation. FMV is contributing to the strengthening of the total defence by carrying out assignments for the Swedish Armed Forces and other government agencies. FMV is also assigned by the Government to provide export support. For further information, please contact: Lars Stugemo, CEO, HiQ International, tel: +46 (0)8-588 90 000 Anders Nilsson, Managing Director HiQ Approve, tel: +46 (0)589 845 00 Annika Billberg, Head of Corporate Communications HiQ International, tel: +46(0)8-588 90 015, +46(0)704 200 103

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