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Strong growth, substantially increased profit and a stronger position in Finland

First half 2008
• Net sales increase by SEK 119.2 million to SEK 595.4 (476.2) million, an increase of 25.0 (17.2) percent
• Operating profit (EBIT) amounts to SEK 97.8 (90.3) million, an operating margin of 16.4 (19.0) percent
• Pre-tax profit amounts to SEK 99.7 (90.9) million
• Profit after tax amounts to SEK 71.7 (65.0) million
• Earnings per share amount to SEK 1.42 (1.30)
• Cash flow from operations amounted to SEK 90.1 (24.9) million

Quarter 2 2008
• Net sales increase by SEK 68.8 million to SEK 309.4 (240.6) million, an increase of 28.6 (21.5) percent
• Operating profit (EBIT) amounts to SEK 52.2 (39.7) million, an operating margin of 16.9 (16.5) percent
• Pre-tax profit amounts to SEK 53.1 (40.0) million
• Profit after tax amounts to SEK 38.1 (28.5) million
• Earnings per share amount to SEK 0.75 (0.57)
• On 30 April the Annual General Meeting resolved to implement a share
split with mandatory redemption; the redemption price of SEK 1.30 per
share, amounting to SEK 66 million in total, was paid out in June 2008

Significant events during the period
• HiQ acquired Ace Simulation AB, which employs around 30 people in Linköping
• HiQ acquired TSG Test Solutions in Espoo, Finland, which employs around 70 consultants
• HiQ received a new order worth SEK 34 million from FMV (the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration)
• HiQ signed a new framework agreement with PTS (the Swedish National Post and Telecom Agency)
• HiQ was approved as a supplier by Verva (the Swedish Administrative Development Agency), allowing framework agreements to be signed with 80 authorities and government agencies in the county of Stockholm
• HiQ signed a framework agreement with Veikkaus (the Finnish state lottery)
• HiQ signed a framework agreement with BAE Systems Bofors

2008 in brief
HiQ has developed very well in 2008. Sales for the period increased by 25 percent and the operating margin was 16.4 percent. There has been a strong improvement in cash flow, which amounts to SEK 90.1 million. HiQ is growing and is continuing to broaden both its geographical scope and its market base.

In February HiQ acquired Ace Simulation AB, based in Linköping, which employs around 30 people. HiQ Ace’s clients are internationally leading players in the automotive, defence and telecoms sectors. The acquisition broadens HiQ’s geographical presence and strengthens our expertise in a region where we have a number of large clients. HiQ Ace was consolidated with effect from mid-February.

In June we announced the acquisition of TSG Test Solutions, a specialist IT consultancy with offices in Espoo, Finland. The company employs around 70 consultants and specialises in quality assurance and project management. Its clients include leading companies in manufacturing, telecoms and in banking and finance. TSG Test Solutions is being consolidated with effect from July 2008. The acquisition strengthens HiQ’s offering within quality assurance.

Today HiQ has more than 1,200 employees and has a very strong brand in the labour market, as is continually demonstrated in various surveys and measurements. During the period HiQ was named as one of Sweden’s best employers in the independent survey conducted annually by Universum. HiQ also achieved second place in Veckans Affärer's annual survey "Sweden’s Best Consultants”. HiQ’s growth is mainly organic.

The effects of the slowdown in the global economy during the last 12 months favour strong, specialist players. HiQ has a strong position as a specialist service provider and demand for our services remains good. With a Nordic heart, HiQ provides services within the areas of communications, software development and simulation to clients with global operations.

HiQ works in long-term customer relationships with internationally leading players in many industries, such as GTECH, Nokia, Ericsson, Saab, SEB, Tele2 and Volvo.

For further information, please contact:

Lars Stugemo, President and CEO, HiQ
tel. +46 (0)8-588 90 000

Annika Billberg, Head of Corporate Communications and Investor Relations
Manager, HiQ tel. +46 (0)8-588 90 015, +46 (0)704 200 103

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