INTERIM REPORT FOR THE PERIOD JANUARY-JUNE 2006 HiQ INTERNATIONAL AB (publ), company registration number 556529-3205

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HiQ – good development and strong margin

• Net sales increase by SEK 49.6 million to SEK 406.2 (356.6) million, an increase of 14 percent • Operating profit (EBIT) increases by SEK 4.8 million to SEK 76.2 (71.3) million, an operating margin of 18.8 (20.0) percent • Pre-tax profit increases to SEK 76.7 (72.1) million • Profit after tax increases to SEK 54.4 (52.2) million • Earnings per share increase to SEK 1.10 (1.06) • In March HiQ received a new order from the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration (FMV) for the development of simulators for training fighter pilots on the JAS 39A Gripen. The order amounts to SEK 19.7 million • In April HiQ received an order from Suomen Hippos, the Finnish Trotting and Breeding Association, to develop an information system for trotting and breeding • In June HiQ announced a new order from Mazda Scandinavia relating to the development of interactive training for car dealerships • A dividend of SEK 2.10 per share, totalling around SEK 103 million, was paid out in May 2006 in brief HiQ has continued to grow with good profitability in the first half of 2006. Net sales grew by 14 percent combined with an operating margin of 18.8 percent. The market for IT services in the Nordic region is characterised by strong demand. The sectors in which HiQ saw the fastest growth during the period are the automotive industry, gaming & entertainment and industry. HiQ is also growing in the areas of telecoms and security & defence. The strong market has brought with it increased mobility of labour. HiQ is continuing to invest in marketing in order to recruit more staff, which has produced good results. HiQ has a strong brand in the labour market and attracts highly capable consultants even in a very competitive market. HiQ recruited 120 new employees in the first half of the year. HiQ is continuing to strengthen its customer offering so as to enable continued growth. In the first half a new initiative was announced in which HiQ is offering the market new solutions that combine HiQ’s expertise in simulation and interactive gaming. HiQ is developing well in its various geographical markets. The businesses in Gothenburg and the Öresund region are continuing to grow strongly. The operations in Karlskrona had a negative affect on the result during the spring. The reduction in business seen in Karlskrona at the beginning of the year has been turned around and the trend is positive. HiQ’s position in the Finnish market has been significantly strengthened and in 2006 HiQ has won several orders from clients outside our traditionally strong segments of gaming and telecoms. New clients include Suomen Hippos (the Finnish Trotting and Breeding Association), Ficora (the Finnish Communications Regulatory Authority), For further information, please contact: Lars Stugemo, President and CEO, tel. +46 (0)8-588 90 000 Annika Billberg, Head of Corporate Communications and Investor Relations Manager, tel. +46 (0)8-588 90 015, +46 (0)704 -200 103

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