INTERIM REPORT FOR THE PERIOD JANUARY-MARCH 2006 HiQ INTERNATIONAL AB (publ), company registration number 556529-3205

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HiQ – Somewhat faster than the surroundings • Net sales increase to SEK 208.1 (167.3) million, an increase of 24 percent • Operating profit (EBIT) increases to SEK 46.2 (31.0) million, an operating margin of 22.2 (18.5) percent • Pre-tax profit increases by 48 percent to SEK 46.5 (31.4) million • Profit after tax increases to SEK 33.7 (22.7) million • Earnings per share increase to SEK 0.69 (0.46) • HiQ has received a new order from the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration (FMV) for the development of simulators for training fighter pilots for the JAS 39A Gripen. The order amounts to SEK 19.7 million • The Board proposes a dividend of SEK 2.10 per share, totalling around SEK 103 million • HiQ’s nominating committee has proposed to the AGM that all the Board members be re-elected

2006 in brief The year 2006 has started well for HiQ. Net sales grew by 24 percent and at the same time pre-tax profits increased by 48 %. The operating margin is 22.2 percent. The market for IT services in the Nordic region is strong. The market for specialist IT consulting services has been characterised by good demand during the period. In the prevailing strong market HiQ is able to benefit from its position and continue to grow and take market share combined with good profits. The good market also means an increase in labour market mobility and towards the end of 2005 and in early 2006 HiQ increased its investments in marketing in order to recruit more staff. The automotive industry, gaming & entertainment, defence, industry and telecoms are all sectors in which HiQ has enjoyed good growth during the period. HiQ’s work on strengthening its presence in the automotive sector has produced very good results, with many new assignments from leading vehicle manufacturers. HiQ has a clear position with a specialised offering within communication, systems development and simulation that is in demand from clients in many sectors. This, combined with a stable organisation, strong driving force, good delivery capacity and a highly cost-effective organisation means that the company is delivering strong results. As HiQ becomes a bigger player in the market, we are winning more large projects in which HiQ has the overall responsibility. HiQ offers its clients a cost efficient concept for total commitments based on a combination of high experience and specialist competence. HiQ is today a significant player in all sectors where we are active, a consequence of the fact that we for several years has been striving to broadening our presence in several sectors.

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