Swedish Motor Insurers call on HiQ to develop new insurance and debt recovery system

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HiQ has received an order from Swedish Motor Insurers (Trafikförsäkringsföreningen – TFF), a cooperation organisation for the country’s motor insurance companies, to develop a complete IT system to support insurance operations. The project encompasses the provision of an end-to-end solution, with an order value of approximately SEK 17 million.

“Our IT support is currently provided by a 30-year-old system that no longer meets the demands our operations place on it. We need a modern system with the capabilities to handle today’s considerable requirements in terms of flexibility and functionality while at the same time reducing administration and operating costs. Having evaluated the alternatives on the market we opted for HiQ, as they have the solid experience and skills we need,” says Mats Olausson, CEO of TFF. Among other things, TFF provides compensation to those who sustain damage or injury in a road traffic accident involving unknown, uninsured or foreign motor vehicles, and levies a ‘motor insurance charge’ on those who have not taken out insurance on their motor vehicle. The TFF is also responsible for safeguarding Swedish interests in international cooperation between motor insurers. TFF was founded in 1929 when obligatory motor insurance was introduced in Sweden. All motor insurance companies in Sweden are legally required to be members. “The new system will manage the flow of information when a vehicle changes hands and is re-registered in the Swedish vehicle register. If the new owner fails to take out motor insurance for the vehicle, it's our job to make sure the vehicle is duly insured. A more modern system will allow us to further automate our processes and simplify routines for our case handlers,” says Olausson. “HiQ has been developing and quality testing systems for the insurance sector for many years and we are naturally very proud of the fact that TFF is placing its trust in us with this project. Today, more and more organisations need their IT systems upgrading and enhancing, which benefits HiQ thanks to our strong position in this field,” says Bo Ringdahl, Managing Director of HiQ Stockholm AB.

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