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HiQ – specialisation pays off

• Net sales in 2006 increase to SEK 801.4 (720.5) million, an increase of 11 percent
• Operating profit (EBIT) increases to SEK 154.9 (148.3) million, an operating margin of 19.3 (20.6) percent
• Pre-tax profit increases to SEK 156.2 (149.5) million
• Profit after tax increases to SEK 111.5 (108.5) million
• Earnings per share increase to SEK 2.25 (2.20)
• Cash flow from operations is strong and cash at hand amounts to SEK 106.7 million
• The Board’s dividend proposal to the AGM is SEK 2.10 per share
• HiQ named best IT consultant 2007 in a survey carried out by Veckans Affärer of Sweden’s 600 largest buyers of consulting services
• HiQ recruited 239 new employees in 2006

2006 in brief
HiQ holds a clear position as a supplier of services within communications, software development and simulation. With close to 800 employees in the Nordic region, HiQ is today one of the most significant players in this area.

The market for IT services in the Nordic region has been characterised by strong demand throughout 2006. HiQ is continuing to prioritise quality and client benefit, and has been chosen as Sweden’s best IT consultant 2007 in a survey carried out by Veckans Affärer, based on a survey among the 600 largest buyers of consulting services in Sweden.

The strong market has brought with it increased mobility of labour. HiQ is continuing to invest in marketing in order to recruit more staff, with good results. HiQ has a strong brand in the labour market and attracts highly capable employees even in a very competitive market. During the year HiQ recruited 239 new employees. In 2006 HiQ was named one of the ten most attractive employers within Computing/IT in a survey carried out by Universum Communications.

HiQ works in long-term customer relationships with leading clients such as Ericsson, SonyEricsson, FMV, GTECH, Nokia and Tele2. During 2006 HiQ presented a number of interesting new orders and agreements, including 13 new framework agreements.

Today HiQ is a significant player within quality assurance and helps internationally leading mobile phone manufacturers to test the software in new models. We run test operations with full responsibility for planning, design, development and execution.

During the year HiQ continued its initiative to offer clients game-based interactive training, with very good results. HiQ has carried out a number of such assignments during the year, including for Mazda Scandinavia, AstraZeneca and Volvo Trucks.

The market in Stockholm is characterized by strong demand and there are tendencies of an over heated labour market. In Gothenburg and Lund business developed very well, with strong growth throughout 2006. HiQ’s position in the Finnish market is strong and during the year we have broadened our client base. The business in Denmark was characterised by a high rate of staff turnover at the beginning of the year, which hampered growth during the year. In the Mälaren valley the development has been stable throughout the year and the development in Karlskrona has been positive during the second half of the year.

For further information, please contact:
Lars Stugemo, President and CEO,
tel. +46 (0)8-588 90 000

Annika Billberg, Head of Corporate Communications and Investor Relations Manager,
tel. +46 (0)8-588 90 015, +46 (0)704 -200 103

Parent company address
HiQ International AB (556529-3205)
Mäster Samuelsgatan 17, 9th Floor
Box 7421
tel.: +46 (0)8-588 90 000
fax: +46 (0)8-588 90 001

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