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HKScan Corporation  STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE, 14 January 2009 at 2.40pm


The following changes in the management of HKScan Corporation take effect on 14
January 2009. 

Irma Kiilunen, 55, (BSc, Econ & Bus Admin), has been appointed CFO and
Management Team member. She will also serve as secretary of HKScan
Corporation's Board of Directors. Ms Kiilunen transfers to her new post from
the position of finance director for the HKScan Group, in which capacity her
remit since 2001 has included the Group's financial accounting and treasury
function. Ms Kiilunen has held treasury and financial administration posts with
various Group companies since 1977. 

Tero Hemmilä, 41, (MSc, Agr & For), has been appointed senior vice president in
charge of strategy and development. Mr Hemmilä will be responsible for
strategic business planning at HKScan, with an emphasis on Group synergies and
management of the Group's strategy process. The company's corporate
responsibility matters also fall within his remit. Mr Hemmilä has previously
served in HK Ruokatalo as strategic planning director and senior vice
president, meat business, and as managing director of LSO Foods. He joined the
Group in 1997. 

The Management Team of HKScan Corporation as of 14 January 2009 consists of CEO
Matti Perkonoja as Chairman along with CFO Irma Kiilunen, senior vice president
Tero Hemmilä, Jari Leija, executive vice president, Finland, Magnus Lagergren,
executive vice president, Sweden, and Olli Antniemi, executive vice president,
the Baltics. Executive assistant Marjukka Hujanen serves as secretary to the
Management Team. 

CFO Irma Kiilunen and senior vice president Tero Hemmilä serve as deputies to
the company's CEO. 

HKScan Corporation

Matti Perkonoja

Further information:
HKScan CEO Matti Perkonoja. Please leave any messages for him to call with
Marjukka Hujanen on 010 570 6218 (Finland) or +358 10 570 6218 (international) 

Nasdaq OMX, Helsinki
Main media
