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HK Ruokatalo Group Oyj    STOCK EXCHANGE BULLETIN 9 Nov. 2005, at 11am


Progress is being made with rationalising HK Ruokatalo’s business in
Finland. The management organisation is to be overhauled in a bid to
make the company more efficient. Restructuring is intended to improve
results accountability and to bring added market focus to customers
and consumers.

HK Ruokatalo Oy’s managing director Kai Seikku has appointed Antti
Lauslahti (39) MSc (Econ. & Bus. Adm.) as new executive vice president
Commercial Operations. Antti Lauslahti will work under Kai Seikku. Mr
Lauslahti joins HK Ruokatalo from LU Suomi Oy, part of Danone Group,
where he is currently commercial director. Prior to that he served
L’Oréal in Finland, the UK, Russia and China, and has also worked for
Suomen Unilever. Antti Lauslahti will take up his post at HK Ruokatalo
on 1 January 2006.

In the same context, the following changes will take place in the
management organisation. Reijo Kiskola, current executive vice
president of the Commercial Operations Group, will assume the post of
executive vice president of the poultry business. In addition to his
own job, he will be responsible for marketing and product development
until the end of December this year. Esa Mäki, current executive vice
president of the Poultry Group, will assume the post of executive vice
president of the meat business. Raimo Laine, current executive vice
president of the Raw Material Group, will remain in his present post
until he retires on 30 June 2006. Mr Laine will integrate the
functions of the Raw Material Group to form part of the meat business
unit. In addition to his own job, Mr Laine will also act as director
of sales. Pekka Kaikkonen will switch from his post of executive vice
president of the Processing & Production Group to assume
responsibility for the processed meat and convenience foods business.
These appointments are effective immediately.

On 1 January 2006, logistics and the distribution terminals will be
integrated to form part of a new commercial operations group for which
executive vice president Jari Leija remains responsible. Risto
Koivisto, executive vice president of the Slaughtering & Cutting Group
is to leave the company.

These changes will mean four units instead of six practicing our
process-like way of working at home. These changes do not affect our
businesses in the Baltics or Poland.

The Management Team in Finland comprises the chairman, managing
director Kai Seikku, as well as CFO Matti Perkonoja, executive vice
presidents Antti Lauslahti, Reijo Kiskola, Esa Mäki, Raimo Laine and
Pekka Kaikkonen, as well as employee group representative Kimmo

Further information is available from: HK Ruokatalo Oy’s managing
director Kai Seikku, tel: 010 570 3270

HK Ruokatalo Group Oyj

Simo Palokangas

Helsinki Exchanges
