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HKScan Corporation     STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE   2 November 2007, at 10:30am     

HKSCAN GROUP INTERIM REPORT 1 JANUARY - 30 SEPTEMBER 2007                       

* Q3 result at anticipated level: comparable operative EBIT was EUR 21.7        
  million (EUR 13.3m)                                                           
* Result shown in the quarter was eroded, as anticipated, by non-recurring      
  charges of EUR 3 million relating to restructuring in Finland; Group EBIT     
  after these charges stood at EUR 18.7 million                                 
* Business in Sweden, the Baltics and Poland developed as planned               

EUR million                                                                     
|                  |  Q3/2007 |  Q3/2006 | Q1-Q3/2007 |  Q1-Q3/2006 |     2006 |
| Net sales        |    532.1 |    238.6 |    1 555.0 |       691.5 |    934.3 |
| EBIT             |     18.7 |     13.1 |       43.2 |        26.7 |     40.4 |
| EBIT margin %    |      3.5 |      5.5 |        2.8 |         3.9 |      4.3 |
| Operative EBIT   |     21.7 |     13.3 |       47.1 |        29.0 |     41.8 |
| Operative EBIT   |      4.1 |      5.6 |        3.0 |         4.2 |      4.5 |
| margin %         |          |          |            |             |          |
| Profit before    |     13.3 |     11.5 |       29.4 |        22.2 |     33.6 |
| taxes            |          |          |            |             |          |
| Earnings per     |     0.26 |     0.28 |       0.57 |        0.52 |     0.79 |
| share            |          |          |            |             |          |

The figures reported are derived from group accounting and contain no pro forma 
information. The comparison figures are exclusive of Scan AB and its            
subsidiaries, which have only been consolidated into Group figures since 2007.  

CEO Kai Seikku:                                                                 

“The incorporation of the business in Sweden into the Group is proceeding on    
schedule. The extensive industrial restructuring programme in Finland is nearly 
finished and non-recurring charges are now being incurred as reported on 9      
October 2007. Total non-recurring charges in Q3 came to EUR 3.0 million,        
shifting in focus from personnel expenditure to costs arising from logistics and
the transfer of production. Non-recurring charges resulting from the            
restructuring will continue to be incurred in the current quarter as reported   

An oversupply of pork and the decommissioning of production capacity in the EU  
eroded prices in the international market. The higher prices of feed grain seen 
in Q3 have made new meat raw material production costs more expensive. This     
structural imbalance in the market is expected to continue into the early part  
of the new year.                                                                

The Group has been negotiating with retail in all markets to raise prices. The  
price increases will be implemented in part during Q4 and in part at the        
beginning of 2008. The imbalance in the raw material market and the changes in  
prices described above will make business difficult to anticipate during the    
first half of 2008.                                                             

The pressures brought to bear on cost-competitiveness by cost trends and the    
rise in raw material prices will outlast the current restructuring programmes,  
thus necessitating active structural streamlining also in future.”              

MARKET AREA: FINLAND                                                            
EUR million                                                                     
|                 |  Q3/2007 |  Q3/2006 | Q1-Q3/2007 |   Q1-Q3/2006 |     2006 |
| Net sales       |    171.3 |    151.1 |      497.9 |        445.1 |    608.0 |
| EBIT            |      6.7 |      7.8 |       19.6 |         14.5 |     25.4 |
| EBIT margin %   |      3.9 |      5.2 |        3.9 |          3.2 |      4.2 |
| Operative EBIT  |      9.7 |      8.4 |       24.1 |         17.5 |     27.4 |
| Operative EBIT  |      5.7 |      5.6 |        4.8 |          3.9 |      4.5 |
| margin %        |          |          |            |              |          |

Improvement was seen from the previous quarter in the logistical reliability of 
deliveries. However, this improvement was won at some expense, and these        
expenses will continue to be incurred until the end of Q1/2008 and the          
deployment of the new logistics centre.                                         

Class A sausages sold well in the summer grilling season but sales targets were 
not reached in general-class sausages. Manufacturers using inexpensive imported 
meat fared well in the grilling meats category while HK Ruokatalo, which only   
used domestic raw material, fell short of target in sales of meats for grilling.

Pork prices in particular have fallen due to abundant supply in the EU meat     
market. In the poultry meat market, business has been good. Broiler consumption 
in Finland rose by 18 percent between January and September and the situation   
was good in the international market as well. Most of the targets were achieved 
in the poultry business.                                                        

In September, HK Ruokatalo Oy and Järvi-Suomen Portti Osuuskunta cooperative    
agreed that from the beginning of 2008 the latter would outsource its pork and  
beef slaughtering and the cutting of beef to HK Ruokatalo. Portti's purchase    
orders will increase capacity utilisation rate at HK Ruokatalo.                 

Most of the machinery at the Turku meat processing plant was dismantled in      
August and September and moved to Vantaa. This stage of the restructuring       
process involved certain temporary arrangements and the costs of these eroded   
the profitability of processed meat production in Finland. Mr Samuli Eskola, MSc
(Bus & Admin) was appointed executive vice president in charge of the processed 
meat and convenience food business. He comes to HKScan from the position of     
managing director at Apetit Kala, the fish products business of Lännen Tehtaat  

Production and related activities ended in Turku at the end of October as set   
out in the restructuring programme. The production facilities and distribution  
terminal in Tampere will be closed at the end of March 2008.                    

MARKET AREA: SWEDEN                                                             
EUR million                                                                     
|                 |  Q3/2007 |  Q3/2006 | Q1-Q3/2007 |   Q1-Q3/2006 |     2006 |
| Net sales       |    279.2 |        - |      816.2 |            - |        - |
| EBIT            |      8.5 |        - |       14.8 |            - |        - |
| EBIT margin %   |      3.0 |        - |        1.8 |            - |        - |
| Operative EBIT  |      8.5 |        - |       14.8 |            - |        - |
| Operative EBIT  |      3.0 |        - |        1.8 |            - |        - |
| margin %        |          |          |            |              |          |

Earnings in Sweden have developed as anticipated but remain far from the        
longer-term target. Part of the rise in net sales was attributable to the merger
of SLP Pärsons into Scan in May 2006.                                           

The prices of pork raw materials turned up in Sweden towards the end of the     
summer due to the rise in the price of feed grain noted above.                  

Sales of Pärsons brand processed meats continued to grow in terms of both volume
and value.                                                                      

In September, Scan AB decided to spin off its two profit centres: the Meat      
Business and the Processed Meats and Convenience Foods Business. The main reason
was to provide resources for the development of a customer-driven operating     
model and better utilisation of the Scan brand. Mr Mikael Mörk, vice president  
of Scan's Meat Business, was appointed managing director of the new meat        
company. The managing director of the new processed meat and convenience food   
company is Mr Denis Mattsson, who most recently served as president of the Food 
Division at Raisio Plc. Mr Magnus Lagergren remains managing director of Scan   
AB, responsible for Swedish operations.                                         

The business split in Sweden resulted in a change in allocation in respect of   
certain associated companies. In future, Nyhléns & Hugosons AB and Siljans Chark
AB will be included in operative result.                                        

The two-year efficiency programme launched in May proceeded as planned. As      
reported earlier, the target for the programme is to deliver annual savings of  
EUR 18-20 million.                                                              

MARKET AREA: THE BALTICS                                                        
EUR million                                                                     
|                 |  Q3/2007 |  Q3/2006 | Q1-Q3/2007 |   Q1-Q3/2006 |     2006 |
| Net sales       |     38.0 |     35.0 |      107.7 |         97.6 |    130.8 |
| EBIT            |      3.4 |      4.1 |        9.8 |          9.4 |     12.6 |
| EBIT margin %   |      8.9 |     11.7 |        9.1 |          9.6 |      9.6 |
| Operative EBIT  |      3.4 |      3.7 |        9.2 |          7.9 |     11.2 |
| Operative EBIT  |      8.9 |     10.6 |        8.5 |          8.1 |      8.6 |
| margin %        |          |          |            |              |          |

Business developed as planned in the Baltics in Q3. Good retail availability of 
summer products guaranteed successful seasonal sales, which were further        
facilitated by the polished operations of the Baltic Group. The Baltics are also
the only Group markets where no major development programmes are underway.      

The market for red meat in the current year has been characterised by falling   
sales prices and, since summer, rapidly rising production costs. This trend     
somewhat eroded the profitability of Rakvere Lihakombinaat in September. At the 
same time, Tallegg made significant advances in the sales of poultry products,  
where prices remained at reasonable levels. The Group's Baltic business as a    
whole thus performed on target.                                                 

Costs have been rising more sharply in the Baltics than in the rest of the EU   
for quite some time. The economy in Latvia in particular can be characterised as
overheated. The importance of managing costs will only be highlighted in the    
remainder of the year and early 2008 as the rise in meat production costs is    
realised while sales prices remain in flux.                                     

In Latvia, Rigas Miesnieks remained on a strong growth track, now accounting for
23 percent of the Baltic group's net sales. Lithuanian sales account for seven  
percent of the entire Baltic Group's net sales. In terms of earnings, Lithuania 
is breaking even.                                                               

MARKET AREA: POLAND                                                             
EUR million                                                                     
|                 |  Q3/2007 | Q3/2006 |  Q1-Q3/2007 |   Q1-Q3/2006 |     2006 |
| Net sales       |     59.5 |    54.2 |       166.1 |        154.1 |    203.6 |
| EBIT            |      1.4 |     1.7 |         3.6 |          5.0 |      6.0 |
| EBIT margin %   |      2.4 |     3.1 |         2.2 |          3.2 |      2.9 |
| Operative EBIT  |      1.4 |     1.7 |         3.6 |          5.0 |      6.0 |
| Operative EBIT  |      2.4 |     3.1 |         2.2 |          3.2 |      2.9 |
| margin %        |          |         |             |              |          |

Like during the first half of the year, business continued to develop along two 
prongs at Sokolów. The core business of meat and processed meat sales in the    
Polish market continued to perform on target in the third quarter while         
subsidiary Pozmeat operated at an anticipated loss.                             

During the first three quarters of the year, exports accounted for 27 percent of
Sokolów's net sales. The temporary hiccough mainly attributable to exchange     
rates was rectified in summer and exports in Q3 were on target.                 

The problems in production and processed meat sales that have delayed the       
start-up of Pozmeat will be cleared up by the end of the year. The company is   
expected to post a profit in Q2/2008. Pozmeat's net sales account for eight     
percent of the entire Sokolów Group's net sales.                                

HKScan's share of Pozmeat's operating loss from January to September 2007 came  
to EUR 2.3 million. Due to start-up expenditure, the full-year result in the    
Polish market is likely to fall below that of 2006, as anticipated. This        
deviation will not, however, have any substantial impact on the Group's overall 
target in respect of operative EBIT. The Pozmeat start-up costs are included in 
full in operative EBIT.                                                         

CAPITAL EXPENDITURE AND FINANCE                                                 

The purchase price of the Scan AB shares inclusive of transaction costs came to 
EUR 163.3 million. The acquisition was financed in part with a directed issue   
and in part with borrowed capital in Q1.                                        

Gross investments in Q3 totalled EUR 33.8 million (EUR 15.4m during Q3/2006).   
Gross investments during the first nine months of 2007 totalled EUR 92.9 million
(EUR 58.7m). Breakdown of investments by market area: Finland EUR 53.9 million, 
Sweden EUR 22.2 million and the Baltics EUR 9.9 million. In Poland, HKScan's    
share of Sokolów investments was EUR 6.9 million. Gross investments in the      
comparison year included buyouts of minority interests in Sokolów and Rakvere   
totalling ca. EUR 13 million.                                                   

Major production-related investments in Finland included expansion of the Vantaa
production facility to enable it to assume the production and logistics         
functions transferring from Turku and Tampere. In Sweden, the emphasis was on   
production technologies to boost competitiveness, such as a new pâté line and   
new slicing lines, as well as the deployment of robotics at the Linköping       
processed meat plant.                                                           

Group interest-bearing debt totalled EUR 505.2 million (EUR 214.9m) at 30       
September 2007. Interest-bearing debt in the amount of EUR 188 million          
transferred to the company in January as part of the acquisition of Scan AB. The
cash consideration of EUR 76 million for the deal was financed through a loan of
corresponding value. Business investments mainly in Finland have furthermore    
contributed to the rise in the Group's liabilities.                             

The company sold part of its Finnish business receivables in order to reduce the
amount of funds tied up as working capital. The sale, which amounted to about   
EUR 25 million, is shown under net cash flow from operating activities for Q3.  

At the end of the period under review, the equity ratio was 30.4 percent (41.5  
%). Improving cash flow and the equity ratio are two key concerns for the near  

INCREASE IN SHARE CAPITAL                                                       

The company executed a directed issue of 4 843 000 Series A shares to Swedish   
Meats as part of the acquisition of the business of Swedish Meats (Scan AB). The
subscription period was 29 January 2007 and the issue price was EUR 15.55 per   
share. The company's share capital was increased by EUR 8 233 100.00 to the     
current EUR 66 820 528.10. The increase was entered in the Trade Register on 5  
February 2007. The new shares are first entitled to full dividend for the 2007  
financial year.                                                                 

TREASURY SHARES                                                                 

Pursuant to an authorisation granted by the Annual General Meeting on 20 April  
2007, the company acquired its own Series A shares in public trading on the     
Helsinki Exchanges in May for use in the share incentive scheme. At 30 September
2007, the company held a total of 100 000 of its A Shares. These had a market   
value of EUR 1.5 million and accounted for 0.25% of all shares and 0.07% of all 
votes. The acquisition cost of EUR 1.8 million reduces the Group's equity.      

TRADING IN THE COMPANY'S K SHARES                                               

The company's largest shareholders LSO Osuuskunta cooperative and Swedish Meats 
executed on 28 August 2007 a stock swap hereby Swedish Meats transferred 665,000
listed A Shares in HKScan to LSO Osuuskunta and received in return from LSO     
Osuuskunta the same number of non-listed voting K Shares in HKScan. The two had 
agreed on the share swap on 13 December 2006.                                   

The holdings of LSO Osuuskunta and Swedish Meats after the stock swap and       
Swedish Meats' notification of the same date, 28 August 2007, were as follows:  

|                  |     A Shares |    K Shares |   % of shares |   % of votes |
| LSO Osuuskunta   |    8 838 113 |   4 735 000 |         34.53 |        72.96 |
| Swedish Meats    |    4 231 000 |     665 000 |         12.45 |        12.35 |

Under the Articles of Association, any transfer of K Shares is subject to the   
consent of the company's Board of Directors. The Board of Directors has         
consented to the transfer.                                                      


On 8 February 2007 Danish Crown's holding in HKScan was diluted to 8.89 percent 
of the shares and 2.46 percent of the votes as a consequence of the increase in 
HKScan's share capital.                                                         

Swedish Meats announced on 15 February 2007 that the conditional agreement      
notified by it on 13 November 2006 had been executed. Swedish Meats' holding in 
HKScan was thus confirmed at 12.32 percent of the shares and 3.41 percent of the

The holding of Danish Crown in HKScan was reduced to 1.00 percent of the share  
capital and 0.28 percent of the votes as a result of a sale of shares to        
institutional investors on 7 March 2007.                                        

20 June 2007 Julius Baer International Equity Fund clarified its earlier        
announcement stating that its holding in HKScan Oyj now amounted to 5.13 percent
of the shares and 1.42 percent of the votes. In addition, Julius Baer Investment
Management LLC (the fund company of the Julius Baer International Equity Fund)  
held 3.09% of the shares and 0.86% of the votes in HKScan on behalf of its      

28 August 2007 Swedish Meats announced that subsequent to the stock swap between
it and LSO Osuuskunta agreed on 13 December 2006, it now held 12.45 percent of  
the shares and 12.35 percent of the votes in HKScan.                            

BOARD OF DIRECTORS' EXISTING AUTHORISATIONS                                     

The AGM authorised the Board on 20 April 2007 to decide on acquiring a maximum  
of 3 500 000 Series A shares as treasury shares, equal to 8.9% of total         
registered shares and 10.3% of total A Shares.                                  

Treasury shares may only be acquired using unrestricted shareholders' equity.   
The company's own shares may be purchased for a price quoted in public trading  
on the purchase day or for a price otherwise determined by the market. In       
accordance with the Board decision of 7 May 2007, the company acquired 100 000  
of its own A Shares between 14 May and 28 May in public trading on the Helsinki 
Exchanges. The authorisation is valid until 30 June 2008.                       

The Board of Directors also holds an authorisation to resolve on an issue of    
shares, options as well as other instruments entitling to shares as referred to 
in Chapter 10, section 1 of the Companies Act. This authorisation concerns a    
maximum of 5 500 000 A Shares, corresponding to ca. 14.0% of all registered     
shares in the company.                                                          

The Board may resolve upon all the terms and conditions of the issue of shares  
and other instruments entitling to shares. The authorisation to issue shares    
shall cover the issuing of new shares as well as the transfer of the company's  
own shares. The issue of shares and other instruments entitling to shares may be
implemented as a directed issue. The authorisation is valid until 30 June 2008. 
To date, the Board of Directors has not exercised this authorisation.           

The authorisations were granted to provide the company's Board with flexibility 
in deciding on capital market transactions necessary to the company, e.g. to    
secure its financing needs, to execute mergers and acquisitions or to provide   
personnel incentives. A directed acquisition of own shares or directed share    
issue can only be executed for reasons of weighty financial consequence to the  
company and the authorisation cannot be exercised in violation of the principle 
of shareholder equality.                                                        


The group employed an average of 7 949 persons in the first three quarters of   
2007 (4 488 in Q1-Q3/2006). The increase is attributable to the inclusion of    
Scan AB and its subsidiaries as of the beginning of 2007. The average number of 
employees in each market area between January and September was as follows:     
Finland 2 577, Sweden 3 504 and the Baltics 1 868. In addition, Sokolów had an  
average of 5 117 employees.                                                     


The most significant risks in the near future for the HKScan Group involve the  
development of the price of raw materials and pork in particular in all market  
areas, the success of the pending transfers of production, increasing logistical
reliability of deliveries in Finland and the success of the Swedish business    
development programme. In the food industry, the possibility of animal diseases 
must also be taken into account.                                                

FUTURE OUTLOOK                                                                  

Operative EBIT in 2007 is projected to show an improvement on the previous year 
in Finland and in Sweden. In the Baltics, profits are estimated to hold at the  
same level as in 2006. As reported earlier, operative EBIT in the market area of
Poland is likely to fall slightly short of the previous year's level. The       
Group's EBIT target for 2007 remains unchanged.                                 

Vantaa, 2 November 2007                                                         

HKScan Corporation                                                              
Board of Directors                                                              


CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT                                                   
(EUR mill.)                                                                     
|                      | Q3/2007 |  Q3/2006 | Q1-Q3/200 | Q1-Q3/200 |     2006 |
|                      |         |          |         7 |         6 |          |
| NET SALES            |   532.1 |    238.6 |   1 555.0 |     691.5 |    934.3 |
| Operating income and |  -500.2 |   -218.3 |  -1 471.4 |    -643.5 |   -863.3 |
| expenses             |         |          |           |           |          |
| Depreciation and     |   -13.3 |     -7.2 |     -40.5 |     -21.3 |    -30.5 |
| impairment           |         |          |           |           |          |
| EBIT                 |    18.7 |     13.1 |      43.2 |      26.7 |     40.4 |
| Financial income     |     1.3 |      0.6 |       3.4 |       1.4 |      1.9 |
| Financial expenses   |    -7.0 |     -2.1 |     -17.8 |      -6.3 |     -8.7 |
| Share of associates' |     0.4 |     -0.1 |       0.6 |       0.4 |      0.0 |
| results              |         |          |           |           |          |
| PROFIT BEFORE TAXES  |    13.3 |     11.5 |      29.4 |      22.2 |     33.6 |
| Income taxes         |    -2.9 |     -1.8 |      -5.9 |      -3.5 |     -5.8 |
| PROFIT FOR THE       |    10.4 |      9.6 |      23.5 |      18.6 |     27.8 |
| PERIOD               |         |          |           |           |          |
| PROFIT ATTRIBUTABLE  |         |          |           |           |          |
| TO:                  |         |          |           |           |          |
| Equity holders of    |    10.1 |      9.5 |      22.2 |      17.9 |     27.2 |
| the parent           |         |          |           |           |          |
| Minority interests   |     0.3 |      0.1 |       1.3 |       0.7 |      0.6 |
| Total                |    10.4 |      9.6 |      23.5 |      18.6 |     27.8 |
| Earnings per share   |         |          |           |           |          |
| calculated on profit |         |          |           |           |          |
| attributable to      |         |          |           |           |          |
| equity holders of    |         |          |           |           |          |
| the parent:          |         |          |           |           |          |
| EPS, undiluted,      |    0.26 |     0.28 |      0.57 |      0.52 |     0.79 |
| continuing           |         |          |           |           |          |
| operations, EUR      |         |          |           |           |          |
| EPS, diluted,        |    0.26 |     0.28 |      0.57 |      0.52 |     0.79 |
| continuing           |         |          |           |           |          |
| operations, EUR      |         |          |           |           |          |

CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET                                                      
(EUR mill.)                                                                     
|                                    |   30.9.2007 |  30.9.2006 |   31.12.2006 |
| ASSETS                             |             |            |              |
| Non-current assets                 |             |            |              |
|  Intangible assets                 |        18.6 |        3.9 |          4.0 |
|  Goodwill                          |       106.1 |       55.7 |         53.9 |
|  Property, plant and equipment     |       481.5 |      283.6 |        294.5 |
|  Shares in associates              |        17.6 |        5.7 |          5.5 |
|  Trade and other receivables       |        10.6 |        4.3 |          4.1 |
|  Available-for-sale investments    |        11.8 |        0.3 |          0.3 |
|  Deferred tax asset                |         2.7 |        2.1 |          2.2 |
| Total non-current assets           |       648.8 |      355.7 |        364.4 |
| Current assets                     |             |            |              |
|  Inventories                       |       138.9 |       55.4 |         58.4 |
|  Trade and other receivables       |       247.3 |      116.5 |        112.1 |
|  Income tax receivable             |         4.0 |        4.6 |          2.5 |
|  Other financial assets            |         3.9 |            |              |
|  Cash and bank                     |        32.9 |       19.3 |         12.1 |
| Total current assets               |       427.1 |      195.7 |        185.1 |
| TOTAL ASSETS                       |     1 075.9 |      551.4 |        549.5 |
| SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY AND           |             |            |              |
| LIABILITIES                        |             |            |              |
| Shareholders' equity               |             |            |              |
|  Share capital                     |        66.8 |       58.6 |         58.6 |
|  Share premium reserve             |        74.6 |       72.9 |         72.9 |
|  Treasury shares                   |        -1.8 |          - |            - |
| Fair value reserve and other       |        77.0 |       10.7 |          9.0 |
| reserves                           |             |            |              |
|  Translation differences           |         3.6 |        3.7 |          5.4 |
|  Retained earnings                 |       104.2 |       82.5 |         90.5 |
| Share of equity belonging to       |             |            |              |
|  shareholders of the parent        |       324.3 |      228.4 |        236.4 |
|  Minority interest                 |         2.5 |        0.6 |          0.6 |
| Total shareholders' equity         |       326.8 |      229.0 |        237.1 |
| Non-current liabilities            |             |            |              |
|  Deferred tax liability            |        17.6 |       12.9 |         12.2 |
| Long-term interest-bearing         |       446.8 |      114.1 |         87.1 |
| liabilities                        |             |            |              |
| Long-term zero-interest            |         5.8 |            |              |
| liabilities                        |             |            |              |
|  Pension obligations               |         5.1 |        4.7 |          5.2 |
|  Non-current provisions            |         5.5 |            |              |
| Non-current liabilities            |       480.9 |      131.7 |        104.4 |
| Current liabilities                |             |            |              |
| Current interest-bearing           |        58.4 |      100.8 |        109.6 |
| liabilities                        |             |            |              |
| Trade payables and other           |       206.9 |       86.7 |         96.7 |
| liabilities                        |             |            |              |
|  Income tax liability              |         2.9 |        2.2 |          0.9 |
|  Current provisions                |         0.0 |        1.0 |          0.6 |
| Current liabilities                |       268.1 |      190.7 |        208.0 |
| SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY AND           |     1 075.9 |      551.4 |        549.5 |
| LIABILITIES                        |             |            |              |

(EUR million)                                                                   

|           | Sha | Shar | Hed | I    | Other | Trans  | Treas | Ret.  | Tot.  |
|           | re  | e    | g   |      |       |        |       |       |       |
|           | cap | pre  | ing | U    | res.  | lation | ury   | earn  |       |
|           | i   |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
|           | tal | mium | res | E    |       | diff.  | share | ings  |       |
|           |     |      | .   |      |       |        | s     |       |       |
|           | res | res. |     | F*)  |       |        |       |       |       |
|           | .   |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| SHAREHOLD |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| ERS'      |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| EQUITY    |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| 1.1.2007  | 58. | 72.9 | 0.1 |  0.0 |   8.9 |    5.4 |   0.0 |  90.5 | 236.4 |
|           |   6 |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| Cash flow |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| hedging   |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| Amount    |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| transferr |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| ed        |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| to        |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| share-hol |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| ders'     |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| equity    |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| during    |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| the       |     |      | 1.3 |      |       |        |       |       |   1.3 |
| period    |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| Change in |     |      |     |      |       |   -2.0 |       |       |  -2.0 |
| translati |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| on        |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| differenc |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| e         |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| Other     |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |   2.1 |   2.1 |
| change    |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| Transfers |     |  1.0 |     |      |       |        |       |  -1.0 |   0.0 |
| between   |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| items     |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| Net       |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| profit/lo |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| ss        |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| recognise |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| d         |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| directly  |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| in        |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| sharehold |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| ers'      |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| equity    | 0.0 |  1.0 | 1.3 |  0.0 |   0.0 |   -2.0 |   0.0 |   1.1 |   1.4 |
| Profit    |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |  22.2 |  22.2 |
| for the   |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| period    |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| Total     |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| profits   |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| and       | 0.0 |  1.0 | 1.3 |  0.0 |   0.0 |   -2.0 |   0.0 |  23.3 |  23.6 |
| losses    |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| Dividend  |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |  -9.3 |  -9.3 |
| distribut |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| ion       |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| Share     | 8.2 |      |     | 66.7 |       |        |       |       |  74.9 |
| issue     |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| Acquisiti |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| on of     |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| treasury  |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| shares    |     |      |     |      |       |        |  -1.8 |       |  -1.8 |
| Share-bas |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| ed        |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| transacti |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| ons       |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| payable   |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| in equity |     |  0.6 |     |      |       |        |       |  -0.1 |   0.5 |
| SHAREHOLD |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| ERS'      |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| EQUITY    |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| TOT.      |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| 30.9.2007 | 66. | 74.5 | 1.4 | 66.7 |   8.9 |    3.4 |  -1.8 | 104.4 | 324.3 |
|           |   8 |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
*) IUEF= Invested unrestricted equity fund                                      

|           | Sha | Shar | Hed | I    | Other | Trans  | Treas | Ret.  | Tot.  |
|           | re  | e    | g   |      |       |        |       |       |       |
|           | cap | pre  | ing | U    | res.  | lation | ury   | earn  |       |
|           | i   |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
|           | tal | mium | res | E    |       | diff.  | share | ings  |       |
|           |     |      | .   |      |       |        | s     |       |       |
|           | res | res. |     | F*)  |       |        |       |       |       |
|           | .   |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| SHAREHOLD |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| ERS'      |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| EQUITY    |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| 1.1.2006  | 58. | 72.9 | 1.0 |  0.0 |   8.6 |    4.8 |   0.0 |  73.2 | 219.1 |
|           |   6 |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| Cash flow |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| hedging   |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| Amount    |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| transferr |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| ed        |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| to        |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| share-hol |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| ders'     |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| equity    |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| during    |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| the       |     |      | 0.6 |      |   0.4 |        |       |  -1.0 |   0.0 |
| period    |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| Change in |     |      |     |      |       |    0.7 |       |       |   0.7 |
| translati |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| on        |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| differenc |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| e         |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| Net       |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| profit/lo |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| ss        |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| recognise |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| d         |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| directly  |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| in        |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| sharehold |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| ers'      |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| equity    | 0.0 |  0.0 | 0.6 |  0.0 |   0.4 |    0.7 |   0.0 |  -1.0 |   0.7 |
| Profit    |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |  17.9 |  17.9 |
| for the   |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| period    |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| Total     |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| profits   |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| and       | 0.0 |  0.0 | 0.6 |  0.0 |   0.4 |    0.7 |   0.0 |  16.9 |  18.6 |
| losses    |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| Dividend  |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |  -9.3 |  -9.3 |
| distribut |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| ion       |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| Share     |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |   0.0 |
| issue     |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| Acquisiti |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |   0.0 |
| on of     |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| treasury  |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| shares    |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| Share-bas |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| ed        |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| transacti |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| ons       |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| payable   |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |   0.0 |
| in equity |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| SHAREHOLD |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| ERS'      |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| EQUITY    |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| TOT.      |     |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |
| 30.9.2006 | 58. | 72.9 | 1.6 |  0.0 |   9.0 |    5.5 |   0.0 |  80.8 | 228.4 |
|           |   6 |      |     |      |       |        |       |       |       |

CASH FLOW STATEMENT                                                             
(EUR mill.)                                                                     
|                                      |  Q1-Q3/2007 | Q1-Q3/2006 |       2006 |
| Operating activities                 |             |            |            |
| EBIT                                 |        43.2 |       26.7 |       40.4 |
| Adjustments to EBIT                  |         0.9 |        2.4 |       -1.4 |
| Change in provisions                 |        -5.9 |       -0.7 |        0.9 |
| Depreciation and amortisation        |        40.5 |       21.3 |       30.5 |
| Change in net working capital        |        11.4 |       -5.9 |        6.3 |
| Financial income and expenses        |       -14.4 |       -4.9 |       -6.8 |
| Taxes                                |        -5.8 |       -3.5 |       -5.5 |
| Net cash flow from operating         |        69.9 |       35.4 |       64.4 |
| activities                           |             |            |            |
| Investing activities                 |             |            |            |
| Gross PPE investments                |       -92.9 |      -58.7 |      -82.6 |
| Disposal of fixed assets             |         8.5 |        1.0 |        6.4 |
| Investments in subsidiary            |       -75.2 |            |            |
| Net cash flow from investing         |      -159.6 |      -57.7 |      -76.2 |
| activities                           |             |            |            |
| Net cash flow before financing       |       -89.7 |      -22.3 |      -11.8 |
| activities                           |             |            |            |
| Financing activities                 |             |            |            |
| Borrowings raised and repaid         |       121.7 |       38.7 |       20.6 |
| Change in long-term debtors          |         0.0 |       -0.5 |       -0.2 |
| Dividends paid                       |        -9.3 |       -9.3 |       -9.3 |
| Acquisition of treasury shares       |        -1.8 |            |            |
| Net cash flow from financing         |       110.6 |       28.9 |       11.1 |
| activities                           |             |            |            |
| Change in liquid assets              |        20.9 |        6.5 |       -0.7 |
| Cash and bank at 1.1.                |        12.1 |       12.8 |       12.8 |
| Cash and bank at 30.9.               |        32.9 |       19.3 |       12.1 |
| Change in cash and bank in balance   |        20.9 |        6.5 |       -0.7 |
| sheet                                |             |            |            |

KEY INDICATORS                                                                  

|                                  |    30.9.2007 |   30.9.2006 |   31.12.2006 |
| EPS, diluted, 1 Jan. to 30 Sept. |         0.57 |        0.52 |         0.79 |
| Equity per share at 30 Sept, EUR |         8.27 |        6.63 |         6.86 |
| 1)                               |              |             |              |
| Equity ratio, %                  |         30.4 |        41.5 |         43.7 |
| Adjusted average                 |              |             |              |
| number of shares                 |   38 639 508 |  34 463 193 |   34 463 193 |
| Gross capital                    |              |             |              |
| expenditure, EUR million         |         92.9 |        58.7 |         82.6 |
| Employees, average               |              |             |              |
| as end-of month average          |        7 949 |       4 488 |        4 418 |

1) Excluding minority's share of equity.                                        

NOTES TO THE GROUP'S INTERIM REPORT                                             

ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES                                                           

HKScan Corporation's interim report for 1 January - 30 September 2007 has been  
prepared in compliance with IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting. The same        
accounting principles have been applied in the interim report as in the annual  
financial statements for 2006. These accounting principles are explained in the 
financial statements for 2006.                                                  
The figures are derived from group accounting and contain no pro forma          
information. The accounts of Scan AB and its subsidiaries have been consolidated
into the financial statements as of 1 January 2007.                             

Application of changes in or interpretations of IFRS as of 1 January 2007       

- IFRS 7 Financial Instruments: Disclosures. The standard mainly affects the    
scope of the notes to the annual financial statements.                          

- IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements The change in the standard has no  
impact on this interim report.                                                  

- IFRIC 10 Interim Financial Reporting and Impairment. Application of the       
interpretation has no impact on this interim report.                            

The figures presented in the interim report are unaudited.                      

ANALYSIS BY SEGMENT (EUR million)                                               
Net sales and EBIT by main market area *)                                       

|                     |  Q3/2007 |  Q3/2006 | Q1-Q3/200 | Q1-Q3/2006 |    2006 |
|                     |          |          |         7 |            |         |
| NET SALES           |          |          |           |            |         |
| -Finland            |    171.3 |    151.1 |     479.9 |      445.1 |   608.0 |
| -Sweden             |    279.2 |        - |     816.2 |          - |       - |
| -Baltics            |     38.0 |     35.0 |     107.7 |       97.6 |   130.8 |
| -Poland             |     59.5 |     54.2 |     166.1 |      154.1 |   203.6 |
| -Between segments   |    -15.8 |     -1.6 |     -32.8 |       -5.4 |    -8.2 |
| Total               |    532.1 |    238.6 |   1 555.0 |      691.5 |   934.3 |
| EBIT                |          |          |           |            |         |
| -Finland            |      6.7 |      7.8 |      19.6 |       14.5 |    25.4 |
| -Sweden             |      8.5 |        - |      14.8 |          - |       - |
| -Baltics            |      3.4 |      4.1 |       9.8 |        9.4 |    12.6 |
| -Poland             |      1.4 |      1.7 |       3.6 |        5.0 |     6.0 |
| -Between segments   |      0.0 |      0.0 |       0.0 |        0.0 |     0.0 |
| -Group admin. costs |     -1.3 |     -0.5 |      -4.6 |       -2.1 |    -3.5 |
| Total               |     18.7 |     13.1 |      43.2 |       26.7 |    40.4 |
| EBIT, operative     |          |          |           |            |         |
| -Finland            |      9.7 |      8.4 |      24.1 |       17.5 |    27.4 |
| -Sweden             |      8.5 |        - |      14.8 |          - |       - |
| -Baltics            |      3.4 |      3.7 |       9.2 |        7.9 |    11.2 |
| -Poland             |      1.4 |      1.7 |       3.6 |        5.0 |     6.0 |
| -Between segments   |      0.0 |      0.0 |       0.0 |        0.0 |     0.0 |
| -Group admin. costs |     -1.3 |     -0.5 |      -4.6 |       -1.4 |    -2.8 |
| Total               |     21.7 |     13.3 |      47.1 |       29.0 |    41.8 |

*) The company has reported Group administrations costs as a separate item since
Q2/2007, thus improving the comparability of market area profitability. Group   
administration costs consist mainly of salary and pension costs as well as      
certain notional costs of the management incentive system, among others.        

CHANGES IN INTANGIBLE ASSETS AND PPE                                            

|                                   |  Q1-Q3/2007 |   Q1-Q3/2006 |        2006 |
| Book value at 1 Jan               |       352.4 |        317.1 |       317.1 |
| Increase                          |        92.9 |         39.3 |        71.4 |
| Increase (acquisitions)           |       209.9 |          8.6 |           - |
| Decrease                          |        -8.5 |         -0.6 |        -5.2 |
| Depreciation and impairment       |       -40.5 |        -21.3 |       -30.5 |
| Transfer to other balance sheet   |         0.0 |          0.1 |        -0.4 |
| item                              |             |              |             |
| Book value at 30 Sept             |       606.2 |        343.2 |       352.4 |


|                                   |  Q1-Q3/2007 |   Q1-Q3/2006 |        2006 |
| Materials and supplies            |        58.9 |         45.7 |        39.0 |
| Unfinished products               |         7.1 |          1.4 |         4.3 |
| Finished products                 |     *) 70.2 |          6.2 |        12.7 |
| Goods                             |         0.1 |          0.0 |         0.1 |
| Other inventories                 |         1.5 |          1.8 |         1.7 |
| Prepayments                       |         1.0 |          0.3 |         0.5 |
| Total inventories                 |       138.9 |         55.4 |        58.3 |

*) Meat raw materials in Sweden are included in finished products.              

NOTES TO SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                                                   

|                |   Number of |     Share |      IUEF |   Treasury |     Tot. |
|                |      shares |   capital |           |     shares |          |
| Share capital  |             |           |           |            |          |
| and share      |             |           |           |            |          |
| premium        |             |           |           |            |          |
| reserve        |             |           |           |            |          |
| 1.1.2007       |  34 463 193 |      58.6 |       0.0 |            |     58.6 |
| Directed issue |   4 843 000 |       8.2 |      66.7 |            |     74.9 |
| Acquisition of |    -100 000 |           |           |       -1.8 |     -1.8 |
| treasury       |             |           |           |            |          |
| shares         |             |           |           |            |          |
| 30.9.2007      |  39 206 193 |      66.8 |      66.7 |       -1.8 |    131.7 |

INTEREST-BEARING LIABILITIES                                                    

At the end of Q2, HKScan signed a EUR 550 million multi-currency financing      
agreement with an international syndicate of banks. The loan facility comprises 
a EUR 275 million seven-year amortising term loan and a EUR 275 million         
five-year credit limit. This arrangement refinanced most of HKScan's current    
loan portfolio and will support the company's future financing needs. It will   
extend the average loan period of the Group's loan stock. The loans to be drawn 
in this arrangement are subject to variable interest rates. The facility        
contains customary covenants. At 30 September 2007, EUR 162 million remained to 
be drawn upon. In addition, the Group had other untapped credit lines of EUR 54 
million at the time. The EUR 100 million commercial paper programme had been    
drawn upon in the amount of EUR 13 million.                                     

FINANCIAL RISKS                                                                 

The Board has specified the Group's financial risk management principles in     
respect of equity hedging. Hedging level targets have been set for each         
currency. In other respects, the principles remain the same as presented in the 
Group's 2006 Annual Report.                                                     

CONSOLIDATED CONTINGENT LIABILITIES                                             
(EUR mill.)                                                                     
|                                    |   30.9.2007 |  30.9.2006 |   31.12.2006 |
| Debts secured by                   |             |            |              |
| pledges or mortgages               |        39.6 |       55.1 |         50.4 |
| - loans from financial             |             |            |              |
| institutions                       |             |            |              |
| Given as security                  |             |            |              |
| - real estate mortgages            |        57.1 |       29.4 |         47.9 |
| - pledges                          |        11.2 |       11.8 |         13.5 |
| - floating charges                 |        13.7 |        4.7 |         10.6 |
| For associates                     |             |            |              |
| - guarantees                       |         4.3 |        4.0 |          3.6 |
| Security for debts                 |             |            |              |
| - guarantees and pledges           |        12.8 |        6.9 |          8.3 |
| Other contingencies                |             |            |              |
| Leasing commitments                |         5.9 |        4.0 |          1.1 |
| Rent liabilities                   |         2.1 |        0.0 |          2.7 |
| Derivative instrument liabilities  |             |            |              |
| Nominal values of derivative       |             |            |              |
| instruments                        |             |            |              |
| Forward foreign-exchange contracts |        58.0 |        6.7 |          4.2 |
| Interest swap contracts            |       165.2 |        0.0 |          0.0 |
| Forward electricity contracts      |         5.1 |        5.6 |          6.5 |
| Fair values of derivative          |             |            |              |
| instruments                        |             |            |              |
| Foreign exchange contracts         |        -0.4 |        0.0 |          0.0 |
| Interest swap contracts            |         0.3 |        0.0 |          0.0 |
| Forward electricity contracts      |         0.7 |        2.4 |          0.2 |

BUSINESS TRANSACTIONS WITH ASSOCIATES                                           

|                                    |  Q1-Q3/2007 | Q1-Q3/2006 |         2006 |
| Sales to associates                |        29.2 |        1.2 |          1.8 |
| Purchases from associates          |        26.7 |        6.1 |          8.5 |
| Trade and other receivables        |         0.6 |        0.2 |          0.2 |
| Trade payables and other           |         5.0 |        0.6 |          0.4 |
| liabilities                        |             |            |              |

BUSINESSES ACQUIRED                                                             

In the first half of the year, in January 2007, the company acquired the entire 
business of Swedish Meats. The deal was financed with a directed issue to       
Swedish Meats valued at EUR 75 million and a cash consideration of EUR 76       
million (SEK 692 million).                                                      

The current view is that purchase price will be allocated to intangible assets  
under brands. The company will announce the final allocation of the purchase    
price in its financial statements for 2007.                                     

HKScan Corporation                                                              

Kai Seikku                                                                      

Further information is available from CEO Kai Seikku. Please leave any messages 
for him to call with Katja Backman on +358 (0)10 570 2428                       

OMX Nordic Exchanges                                                            
Financial Supervision Authority                                                 
Main media                                                             


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