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HKScan Corporation       STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE   27 February 2009 at 8.10 am 


* The fourth quarter outperformed Q3 in terms of Group EBIT as anticipated,     
owing especially to the stronger performance of the Finnish business.           

* The entire year 2008 was a challenging one from the business perspective. EBIT
at EUR 38.1 million failed, as anticipated, to reach the previous year's level. 

* Consumer demand for food is expected to remain steady in main market areas,   
although shifts may be seen in emphasis between product groups.                 

* The ongoing international financial crisis has given rise to sharp exchange   
rate fluctuations in the company's central currencies.                          

HKSCAN CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT, Q4 and the entire year                    
(EUR million)                                                                   
|                               |  Q4/2008 |   Q4/2007 |      2008 |      2007 |
| Net sales                     |    592.3 |     552.2 |   2 294.6 |   2 107.3 |
| EBIT                          |     15.3 |      11.6 |      38.1 |      55.3 |
| - % of net sales              |      2.6 |       2.1 |       1.7 |       2.6 |
| Share of associates' result   |     -0.1 |       0.4 |       0.9 |       0.4 |
| Financial income and          |     -9.4 |      -5.0 |     -30.1 |     -19.4 |
| expenses, net                 |          |           |           |           |
| Profit before taxes           |      5.9 |       6.9 |       9.0 |      36.3 |
| - % of net sales              |      1.0 |       1.2 |       0.4 |       1.7 |
| Income taxes                  |      2.1 |      -0.9 |      -1.4 |      -6.8 |
| Profit for the period         |      8.0 |       6.0 |       7.6 |      29.5 |
| - % of net sales              |      1.4 |       1.1 |       0.3 |       1.4 |
| Profit attributable to:       |          |           |           |           |
|  Equity holders of the parent |      6.9 |       5.6 |       4.7 |      27.8 |
|   Minority interests          |      1.1 |       0.4 |       2.9 |       1.7 |
| Total                         |      8.0 |       6.0 |       7.6 |      29.5 |
| EPS, undiluted, EUR           |     0.18 |      0.14 |      0.12 |      0.72 |
| EPS, diluted, EUR             |     0.17 |      0.14 |      0.12 |      0.72 |


- Net sales in the fourth quarter came to EUR 592.3 million (EUR 552.2m in      
Q4/2007), a year-on-year increase of 7.2 percent.                               
- EBIT stood at EUR 15.3 million (EUR 11.6m in Q4/2007), up by 32.5% from 2007. 
- Business in Finland was restored to an even keel after the technical and      
logistical issues experienced in the early part of the year. Sales in the       
Christmas season were successful, bringing fourth-quarter net sales to EUR 6.4  
million (EUR 3.3m).                                                             
- Fourth-quarter sales in Sweden conformed to plan and EBIT for the quarter came
to EUR 8.6 million (EUR 7.7m).                                                  
- HKScan's market standing in Finland and Sweden grew stronger in terms of both 
volume and value.                                                               
- The Baltics plunged into deeper recession in the autumn. Group EBIT in the    
final quarter of the year only came to EUR 0.6 million (EUR 0.9m).              
- In Poland, the final quarter was the best of the year with EBIT at EUR 1.9    
million (EUR 0.1m).                                                             

HEADLINES IN 2008                                                               

The HKScan Group's net sales increased by 8.9% in the year under review and came
to EUR 2 294.6 million (EUR 2 107.3m in 2007). The largest increase in absolute 
terms was seen in the Finnish and Swedish markets while in relative terms, net  
sales grew the most in Poland. No mergers or acquisitions impacting on net sales
were concluded in the year under review.                                        

Breakdown of Group net sales by market area in 2008: Sweden 50.0%, Finland      
31.4%, the Baltics 7.1% and Poland 11.5%.                                       

Group EBIT at EUR 38.1 million was down 31.1 percent from the previous year's   
figure of EUR 55.3 million. This decline in EBIT was underpinned by a number of 
factors. Operations were hampered by the difficulties in the international meat 
market, which first arose in autumn 2007, persisting well into the summer of    
2008. The intense rise in production costs seen in the early part of the year   
was also a contributing factor. The high final costs of the industrial          
restructuring in Finland and substantial expenses arising from frozen meat      
destocking recognised in the second quarter along with the writedowns taken by  
the pork primary production unit in Poland dragged performance in the entire    
early part of the year into the red.                                            

Performance picked up in the third quarter, and the ongoing improvement resulted
in Q4 turning out to be the best of the year. Fourth-quarter EBIT at EUR 15.3   
million equalled 40% of the entire year's EBIT. Performance in Finland, Sweden  
and Poland improved from the previous quarter while in the Baltics, the fourth  
quarter was the weakest of the year.                                            

The final part of the year 2008 at HKScan was much as planned. Fourth-quarter   
EBIT outperformed Q3 as the company had projected, yet full-year EBIT fell short
of the level seen in 2007, as expected, and was clearly inadequate.             

Breakdown of Group EBIT by market area in 2008: Sweden 41.8%, Finland 33.5%, the
Baltics 14.9% and Poland 9.8%.                                                  

Earnings per share were EUR 0.12 (EUR 0.72). The Board proposes a dividend of   
EUR 0.24 per share (EUR 0.27).                                                  

CEO MATTI PERKONOJA:                                                            

"At EUR 38.1 million, EBIT for 2008 failed, as anticipated, to reach the        
previous year's level. The modest EBIT figure is largely attributable to the    
narrowing in sales margins seen in 2008. The costs of primary meat production   
and manufacturing furthermore rose sharply during the year and could only be    
negotiated to sales prices at a lag extending until 2009 in respect of certain  

Profitability in the early part of the year was eroded by the difficult         
situation in the international pork market persisting in all of HKScan's market 
areas. The lingering oversupply only started to level out towards the end of    

HKScan's performance was inadequate: instead of the company's target of five    
percent, an EBIT margin of only 1.7% was achieved. The ongoing rise in the cost 
of financing eroded net earnings to the point that earnings per share only came 
to EUR 0.12. Nonetheless, the foundation for more robust development has been   

In Finland, the largest industrial restructuring programme in the company's     
history was successfully completed. However, the implementation stage gave rise 
to disruptions in supply and additional overlap expenditure in the early part of
the year. It was only in the latter half of the year that the investments made  
and the revised industrial structure along with the fine-tuned procedures could 
be leveraged in full. The steps taken were reflected in the favourable          
development in the performance of the Finnish business towards the end of the   
year, a trend we expect to continue in 2009.                                    

Now that restructuring is complete in Finland, resources will be shifted to the 
overall development of the Swedish business.                                    

The decline in the Baltic economies was the swiftest and sharpest seen in all of
HKScan's market areas. The decline in consumer purchasing power manifested as   
lower consumption and a shift towards more economically priced basic products.  
Thanks to its solid market standing, HKScan is well positioned to weather the   
current economic downturn.                                                      

Unlike the company's other market areas, Poland retained a mood of relative     
optimism throughout the year. GDP growth slowed down but stood at a fairly      
healthy four percent in November. The sharp fluctuation in the value of the     
zloty was an issue particular to the Polish business.                           

Of the Group's central currencies, both the Swedish krona and the Polish zloty  
fell exceptionally low against the euro towards the end of the year, in the wake
of the international financial crisis. This decline will in future tax both net 
sales and earnings for the Group and its effects are already evident in the form
of the lower balance sheet values reported in the financial statements.         

HKScan's development in the latter half of 2008 proved that the company's own   
business was coming to an even keel, and early 2009 shows the trend to continue.
Changes in national economies and employment that may affect consumer behaviour 
are difficult to anticipate. HKScan's extensive product range features foods and
food ingredients to satisfy the gamut of needs faced by a diverse consumer base 
in these unpredictable times.”                                                  

MARKET AREA: FINLAND                                                            
(EUR million)                                                                   
|                      |     Q4/2008 |     Q4/2007 |        2008 |        2007 |
| Net sales            |       197.3 |       176.3 |       740.4 |       674.3 |
| EBIT                 |         6.4 |         3.3 |        14.4 |        22.8 |
| - EBIT margin, %     |         3.2 |         1.9 |         1.9 |         3.4 |

The situation in the international pork meat market, which started to           
deteriorate in autumn 2007, remained extremely tense through summer 2008 as     
anticipated. In Finland, the worst affected was the meat business, which ran    
clearly in the red in the early part of the year. The most problematic quarter  
was that of March-June when the entire Finnish business returned a negative     
EBIT. Functional issues having to do with logistics and delivery dependability  
as well as unanticipated expenditure, both arising from the completion of the   
restructuring effort, also fell on this quarter.                                

The new logistics centre, essential to future development, was completed in     
Vantaa. Temporary parallel arrangements had to be put in place during the       
centre's ramp-up to ensure deliveries. These arrangements gave rise to higher   
than anticipated overlapping expenditure and disruptions in supply. The ramp-up 
stage was successfully completed in June. Once the disruptions were eliminated, 
delivery dependability improved markedly and the standard required by our       
customers was achieved in the autumn. As its performance grew more robust, HK   
Ruokatalo improved its market standing towards the end of the year.             

The centralisation of logistical functions to Vantaa along with the completion  
and deployment of the logistics centre concluded HK Ruokatalo's substantial     
industrial restructuring programme in Finland. The Tampere production plant and 
terminal were closed in June 2008 as outlined in the programme. All in all, the 
number of the company's production facilities decreased from eight to six.      

The demand for traditional processed meats, a product category of considerable  
importance to the company, rose sharply in the last few months of the year. In  
the consumer-packed meats sector, sales were boosted by the company's           
participation in private-label production.                                      

The poultry market also developed favourably. Though the rate of growth slowed  
down in autumn, the annual increase in chicken consumption and production in    
Finland was some eight percent. HK Ruokatalo's deliveries of poultry products   
grew in terms of both volume and value.                                         

MARKET AREA: SWEDEN                                                             
(EUR million)                                                                   
|                      |     Q4/2008 |     Q4/2007 |        2008 |        2007 |
| Net sales            |       301.6 |       295.7 |     1 179.3 |     1 111.9 |
| EBIT                 |         8.6 |         7.7 |        18.0 |        23.0 |
| - EBIT margin, %     |         2.9 |         2.6 |         1.5 |         2.1 |

Scan AB's meat business performed as anticipated in the review period.          
Persisting well into the summer, the difficult situation in the international   
pork market was nonetheless reflected especially in the profitability of        
industrial sales and exports. In beef, the situation was more stable with regard
to profitability and the market easier to manage. Scan is the most important    
supplier of raw material to the Swedish food industry.                          

In the convenience food and processed meats business, Scan performed below par  
with the exception of cold cuts producer Pärsons, which delivered fair          
performance throughout the year.                                                

The difficulties in Scan's convenience food and processed meats business were   
mainly due to the only partial success in negotiating sales prices to reflect   
the sharp rise in production costs. Sales as well as profitability were         
furthermore eroded by the price talks with retail conducted in the autumn,      
during which a significant proportion of Scan's product range was unavailable in
the selections of one major retail chain for several weeks.                     

The expansion of the Swinoujscie plant, which answers for the entire HKScan     
Group's bacon slicing and packing needs, came online in Poland in June.         
Construction of the logistics centre in Linköping also progressed as planned.   

As outlined in its efficiency programme, Scan closed down the Kävlinge plant in 
southern Sweden and slaughterhouses in Skellefteå and Uppsala during the year   
under review.                                                                   

MARKET AREA: THE BALTICS                                                        
(EUR million)                                                                   
|                      |     Q4/2008 |     Q4/2007 |        2008 |        2007 |
| Net sales            |        43.0 |        37.6 |       168.2 |       145.3 |
| EBIT                 |         0.6 |         0.9 |         6.4 |        10.7 |
| - EBIT margin, %     |         1.4 |         2.3 |         3.8 |         7.4 |

The first eight months of the year went as planned in the Baltics in terms of   
sales, yet performance was hampered above all by the weakening profitability of 
the Group's own raw material production.                                        

Intensely rising feed costs depressed Group company Ekseko, pork supplier to    
Rakvere, clearly into the red in Q1 as well as Q2. Despite costs also rising in 
the poultry business, Tallegg was fairly successful at balancing prices and     

The economies in the Baltic States plunged into deeper recession towards the end
of the summer. The high inflation rate was halted and economic growth turned    
negative first in Estonia and Latvia, soon to be followed by Lithuania. Both    
volumes and sales value took a turn down in the grocery sector. Demand for more 
economical products had been rising since the beginning of the year as the      
economic outlook for consumers grew darker. By the end of the year, a large     
number of consumers had switched over to traditional local basic products.      

With competition growing fiercer, passing the higher costs on to sales prices   
became increasingly difficult as the year progressed. This was reflected in     
tighter sales margins, which in turn contributed to the market area of the      
Baltics delivering only slightly over half of the EBIT achieved a year earlier. 
The current EBIT includes some EUR 1.2 million in non-recurring gains on the    
disposal of fixed assets.                                                       

As outlined in its investments programme, Rakvere Lihakombinaat brought online  
its new frankfurter line in September. Tallegg modernised its poultry breeding  

Several food businesses are feeling the squeeze from the tight market and       
intense competition, especially in Latvia and Lithuania. Further shakeouts may  
therefore be expected in the industry. As the regional market leader, HKScan's  
Baltic Group is well positioned to ride out the recession.                      

MARKET AREA: POLAND                                                             
(EUR million)                                                                   
| *)                   |     Q4/2008 |     Q4/2007 |        2008 |        2007 |
| Net sales            |        66.3 |        54.8 |       270.9 |       220.9 |
| EBIT                 |         1.9 |         0.1 |         4.2 |         3.7 |
| - EBIT margin, %     |         2.9 |         0.3 |         1.6 |         1.7 |
*) The figures refer to HKScan's share (50%) of the Sokolów Group's figures.    

The year 2008 started out in line with target for Sokolów's core business, the  
production and sales of meat and processed meats in the Polish market, with a   
year-on-year absolute increase of over 20% in net sales. The fourth quarter of  
the year proved the best for Sokolów in terms of earnings and the year 2008     
overall was in line with previous year.                                         

The long-sustained positive undertone of the Polish national economy was        
dampened and the country's economic expectations grew weaker in the final       
quarter of the year. Nonetheless, the economy remained clearly more robust than 
in the Baltics, for example.                                                    

The difficult situation in the European pork market due to international market 
disruptions and the sharp rise in meat production costs hampered business in    
Poland as well. This was especially the case with primary production company and
Sokolów pork raw material producer Agro-Sokolów, where a writedown of EUR 1.5   
million taken on inventories in spring dragged second-quarter earnings into the 
red for the entire market area. Agro-Sokolów had been reducing its losses but   
animal production profitability remained poor.                                  

Second subsidiary Pozmeat meanwhile rose into the black in late autumn 2008     
thanks to a long-running cost-effectiveness and streamlining programme.         

Deliveries to modern retail chains, which as a distribution channel have come to
rival its own traditional network of retail outlets, accounted for the largest  
rise in Sokolów's sales. In Poland as well, the significance of Western-style   
retail chains as partners to industry is on the rise.                           

INVESTING ACTIVITIES                                                            

The Group's gross investments in 2008 totalled EUR 84.0 million (EUR 129.3m).   
Breakdown of investments by market area: Finland EUR 27.5 million, Sweden EUR   
28.0 million and the Baltics EUR 14.9 million. HKScan's share of Sokolów        
investments in Poland added a further EUR 13.6 million. Investments in the      
comparison year 2007 were exceptionally high owing to the acquisition of Scan AB
and a substantial amount of investment in the Finnish industrial restructuring  
programme falling on that year.                                                 

In Finland, the key target of capital expenditure was finishing and bringing    
online the logistics centre in Vantaa. This was accomplished by early summer. In
Sweden, construction of the Linköping logistics centre progressed and           
installation work commenced late in the year. The Swinoujscie bacon plant       
expansion became operational in Poland in June. In Estonia, the new frankfurter 
line at Rakvere Lihakombinaat was brought online in September. A new frankfurter
and grilling sausages line was completed at Sokolów's Kolo plant.               

FINANCING ACTIVITIES                                                            

The Group's interest-bearing debt at year-end, excluding the hybrid bond issued 
on 23 September 2008, stood at EUR 524.4 million (EUR 514.4m). The              
euro-equivalent liabilities in the balance sheet declined at the very end of the
year due to the sharp decline in the Swedish krona and Polish zloty. Average    
debt in 2008 stood at EUR 543 million (EUR 514m). Group net financial expenses  
totalled EUR 30.1 million (EUR 19.4m). The substantial rise in financial        
expenses is due to higher gearing, higher interest rates in the first three     
quarters of 2008 compared to the same period a year earlier, and higher margins 
on loans. In addition, the Group has an average of EUR 60 million (EUR 6m) in   
trade receivables sold to financing companies and the financing expenses paid on
these are included in full in the financing expenses reported.                  

Group funding is based on a EUR 550 million syndicated credit facility signed in
June 2007, comprising a EUR 275 million seven-year amortising term loan and a   
EUR 275 million five-year credit limit with two one-year extension options.     
Untapped credit facilities at 31 December 2008 stood at EUR 140 million (EUR    
184m). In addition, the Group had other untapped overdraft and other facilities 
of EUR 37 million (EUR 33m). The EUR 100 million commercial paper programme had 
been drawn upon in the amount of EUR 0 million (EUR 23m). The commercial paper  
market came to a virtual standstill at the end of the year. Matured commercial  
paper was refinanced using the existing untapped credit facilities.             

The company sees no significant need for refinancing before the year 2012. The  
company's current loan agreements are subject to ordinary terms relating to     
profit and the balance sheet. The financial covenants are net gearing ratio and 
ratio of net debt to EBITDA.                                                    

The equity ratio was 29.5 percent (29.3%) at year-end. The Group will continue  
to focus on achieving a stronger cash flow and reducing net liabilities. More   
effective working capital management and extremely careful consideration of     
which investments to implement will be among the tools of choice in this        

EFFECT OF CURRENCY EXCHANGE RATES                                               

Of the Group's central currencies, both the Swedish krona and the Polish zloty  
fell exceptionally low against the euro towards the end of the review period in 
the wake of the global economic and financial crisis. This decline will in      
future tax both net sales and earnings for the Group and its effects are already
evident in the form of the lower balance sheet values reported in the financial 
statements. In accordance with the hedging policy adopted by the company's      
Board, approximately two thirds of the foreign subsidiaries' equities are hedged
at present.                                                                     


The Group's taxes for January to December 2008 totalled EUR -1.4 million (EUR   
-6.8m). The effective tax rate was 15.3 percent (18.7%). Effective tax rate was 
reduced by the application in the financial statements of earlier losses in     
Poland and Sweden and the deferred tax assets recognised on the loss-making     
companies in Finland and Sweden. The tax rate was on the other hand raised by   
the losses of Poland-based companies, which could not be applied in the         
sub-Group's internal tax equalisation. This was particularly evident in the high
tax rates reported in the Group's earlier interim reports for 2008.             

HYBRID BOND ISSUE                                                               

On 23 September 2008 HKScan issued a EUR 20 million hybrid bond aimed at its    
majority shareholders, LSO Osuuskunta cooperative and Swedish Meats ek.för. The 
bond has a coupon rate of 8.5% p.a. The bond has no maturity but the company may
call it after six years. The bond will be treated as equity in the company's    
IFRS financial statements. The dates of interest payment are at the discretion  
of the company. The payment can be made either in cash or as HKScan's Series A  
shares. The right of exchange only applies in the first six years. The payment  
of interest as new shares will dilute the shareholding of the company's current 
shareholders over six years by no more than 1 190 160 A Shares, equal to 3.5% of
all A Shares and 3.0% of all shares. The rate of exchange is calculated         
according to a share price of EUR 8.57.                                         

RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT                                                        

Practically all research and development in the HKScan Group concern involves   
normal product development, meaning the development of new products over a span 
of one to two years and the updating of products already on the market. A total 
of EUR 13.1 million (EUR 15.6m) was spent on R&D in 2008.                       

SHAREHOLDERS AND SHARE CAPITAL                                                  

At the end of the financial year, a total of 8 356 shareholders were entered in 
the register of shareholders (7 768 in 2007). At the end of 2008, 29.6 percent  
(21.4%) of the company's shares were nominee registered or held by non-domestic 

The company's share capital stood at EUR 66 820 528.10 at the beginning and end 
of the financial year. The share capital breaks down as follows:                

Series A shares   33 906 193 shares    86.3%                                    
Series K shares    5 400 000 shares    13.7%                                    
Total             39 306 193 shares   100.0%                                    

Each A Share conveys one vote and each K Share 20 votes. The K Shares are held  
by LSO Osuuskunta (4 375 000 shares) and Swedish Meats (665 000 shares). Each   
share gives equal entitlement to a dividend. The shares have no nominal value.  

INCREASES IN SHARE CAPITAL FROM 2006 TO 2008                                    

The company's share capital was not increased in the 2008 financial year.       

The most recent share capital increase took place in January 2007 with the      
directed issue of 4 843 000 A Shares to Swedish Meats. The issue was part of the
acquisition of the business of Swedish Meats (Scan AB). The subscription period 
was 29 January 2007 and the issue price was EUR 15.55 per share. The company's  
share capital was increased by EUR 8 233 100.00 to the current EUR 66 820       
528.10. The increase was entered in the Trade Register on 5 February            
2007.2.2007. The new shares first entitled to dividend for the 2007 financial   

No share capital increases took place in the 2006 financial year.               

STOCK EXCHANGE LISTINGS                                                         

HKScan's A Share has been quoted on Nasdaq OMX since 6 February 1997 in the     
sector of Consumer Staples. During the year under review, 9 028 409 of the      
company's shares were traded for a total of EUR 72 557 100.                     

The highest price quoted was EUR 14.48 and the lowest EUR 3.90. The middle price
was EUR 7.88 and the year-end closing price was EUR 4.42. The share price fell  
by 68.5 percent on the year while the index for the Food Industry sector        
(HX302020) declined by 39.1 percent or 86.4 points on the year.                 

The company's market capitalisation (A and K Shares) at the balance sheet date  
was EUR 173.7 million, having stood at EUR 551.9 million a year earlier.        

HKScan has in place a market making agreement with FIM Pankkiiriliike Oy which  
meets the requirements of Nasdaq OMX's Liquidity Providing (LP) operation.      


At the beginning of 2008, HKScan held 40 024 A Shares as treasury shares.       
Pursuant to an authorisation granted by the Annual General Meeting on 20 April  
2007, the company acquired in March another 15 000 of its own A Shares in public
trading on Nasdaq OMX for use in its share incentive scheme. The purchase price 
came to EUR 0.13 million.                                                       

The Board assigned on 22 April 2008 free of charge a total of 45 552 A Shares   
held as treasury shares to the key employees covered under the Share Incentive  
Scheme 2006 as the share contribution of the bonus payable for the 2007 earning 
period. In addition, the Board assigned on 4 December 2008 free of charge a     
total of 4 998 A Shares held as treasury shares as the share contribution of the
bonus payable for the 2006 earning period. The assignments were made pursuant to
the authorisation granted by the AGM.                                           

At year-end, the company held a total of 4 474 of its A Shares. These had a     
market value of EUR 0.02 million and accounted for 0.01% of all shares and less 
than 0.01% of all votes.                                                        

NOTICE OF CHANGE IN OWNERSHIP                                                   

During 2008, the company received the following notice regarding changes in     
holdings pursuant to Chapter 2:9 of the Securities Markets Act.                 

Artio Global Management LLC reported that a share acquisition performed on 30   
September 2008 reduced the stake of Julius Baer International Equity Fund in    
HKScan to 4.999% of the shares. At the same time, however, the total            
shareholding of Julius Baer International Equity Fund and other Artio Global    
Management LCC clients in HKScan rose from 8.21% to 8.77%.                      

BOARD OF DIRECTORS' EXISTING AUTHORISATIONS                                     

(1) The Board holds the authorisation granted by the AGM on 22 April 2008 to    
decide on acquiring a maximum of 3 500 000 Series A shares as treasury shares,  
equivalent to some 8.9% of total registered shares and some 10.3% of total A    

Treasury shares may only be acquired using unrestricted shareholders' equity.   
The company's own shares may be purchased for a price quoted in public trading  
on the purchase day or for a price otherwise determined by the market.          

The Board of Directors shall resolve upon the method of purchase. Among other   
means, derivatives may be utilised in purchasing the shares. The shares may be  
purchased in a proportion other than that of the shares held by the shareholders
(directed purchase). The authorisation is valid until 30 June 2009. To date, the
Board of Directors has not exercised this authorisation.                        

(2) The Board of Directors also holds an authorisation to resolve on an issue of
shares, options as well as other instruments entitling to shares as referred to 
in Chapter 10:1 of the Finnish Limited Liability Companies Act. The original    
authorisation concerned a maximum issue of 5 500 000 A Shares. On 23 September  
2008 the Board exercised the authorisation and issued a hybrid bond with option 
rights, entitling to a maximum of 1 190 160 A Shares, corresponding to some 3.0%
of all registered shares in the company.                                        

The Board may resolve upon all the terms and conditions of the issue of shares  
and other special rights entitling to shares. The authorisation to issue shares 
shall cover the issuing of new shares as well as the transfer of the company's  
own shares. The issue of shares and other special rights entitling to shares may
be implemented as a directed issue. The authorisation is valid until 30 June    
2009. A minimum of 4 309 840 A Shares of the authorisation remain unexercised.  


The HKScan Group had an average of 7 421 employees in 2008 (7 480). The         
reduction is attributable to the ongoing streamlining and cost-effectiveness    
measures by which the Group companies are seeking to enhance their              
competitiveness and profitability.                                              

The average number of employees in each market area was as follows: 3 200 in    
Sweden, 2 377 in Finland and 1 844 in the Baltics. In addition, Sokolów had an  
average of 5 515 employees.                                                     

The HKScan Group has employees in nine European countries. Executive management 
in each country ensures that Group companies have regard to the legislation and 
agreements governing employment, remuneration and other terms of employment, and
occupational safety in their respective countries.                              

Employees at year-end by market area from 2006 to 2008                          

Market area        2008      2007      2006                                     

Sweden            3 035     3 200         -                                     
Finland           2 234     2 241     2 333                                     
The Baltics       1 826     1 892     1 832                                     
HKScan total      7 095     7 333     4 165                                     
Poland *)         5 732     5 419     4 968                                     

*) The figure for Poland refers to the workforce of the Sokolów Group.          

INCENTIVE SCHEME FOR KEY EMPLOYEES                                              

The company has had in place a share incentive scheme for the years 2006-2008.  
The incentive scheme consists of three earning periods of one calendar year     
each: the years 2006, 2007 and 2008. The Board decides on the key personnel     
included in the scheme for each earning period and on the maximum bonus payable 
to them.                                                                        

Any bonuses under the scheme are tied to Group EBIT and return on capital       
employed (ROCE). A maximum of 528 000 A Shares and cash in the amount needed to 
reimburse the key employees for taxes and fiscal charges arising at the time of 
transfer of the shares will be granted on the basis of the entire scheme. The   
persons shall hold on to the shares earned for at least three years from the end
of the earning period.                                                          

The share element of the bonus payable to the approximately ten key employees   
designated for the first earning period (2006) came to 64 974 A Shares in       
HKScan. These were assigned to their recipients in December 2007 and December   
2008. In the 2007 earning period, the scheme concerned 20 key employees who were
assigned a total of 45 552 shares in April 2008. In the 2008 earning period, the
scheme concerned 25 key employees and the number of shares was not to exceed 180
000 A Shares in HKScan. The criteria were not met in 2008 and no shares will be 


The most significant business risks faced by the HKScan Group in all market     
areas involve developments in the price of raw materials and pork in particular,
in future possibly the availability of these as well, and raising sales prices  
to correspond to rising costs. There are also country-specific uncertainties    
relating to the success of the business development programmes in Sweden and the
development of the national economies in the Baltics.                           

The current crisis in the international financial markets increases the risk of 
customer credit losses. The problems experienced by customers are due to the    
state of the economy in their country of operation as well as the availability  
of financing. Ongoing major fluctuations in the Group's central currencies may  
affect the Group's net sales, earnings and balance sheet. Any devaluation of    
local currencies in particular may have a negative effect on the Group's Baltic 

Changes in demand attributable to the financial climate may occur in the Group's
market areas or its export markets, which may erode Group net sales and         

The Group is currently involved in some legal proceedings and civil cases. At   
present, the outcomes are impossible to predict but it is estimated that these  
will not have any significant impact on the Group's financial standing.         

ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT                                                        

HKScan operates on the principle of causing minimum environmental impact during 
production. This principle is put into practice in Finland, Sweden, the Baltics 
and Poland, taking into account existing regulations and certification processes
at the local and EU level. Executive management in each market area are         
responsible for ensuring the appropriate organisation of environmental          

An ISO 14001-certifed environmental management system is in place at all HK     
Ruokatalo production plants in Finland, the Rakvere Lihakombinaat and Tallegg   
plants in Estonia and six Scan plants in Sweden. Other Scan facilities apply the
BAS system, in which environmental efforts are managed by a local steering group
responsible for setting environmental targets for plants and monitoring         
compliance. In Poland, the Sokolów plants operate according to good production  
practice under the ongoing supervision of the Polish veterinary authority.      

All plants operated by the Group in Finland, Sweden and the Baltics furthermore 
have in place a quality management system conforming to the ISO 9001 standard. A
few also hold ISO 22000 certification for their product safety management       
system. In Poland, the Jaroslaw plant holds ISO 9002 certification while other  
Sokolów plants are in the final stages of obtaining certification under ISO     

EVENTS TAKING PLACE AFTER 31 DECEMBER 2008                                      

The company's Board of Directors relieved CEO Kai Seikku of his duties on 5     
January 2009. Earnings in early 2009 will be eroded by the non-recurring expense
of some EUR 1.3 million relating to the termination of the CEO's employment. The
27 000 A Shares assigned to the CEO based on the share incentive scheme reverted
to the company in January 2009.                                                 

CFO Matti Perkonoja was appointed CEO effective 12 January 2009. He has been the
CFO of HKScan since 2000 and before this, served in both commercial and         
industrial executive positions in the Group which he joined in 1993. Mr         
Perkonoja has agreed to serve for a term extending until the end of 2010, at    
which time he will retire.                                                      

Matti Perkonoja's background gives him an excellent understanding of the        
company, and he was also one of the key contributors to HKScan's                
internationalisation. Mr Perkonoja's wealth of experience along with the state  
of the company's business, which was restored to a more even keel in late 2008, 
provides a prime foundation for the further development of the company.         

The Group's Management Team was joined on 14 January 2009 by Ms Irma Kiilunen,  
(BSc, Econ & Bus Admin), who was appointed CFO, and by Mr Tero Hemmilä, (MSc,   
Agr & For), who was appointed senior vice president of strategic business       
planning. Ms Kiilunen was formerly finance director for HKScan while Mr         
Hemmilä's earlier posts include managing director of LSO Foods Oy and senior VP 
for strategic planning in HK Ruokatalo. Management Team member, CMO Antti       
Lauslahti resigned from HKScan in January 2009.                                 

FUTURE OUTLOOK                                                                  

Consumer demand for food is anticipated to remain unchanged in Finland and in   
Sweden, which provides the foundation for stable business development in the    
Group's main market areas. Signs of diminishing demand are visible in the       
Group's other market areas as well as its export markets.                       

Despite the exceptionally uncertain climate having to do with the global        
economic and financial situation, the company estimates that in the current     
year, Group EBIT exclusive of non-recurring items will exceed the level         
delivered in 2008.                                                              


The parent company's distributable assets stand at EUR 78.9 million including   
the reserve for invested unrestricted equity (RIUE), which holds EUR 66.7       
million. The Board of Directors recommends that the company pays a dividend of  
EUR 0.24 per share for 2008, i.e. a total of EUR 9.4 million.                   

There have been no material changes in the company's financial standing since   
the end of the year under review. The company maintains good liquidity and the  
recommended distribution of dividend will not in the Board's estimation         
compromise the company's solvency.                                              

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING                                                          

HKScan Corporation's Annual General Meeting will be held at 11am on Thursday, 23
April 2009 in Helsinki in Congress Hall A of Finlandia Hall, address            
Mannerheimintie 13 e, 00100 Helsinki, Finland. To be eligible to attend the     
Annual General Meeting, shareholders should be registered by 9 April 2009 in    
HKScan Corporation's shareholder register maintained by Euroclear Finland Ltd   
(Finnish Central Securities Depository). Notice of and Board proposals to the   
Annual General Meeting the will be published at a later date.                   


(EUR million)                                                                   

|                                                |        2008 |          2007 |
| NET SALES                                      |     2 294.6 |       2 107.3 |
| Change in inventories of finished goods and    |         0.4 |           1.6 |
| work in progress                               |             |               |
| Work performed for own use and capitalised     |         1.3 |           1.8 |
| Other operating income                         |        14.0 |           9.7 |
| Share of associates' results                   |         0.6 |           1.5 |
| Materials and services                         |    -1 642.6 |      -1 461.4 |
| Employee benefits expenses                     |      -319.0 |        -319.0 |
| Depreciation and amortisation                  |       -54.8 |         -52.4 |
| Impairment                                     |         0.8 |           0.8 |
| Other operating expenses                       |      -257.1 |        -234.5 |
| EBIT                                           |        38.1 |          55.3 |
| Financial income                               |         5.4 |           4.7 |
| Financial expenses                             |       -34.4 |         -23.8 |
| Currency exchange gains and losses and changes |        -1.1 |          -0.3 |
| in fair values *)                              |             |               |
| Share of associates' results                   |         0.9 |           0.4 |
| PROFIT/LOSS BEFORE TAXES                       |         9.0 |          36.3 |
| Income taxes                                   |        -1.4 |          -6.8 |
| PROFIT/LOSS FOR THE FINANCIAL PERIOD           |         7.6 |          29.5 |
| Equity holders of the parent                   |         4.7 |          27.8 |
| Minority interests                             |         2.9 |           1.7 |
| Total                                          |         7.6 |          29.5 |

Earnings per share calculated on profit attributable to equity holders of the   

| EPS, undiluted, continuing operations,         |        0.12 |          0.72 |
| EUR/share                                      |             |               |
| EPS, diluted, continuing operations, EUR/share |        0.12 |          0.72 |
*) Currency exchange gains and losses formerly included in financial income and 
expenses are reported net as a distinct item.                                   

CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET AT 31 DECEMBER                                       
(EUR million)                                                                   

|                                                |        2008 |          2007 |
| Intangible assets                              |        57.8 |          65.5 |
| Goodwill                                       |        81.7 |          85.1 |
| Tangible assets                                |       479.3 |         476.6 |
| Shares in associates                           |        17.8 |          20.3 |
| Trade and other receivables                    |        17.4 |          18.0 |
| Available-for-sale investments / Other         |         9.9 |          11.4 |
| long-term investments                          |             |               |
| Deferred tax asset                             |        10.1 |           8.3 |
| NON-CURRENT ASSETS                             |       673.9 |         685.1 |
| Inventories                                    |       128.3 |         140.2 |
| Trade and other receivables                    |       198.4 |         244.9 |
| Income tax receivable                          |         1.5 |           2.5 |
| Other financial assets                         |         2.2 |           3.7 |
| Cash and cash equivalents                      |        92.2 |          53.2 |
| CURRENT ASSETS                                 |       422.6 |         444.5 |
| ASSETS                                         |     1 096.5 |       1 129.6 |
| Share capital                                  |        66.8 |          66.8 |
| Share premium reserve                          |        73.5 |          73.4 |
| Treasury shares                                |        -0.0 |          -0.7 |
| Revaluation reserve and other reserves         |       106.0 |          80.6 |
| Translation differences                        |       -25.1 |           3.0 |
| Retained earnings                              |        97.0 |         105.5 |
| Equity attributable to equity holders of the   |       318.2 |         328.5 |
| parent                                         |             |               |
| Minority interest                              |         5.4 |           2.9 |
| SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                           |       323.7 |         331.5 |
| Deferred tax liability                         |        33.6 |          34.0 |
| Interest-bearing liabilities                   |       442.1 |         421.6 |
| Non-interest bearing liabilities               |         7.9 |           6.9 |
| Pension obligations                            |         3.7 |           4.7 |
| Provisions                                     |         1.4 |           0.0 |
| NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES                        |       488.7 |         467.2 |
| Interest-bearing liabilities                   |        82.4 |          92.9 |
| Trade payables and other liabilities           |       199.4 |         236.6 |
| Income tax liability                           |         0.5 |           0.1 |
| Provisions                                     |         1.9 |           1.3 |
| CURRENT LIABILITIES                            |       284.2 |         330.9 |
| EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                         |     1 096.5 |       1 129.6 |

(EUR million)                                                                   

|           | 1.  | 2.  | 3.  | 4.   | 5.   | 6.   | 7.   | 8.   | 9.   | 10.  |
| SHAREHOLD | 66. | 73. | 3.0 | 66.7 |  0.0 | -0.7 | 10.8 |  3.0 | 105. | 328. |
| ERS'      |   8 |   4 |     |      |      |      |      |      |    5 |    5 |
| EQUITY    |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| 1.1.2008  |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| Cash flow |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| hedging   |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| Gains and |     |     | 5.0 |      |      |      |      |      |      |  5.0 |
| losses    |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| recognise |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| d in      |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| sharehold |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| ers'      |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| equity    |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| Translati | 0.0 | -0. | 0.0 |  0.0 |  0.0 |  0.0 | -0.2 | -28. | -1.1 | -29. |
| on        |     |   1 |     |      |      |      |      |    1 |      |    5 |
| differenc |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| e         |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| Other     |     |     |     |      | 20.0 |      | -0.6 |      |      | 19.5 |
| changes   |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| Direct    |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      | -0.3 | -0.3 |
| recogniti |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| on in     |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| retained  |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| earnings  |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| Transfers | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |      |      |      |  1.2 |  0.0 | -1.2 |  0.0 |
| between   |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| items     |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| Net gains | 0.0 | -0. | 5.0 |  0.0 | 20.0 |  0.0 |  0.4 | -28. | -2.5 | -5.3 |
| and       |     |   1 |     |      |      |      |      |    1 |      |      |
| losses    |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| recognise |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| d         |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| directly  |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| in        |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| sharehold |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| ers'      |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| equity    |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| Profit    |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |  4.7 |  4.7 |
| for the   |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| period    |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| Total     | 0.0 | -0. | 5.0 |  0.0 | 20.0 |  0.0 |  0.4 | -28. |  2.2 | -0.6 |
| gains and |     |   1 |     |      |      |      |      |    1 |      |      |
| losses    |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| Dividend  |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      | -10. | -10. |
| distribut |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |    6 |    6 |
| ion       |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| Share     |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |  0.0 |
| issue     |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| Purchase  |     |     |     |      |      | -0.1 |      |      |      | -0.1 |
| of        |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| treasury  |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| shares    |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| Payments  |     |     |     |      |      |  0.8 |      |      |      |  0.8 |
| made in   |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| treasury  |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| shares    |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| Share     |     | 0.2 |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |  0.2 |
| options   |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| exercised |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| SHAREHOLD | 66. | 73. | 8.1 | 66.7 | 20.0 |  0.0 | 11.2 | -25. | 97.0 | 318. |
| ERS'      |   8 |   5 |     |      |      |      |      |    1 |      |    2 |
| EQUITY    |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| TOT.      |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| 31.12.08  |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
COLUMNS: 1. Share capital, 2. Share premium reserve, 3. Revaluation reserve, 4. 
Reserve for invested unrestricted equity, 5. Other equity items, 6. Other       
reserves, 7. Translation differences, 8. Treasury shares, 9. Retained earnings, 
10. Total                                                                       

|           | 1.  | 2.  | 3.  | 4.   | 5.   | 6.   | 7.   | 8.   | 9.   | 10.  |
| SHAREHOLD | 58. | 72. | 0.1 |  0.0 |      |  0.0 |  8.9 |  5.4 | 90.5 | 236. |
| ERS'      |   6 |   9 |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |    4 |
| EQUITY    |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| 1.1.2007  |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| Cash flow |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| hedging   |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| Gains and |     |     | 2.9 |      |      |      |      |      |      |  2.9 |
| losses    |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| recognise |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| d in      |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| sharehold |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| ers'      |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| equity    |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| Translati | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |      |      |      |  0.0 | -2.4 |      | -2.4 |
| on        |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| differenc |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| e         |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| Other     |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      | -0.3 | -0.3 |
| changes   |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| Transfers | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |      |      |      |  1.7 |  0.0 | -1.7 |  0.0 |
| between   |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| items     |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| Net gains | 0.0 | 0.0 | 2.9 |      |      |      |  1.7 | -2.4 | -2.0 |  0.2 |
| and       |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| losses    |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| recognise |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| d         |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| directly  |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| in        |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| sharehold |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| ers'      |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| equity    |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| Profit    |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      | 27.8 | 27.8 |
| for the   |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| period    |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| Total     | 0.0 | 0.0 | 2.9 |      |      |      |  1.7 | -2.4 | 25.8 | 28.0 |
| gains and |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| losses    |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| Dividend  |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      | -9.3 | -9.3 |
| distribut |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| ion       |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| Share     | 8.2 |     |     | 66.7 |      |      |      |      |      | 74.9 |
| issue     |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| Purchase  |     |     |     |      |      | -1.8 |      |      |      | -1.8 |
| of        |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| treasury  |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| shares    |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| Payments  |     |     |     |      |      |  1.1 |      |      | -0.8 |  0.3 |
| made in   |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| treasury  |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| shares    |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| Share     |     | 0.5 |     |      |      |      |  0.2 |      | -0.6 |  0.0 |
| options   |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| exercised |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| SHAREHOLD | 66. | 73. | 3.0 | 66.7 |      | -0.7 | 10.8 |  3.0 | 105. | 328. |
| ERS'      |   8 |   4 |     |      |      |      |      |      |    5 |    5 |
| EQUITY    |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| TOT.      |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| 31.12.07  |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
COLUMNS: 1. Share capital, 2. Share premium reserve, 3. Revaluation reserve, 4. 
Reserve for invested unrestricted equity, 5. Other equity items, 6. Other       
reserves, 7. Translation differences, 8. Treasury shares, 9. Retained earnings, 
10. Total                                                                       

CASH FLOW STATEMENT                                                             
(EUR million)                                                                   
|                                                |        2008 |          2007 |
| Operating activities                           |             |               |
| EBIT                                           |        38.1 |          55.3 |
| Adjustments to EBIT                            |        -1.3 |          -1.1 |
| Depreciation and amortisation                  |        54.0 |          51.6 |
| Change in provisions                           |         1.4 |          -8.1 |
| Change in net working capital                  |         1.3 |          50.1 |
| Financial income and expenses                  |       -29.9 |         -19.3 |
| Taxes                                          |        -1.4 |          -6.8 |
| Net cash flow from operating activities        |        62.2 |         121.7 |
| Investing activities                           |             |               |
| Gross investments in fixed assets              |       -84.1 |        -131.6 |
| Disposals of fixed assets                      |        12.0 |          15.8 |
| Investments in subsidiary                      |         0.0 |         -70.1 |
| Loans granted                                  |        -0.2 |          -4.0 |
| Current borrowings repaid                      |         2.0 |           2.1 |
| Net cash flow from investing activities        |       -70.3 |        -187.8 |
| Cash flow before financing activities          |        -8.1 |         -66.1 |
| Financing activities                           |             |               |
| Capital loan payments received                 |        20.0 |           0.0 |
| Current borrowings raised                      |       187.9 |         207.4 |
| Current borrowings repaid                      |      -164.2 |        -310.0 |
| Non-current borrowings raised                  |        27.4 |         522.1 |
| Non-current borrowings repaid                  |        -7.3 |        -297.1 |
| Dividends paid                                 |       -10.6 |          -9.3 |
| Purchase of treasury shares                    |        -0.1 |          -1.8 |
| Net cash flow from financing activities        |        53.0 |         111.3 |
| Change in cash and cash equivalents            |        44.9 |          45.2 |
| Cash and cash equivalents at 1.1.              |        56.8 |          12.1 |
| Effect of changes in exchange rates of cash    |        -7.3 |          -0.5 |
| and cash equivalents                           |             |               |
| Cash and cash equivalents at 31.12.            |        94.4 |          56.8 |

FINANCIAL INDICATORS                                                            

|                                                |        2008 |          2007 |
| Net sales, EUR million                         |     2 294.6 |       2 107.3 |
| EBIT, EUR million                              |        38.1 |          55.3 |
| - % of net sales                               |         1.7 |           2.6 |
| Profit before taxes, EUR million               |         9.0 |          36.3 |
| - % of net sales                               |         0.4 |           1.7 |
| Return on equity (ROE), %                      |         2.3 |           9.2 |
| Return on investment (ROI). %                  |         5.2 |           7.2 |
| Equity ratio, %                                |        29.5 |          29.3 |
| Net gearing ratio, %                           |       132.0 |         137.0 |
| Gross investments, EUR million                 |        84.0 |         129.3 |
| - % of net sales                               |         3.7 |           6.1 |
| R&D expenditure, EUR million                   |        13.1 |          15.6 |
| - % of net sales                               |         0.6 |           0.7 |
| Employees, average                             |       7 421 |         7 840 |

PER SHARE DATA                                                                  

|                                                |        2008 |          2007 |
| Earnings per share (EPS), diluted, EUR         |        0.12 |          0.72 |
| Equity per share, EUR                          |        8.10 |          8.36 |
| Dividend per share, EUR                        |     0.24 *) |          0.27 |
| Dividend payout ratio, undiluted, %            |    199.3 *) |          37.7 |
| Dividend payout ratio, diluted, %              |    205.3 *) |          37.7 |
| Effective dividend yield, %                    |      5.4 *) |           1.9 |
| Price/earnings ratio (P/E)                     |             |               |
| - undiluted                                    |        36.7 |          19.6 |
| - diluted                                      |        37.8 |          19.6 |
| Lowest trading price, EUR                      |        3.90 |         12.22 |
| Highest trading price, EUR                     |       14.48 |         21.02 |
| Middle price, EUR                              |        7.88 |         16.54 |
| Closing price on year, EUR                     |        4.42 |         14.04 |
| Market capitalisation, EUR million             |       173.7 |         551.9 |
| Shares traded in thousands                     |       9 028 |        17 841 |
| - % of average number                          |        26.6 |          53.4 |
| Adjusted number of shares in thousands         |             |               |
| - average during the financial year            |      39 286 |        38 784 |
| - at end of financial year                     |      39 306 |        39 306 |
| - fully diluted                                |      40 476 |        39 306 |
*) Based on Board of Directors' dividend recommendation.                        

FORMULAE FOR FINANCIAL INDICATORS                                               

                              Profit before taxes  -  taxes                     
Return on equity (%)          ---------------------------------- x 100          
                              Total shareholders' equity (average)              

                              Profit before taxes + interest                    
                              and other financial expenses                      
Return on investment (%)      ---------------------------------- x 100          
                              Balance sheet total - non-                        
                              interest-bearing debt (average)                   

                              Total shareholders' equity                        
Equity ratio (%)              ---------------------------------- x 100          
                              Balance sheet total - advances received           

                              Net interest-bearing debt - interest-bearing      
                              loans receivable - cash and cash equivalents      
Net gearing ratio (%)         --------------------------------- x 100           
                              Total shareholders' equity                        

                              Profit for the period attributable to             
                              equity holders of the parent                      
Earnings per share            --------------------------------------------      
                              Average adjusted number of shares                 
                              during the financial year                         

                              Equity attributable to equity holders             
                              of the parent                                     
Equity per share              --------------------------------------------      
                              Average adjusted number of shares                 
                              at the end of the financial year                  

                              Dividend / share                                  
Dividend per share            --------------------------------------------      
                              Coefficient of share issues                       
                              after the financial year                          

                              Adjusted dividend per share                       
Dividend payout ratio (%)     --------------------------------------- x 100     
                              Earnings per share                                

                              Dividend per share                                
Effective dividend yield(%)   --------------------------------------- x 100     
                              Adjusted closing price on the last trading day    
                              of the financial year                             

                              Adjusted closing price on the last trading day    
                              of the financial year                             
P/E ratio                     ---------------------------------------           
                              Earnings per share                                

Market capitalisation         The number of outside shares at the end of the    
                              financial year x closing price on the last        
                              trading day of the financial year                 

No. of employees              Average of workforce figures calculated at the    
                              end of calendar months                            


ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES                                                           

HKScan Corporation's financial statement bulletin for 1 January - 31 December   
2008 has been prepared in compliance with IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting.   
The consolidated financial statements have been prepared in compliance with the 
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and the IAS and IFRS         
standards and SIC and IFRIC interpretations effective at 31 December 2008.      
Amendments to the standards and new interpretations taking effect in 2008 had no
material impact on the Group's financial statements for 2008.                   

Estimate of future impact of new standards and interpretations                  

The Group will adopt the following standards and interpretations in 2009:       

- IAS 1 (revised) Presentation of Financial Statements. The revision is aimed at
improving users' ability to analyse and compare the information given in        
financial statements. The means to achieve this include separating changes in a 
company's equity resulting from transactions with owners in their capacity as   
owners from other changes in equity. Non-owner-related changes are presented in 
the statement of comprehensive income. The Group will in future present both an 
income statement and statement of comprehensive income.                         

- IAS 23 (revised) Borrowing Costs. The standard requires that borrowing costs  
that are directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of
a qualifying asset, such as a production facility, are included in the cost of  
that asset. The Group has previously recognised borrowing costs as an expense   
during the period in which they are incurred, in the manner permitted. The      
revised standard means that borrowing costs concerning construction projects    
undertaken on or after 1 January 2009 are allocated to the project and          
capitalised in the balance sheet.                                               

- IFRS 9 Joint Ventures. The current IAS 31 “Interests in joint ventures”       
permits the proportionate consolidation of the figures for a joint venture (line
by line consolidation). The standard (the new IFRS 9) is likely to be amended to
permit the application of the equity method only. The new standard will         
significantly alter both Group figures and the treatment of the Poland segment. 
No effective date has yet been determined.                                      

- IFRS 8 Operating Segments. The standard replaces IAS 14 and requires adoption 
of the ‘management approach' to presenting segment information, meaning that    
information is reported in the same manner as in internal reporting. The        
standard does not alter the Group's segment reporting breakdown.                

In its Q3 interim report, the Group clarified its concept of EBIT and the       
treatment of associates as follows:                                             


EBIT is presented in accordance with IFRS accounting principles. The concept of 
EBIT is not defined in IAS 1. The Group employs the following definition in the 
accounting principles of the 2007 financial statements: EBIT is the net sum     
arrived at by adding other operating income and the share of pre-determined     
associates' results to net sales, deducting from this purchase costs adjusted by
change in stocks of finished and unfinished products and costs arising from     
production for own use as well as employee benefit expenses, depreciation and   
impairment losses, if any, and other operating expenses. All other income       
statement items are presented below EBIT.                                       

Where necessary, major gains and losses on disposal, impairment and recognitions
of discontinuation of operations as well as EBIT excluding non-recurring items  
may be presented separately in reports.                                         

In 2006 and 2007, the explanatory statements of HKScan interim reports and      
financial statement bulletins presented, in addition to EBIT (IFRS), EBIT from  
operations in order to improve clarity and eliminate the impacts of the major   
restructuring that took place in the Group's business in Finland. EBIT from     
operations has not been presented in reports since 1 April 2008 as the          
industrial restructuring was completed as planned.                              


As a rule, the share of associates' results is presented below EBIT. If a       
function important to the Group's business is managed by an associate, the share
of the associate's results is presented above EBIT. Scan AB associates Siljans  
Chark AB (from 1 January 2007), Höglandsprodukter AB (from 1 January 2007), daka
a.m.b.a (from 1 January 2008) and Conagri AB (from 1 January 2008) are          
associates of this kind. The status of Nyhléns & Hugosons Chark AB has changed  
from an associate presented above EBIT to a subsidiary, resulting in a change in
its consideration on 30 September 2008 with cumulative effect from the beginning
of the financial period.                                                        

Rounding of figures                                                             

Due to rounding of the figures presented in the tables, some totals may not     
agree with the sum of their constituent parts. Indicator figures have been      
calculated using exact figures.                                                 

ANALYSIS BY SEGMENT (EUR million)                                               
Net sales and EBIT by main market area                                          

|                          |    Q4/2008 |    Q4/2007 |       2008 |       2007 |
| NET SALES                |            |            |            |            |
| -Finland                 |      197.3 |      176.3 |      740.4 |      674.3 |
| -Sweden                  |      301.6 |      295.7 |    1 179.3 |    1 111.9 |
| -The Baltics             |       43.0 |       37.6 |      168.2 |      145.3 |
| -Poland                  |       66.3 |       54.8 |      270.9 |      220.9 |
| -Between segments        |      -16.0 |      -12.2 |      -64.3 |      -45.0 |
| Total                    |      592.3 |      552.2 |    2 294.6 |    2 107.3 |
| EBIT                     |            |            |            |            |
| -Finland                 |        6.4 |        3.3 |       14.4 |       22.8 |
| -Sweden                  |        8.6 |        7.7 |       18.0 |       23.0 |
| -Baltics                 |        0.6 |        0.9 |        6.4 |       10.7 |
| -Poland                  |        1.9 |        0.1 |        4.2 |        3.7 |
| -Between segments        |        0.0 |        0.0 |        0.0 |        0.0 |
| -Group admin. costs      |       -2.2 |       -0.4 |       -4.9 |       -5.0 |
| Total                    |       15.3 |       11.5 |       38.1 |       55.3 |

CHANGES IN TANGIBLE AND INTANGIBLE ASSETS                                       

|                                            |            2008 |          2007 |
| Carrying value at 1 Jan                    |           627.2 |         352.4 |
| Translation differences                    |           -36.0 |           3.3 |
| Increase                                   |            80.9 |         131.0 |
| Increase (acquisitions)                    |             0.0 |         209.2 |
| Decrease                                   |           -11.9 |         -16.8 |
| Depreciation and impairment                |           -50.3 |         -51.9 |
| Transfer to other balance sheet item       |             8.9 |           0.1 |
| Carrying value at 31 Dec                   |           618.8 |         627.2 |


|                                            |            2008 |          2007 |
| Materials and supplies                     |            80.9 |          85.5 |
| Unfinished products                        |             7.1 |          10.8 |
| Finished products                          |            25.6 |          28.5 |
| Goods                                      |             0.0 |           0.0 |
| Other inventories                          |             4.2 |           3.9 |
| Prepayments                                |             2.2 |           0.6 |
| Live animals, IFRS 41                      |             8.2 |          10.9 |
| Total inventories                          |           128.3 |         140.2 |

NOTES TO SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                                                   

| Share       | Number of |  Share |    Share |    Reserve | Treasury |   Tot. |
| capital and | outstandi | capita |  premium |        for |   shares |        |
| share       | ng shares |      l |  reserve |   invested |          |        |
| premium     |           |        |          | unrestrict |          |        |
| reserve     |           |        |          |  ed equity |          |        |
| 1.1.2008    |    39 266 |   66.8 |     72.9 |       66.7 |     -0.7 |  205.7 |
|             |       169 |        |          |            |          |        |
| Purchase of |   -15 000 |        |          |            |     -0.1 |   -0.1 |
| treasury    |           |        |          |            |          |        |
| shares      |           |        |          |            |          |        |
| Assignment  |    50 550 |        |          |            |      0.8 |    0.8 |
| of treasury |           |        |          |            |          |        |
| shares      |           |        |          |            |          |        |
| 31.12.2008  |    39 301 |   66.8 |     72.9 |       66.7 |      0.0 |  206.4 |
|             |       719 |        |          |            |          |        |

INTEREST-BEARING LIABILITIES                                                    

The Group's interest-bearing debt at year-end, excluding the hybrid bond issued 
on 23 September 2008, stood at EUR 524.4 million (EUR 514.4m). The              
euro-equivalent liabilities in the balance sheet declined at the very end of the
year due to the sharp decline in the Swedish krona and Polish zloty. Average    
debt in 2008 stood at EUR 543 million (EUR 514m).                               

Group funding is based on a EUR 550 million syndicated credit facility signed in
June 2007, comprising a EUR 275 million seven-year amortising term loan and a   
EUR 275 million five-year credit limit with two one-year extension options.     
Untapped credit facilities at 31 December 2008 stood at EUR 140 million (EUR    
184m). In addition, the Group had other untapped overdraft and other facilities 
of EUR 37 million (EUR 33m). The EUR 100 million commercial paper programme had 
been drawn upon in the amount of EUR 0 million (EUR 23m). The company's current 
loan agreements are subject to ordinary terms relating to profit and the balance
sheet. The financial covenants are net gearing ratio and ratio of net debt to   

FINANCIAL RISKS                                                                 

Financial risks consist of refinancing and liquidity risk, counterparty risk in 
financial contracts, foreign exchange risk, interest rate risk, commodity risk  
and credit risk. Financial risks and financial risk management are part of the  
Group's treasury policy. The policy observed has been adopted by the Board and  
its implementation is centralised to a finance unit led by the Group's CFO. The 
treasury policy was not amended in the 2008 financial year.                     

The purpose of capital management in the Group is to support business through an
optimal capital structure by safeguarding a normal operating environment and    
enabling organic and structural growth. Capital structure is influenced by      
controlling the amount of working capital tied up in the business and through   
reported profit/loss, distribution of dividend and share issues. The Group may  
also decide on the disposal of assets to reduce liabilities.                    

Financial risks and capital management will be discussed in more detail in the  
Notes to the 2008 financial statements.                                         

CONSOLIDATED CONTINGENT LIABILITIES                                             
(EUR mill.)                                                                     
|                                             |    31.12.2008 |     31.12.2007 |
| Debts secured by                            |               |                |
| pledges or mortgages                        |               |                |
| - loans from financial institutions         |          41.3 |           36.0 |
| Given as security                           |               |                |
| - real estate mortgages                     |          36.0 |           31.4 |
| - pledges                                   |          15.4 |           19.1 |
| - floating charges                          |          19.7 |           10.9 |
| Security for debts of participating         |               |                |
| interests                                   |               |                |
| - guarantees                                |           5.5 |            7.0 |
| For others                                  |               |                |
| - guarantees and pledges                    |           9.6 |            9.6 |
| Other contingencies                         |               |                |
| Leasing commitments                         |          23.0 |           10.5 |
| Other rent liabilities                      |          42.4 |           17.2 |
| Other liabilities                           |           4.7 |            2.2 |
| Derivative instrument liabilities           |               |                |
| Nominal values of derivative instruments    |               |                |
| Foreign exchange contracts                  |          84.4 |           64.9 |
| Interest swap contracts                     |         276.8 |          162.1 |
| Electricity futures                         |           8.6 |            5.1 |
| Fair values of derivative instruments       |               |                |
| Foreign exchange contracts                  |          -2.0 |            0.0 |
| Interest swap contracts                     |         -11.5 |            0.1 |
| Electricity futures                         |          -1.9 |            1.1 |

BUSINESS TRANSACTIONS WITH ASSOCIATES                                           

|                                             |          2008 |           2007 |
| Sales to associates                         |          37.6 |           38.9 |
| Purchases from associates                   |          37.0 |           35.5 |
| Trade and other receivables                 |           2.2 |            1.9 |
| Trade payables and other liabilities        |           9.0 |           11.1 |

The figures reported in the financial statement bulletin are unaudited.         

Vantaa, 27 February 2009                                                        

HKScan Corporation                                                              
Board of Directors                                                              

Further information is available from HKScan CEO Matti Perkonoja. Please leave  
any messages for him to call with Marjukka Hujanen on +358 (0)10 570 6218.      

HKScan is one of the leading food companies in northern Europe with home markets
in Finland, Sweden, the Baltics and Poland. HKScan manufactures, sells and      
markets pork and beef, poultry products, processed meats and convenience foods  
under several well-known local brand names. Its customers are retail, the HoReCa
sector, industry and export customers. HKScan is active in nine countries and   
has some 10,000 employees. Annual net sales are 2.3 billion euro.               

Nasdaq OMX, Helsinki                                                            
Main media