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HKScan Corporation        STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE 3 November 2009 at 8am         

* HKScan Group's competitiveness continued to grow stronger and supplier shares 
increased in all of the company's market areas.                                 

* HKScan had a positive first nine months of the year as anticipated. Nine-month
EBIT stood at EUR 36.6 million (EUR 22.8m), i.e. nearly equal to full-year EBIT 
in 2008 (EUR 38.1 million).                                                     

* Owing to changes in exchange rates, net sales in euro declined in the early   
part of the year, yet at fixed rates showed an increase of roughly one percent. 

* EBIT for January-September is eroded by non-recurring charges totalling       
approximately EUR 7 million (EUR 0.0m).                                         

* The company reiterates its guidance, based on which the Group EBIT for the    
current year is estimated to clearly surpass that for 2008.                     

HKSCAN GROUP                                                                    
(EUR million)                                                                   
|                    |  Q3/2009 |  Q3/2008 |  Q1-Q3/09 |  Q1-Q3/08 |      2008 |
| Net sales          |    533.5 |    600.4 |   1 567.2 |   1 702.3 |   2 294.6 |
| EBIT               |     14.1 |     12.3 |      36.6 |      22.8 |      38.1 |
| - EBIT margin, %   |      2.6 |      2.0 |       2.3 |       1.3 |       1.7 |
| Profit/loss before |     10.8 |      5.4 |      21.9 |       3.1 |       9.0 |
| taxes              |          |          |           |           |           |
| Earnings per       |     0.22 |     0.05 |      0.40 |     -0.05 |      0.12 |
| share, EUR         |          |          |           |           |           |

Q3, JULY-SEPTEMBER 2009                                                         

* Net sales came to EUR 533.5 million (EUR 600.4m). The reduction was mainly due
to the fall in the Group's central currencies since autumn 2008. The effect of  
the economic downturn was also reflected in consumer buying decisions.          
* Group EBIT was EUR 14.1 million (EUR 12.3 million). Non-recurring charges of  
EUR 2.8 million (EUR 0.0m) are included in this figure. A year-on-year increase 
in EBIT was achieved in Finland, the Baltics and Poland.                        

* Performance in Finland continued to improve, with EBIT coming in at EUR 7.7   
million (EUR 4.5m).                                                             

* EBIT in Sweden was EUR 2.5 million (EUR 5.5m), eroded by EUR 2.8 million (EUR 
0.0m) in non-recurring charges.                                                 

* In the Baltics, EBIT doubled to EUR 3.4 million (EUR 1.7m).                   

* EBIT in Poland climbed to EUR 2.2 million (EUR 1.6m).                         

CEO MATTI PERKONOJA:                                                            

“HKScan continued to deliver positive performance in the third quarter as       
anticipated. EBIT growth was in line with targets.                              

The earnings performance achieved further strengthened the Group's position.    
Pre-tax earnings in Q3 doubled from the same period in 2008 and grew many times 
over cumulatively speaking.                                                     

In developing HKScan, streamlining the business of the Swedish subsidiary Scan  
AB holds centre stage at present. This largest market area for the Group        
accounts for roughly half of net sales. Scan's development plans were taken     
forward in Sweden. The company will undergo major structural streamlining by the
end of 2010 and the measures are envisioned to deliver annual streamlining      
benefits of EUR 30 million by the end of 2012.                                  

In Finland, the positive development in the business and EBIT delivered by HK   
Ruokatalo was built on more cost-effective operations and stronger market       

In the Baltics, successful cost control and operational flexibility at Rakvere  
Lihakombinaat and Tallegg brought the Baltic unit's EBIT margin up to 8.3       
percent of net sales. The Group's position in the Baltics has grown stronger in 
the current economic downturn.                                                  

In Poland, Sokolów solidified its market standing while delivering improved     
performance both domestically and in the export market.                         

The Group's financing situation remained stable.                                

The Group maintains goodwill of roughly EUR 85 million in its balance sheet as a
result of corporate acquisitions. Goodwill is tested at least once a year.      
During the ongoing financial crisis, testing has been conducted in each quarter 
and has shown no need for depreciation arising from impairment in any sector.   

HKScan's Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders has been convened for 24 
November 2009 to resolve on authorising the Board of Directors to implement a   
share offering amounting to approximately EUR 75 million. The need to strengthen
the company's capital structure and to increase operational and strategic       
flexibility is the reason put forward for the proposal by the Board of          
Directors. In addition, the company plans to repay the EUR 20 million           
subordinated hybrid bond.                                                       

During its internationalisation process, HKScan has acquired stakes in companies
that are market leaders and have the leading brands in their country. The       
strategic policies adopted by the company have proven effective also in the     
current economic climate. The four market areas - Finland, Sweden, the Baltics  
and Poland - provide HKScan with a domestic market where the various elements   
balance each other out.                                                         

The prolonged recession is dividing food market operators into winners and      
losers. The scope of the HKScan Group's business, its leading brands and        
extensive product range, stronger supplier shares and systematic improvement of 
cost-effectiveness provide a solid foundation for profitable growth in the      
current and future business environment.”                                       

MARKET AREA: FINLAND                                                            
(EUR million)                                                                   
|                       | Q3/2009 |  Q3/2008 | Q1-Q3/09 | Q1-Q3/08 |      2008 |
| Net sales             |   181.6 |    183.7 |    547.2 |    543.2 |     740.4 |
| EBIT                  |     7.7 |      4.5 |     20.6 |      8.0 |      14.4 |
| - EBIT margin, %      |     4.2 |      2.5 |      3.8 |      1.5 |       1.9 |

EBIT in Finland increased in Q3 as anticipated. The year-on-year increase came  
to 71 percent. Improved EBIT was based on HK Ruokatalo's cost-effective         
operations, successful cost control and excellent delivery reliability, allowing
supplier shares to increase and HK Ruokatalo thus to strengthen its market      
position in Finland.                                                            

The slight decline in net sales was attributable to lower export revenue. With  
exports hampered by profitability issues, the company has scaled back on these  
in line with plans. Domestic sales, on the other hand, grew considerably in     
terms of both volume and value.                                                 

HK Ruokatalo has introduced themes relating to responsibility in its            
communications, with the topic given especially extensive treatment in the      
marketing of the company's poultry brand Kariniemen. The themes of the four-part
responsibility programme are the importance of farm, environment, taste and     
nutrition throughout the chain, from farm to fork. Another major factor was the 
redesign of HK sandwich meat packages that enabled a significant reduction in   
the use of plastic in packaging.                                                

Earnings for January-September include a non-recurring cost provision of EUR 1.1
million recognised in Q1 and relating to personnel cuts at HK Ruokatalo's Forssa
production facilities in 2006 (EUR 0.0m). The severance pay of EUR 1.3 million  
to HKScan Corporation's former CEO is included in Q1 Group administration costs.

MARKET AREA: SWEDEN                                                             
(EUR million)                                                                   
|                       | Q3/2009 |  Q3/2008 | Q1-Q3/09 | Q1-Q3/08 |      2008 |
| Net sales             |   256.2 |    315.4 |    759.1 |    877.7 |   1 179.3 |
| EBIT                  |     2.5 |      5.5 |      7.6 |      9.4 |      18.0 |
| - EBIT margin, %      |     1.0 |      1.7 |      1.0 |      1.1 |       1.5 |

Third-quarter net sales in Sweden were nearly in line with the comparison year  
2008 when measured in crowns, yet declined when measured in euro. The comparison
figure from Q3/2008 is increased by Nyhléns & Hugosons Chark AB, the status of  
which changed from an associate reported above EBIT to a subsidiary, resulting  
in a change in its treatment on 30 September 2008 with cumulative effect from   
the beginning of the financial year 2008. The weaker crown reduced comparable   
euro-denominated net sales by approximately 10 percent.                         

The business streamlining plan in Sweden announced in September seeks to bring  
the EBIT margin to five percent of net sales. The measures are envisioned to    
deliver annual streamlining benefits of EUR 30 million by the end of 2012. An   
investment of EUR 12 million will be made over the same time in the Swedish     
business. The measures will give rise to non-recurring charges of approximately 
EUR 5 million of which EUR 2.8 million (EUR 0.0m), was recognised in Q3. The    
remainder will be recognised as implementation of the plans progresses.         

The plan has Scan AB discontinuing its production business in Uppsala and at the
Bjaeverskov, Denmark-based Kreatina AS. Production in Skara would also be scaled
down considerably. The slaughter and cutting of beef and lamb would be          
centralised to Linköping, while the majority of pork slaughter and cutting would
take place in Kristianstad. The ground meat products business of Linköping-based
subsidiary Esca would be transferred to Skara, where some pork slaughter        
operations would also remain. The production of consumer packed meat would      
transfer from Uppsala to Linköping. Collaboration would be explored in 2010 in  
respect of operations in Visby.                                                 

Scan has launched statutory employer-employee negotiations to cut a total of    
approximately 500 blue-collar and white-collar jobs. Implementation of the      
programme would cut the workforce from approximately 3 000 to roughly 2 500. The
potential cuts would mainly concern Skara, Uppsala and Kreatina AS in           
Bjaeverskov, Denmark.                                                           

The results for January-September include non-recurring charges totalling EUR   
4.5 million (EUR 0.0m). Non-recurring charges of EUR 1.2 million in Q1 and EUR  
0.5 million in Q2 were recognised owing to personnel downsizing. Non-recurring  
charges of EUR 2.8 million relating to the streamlining programme were          
recognised in the third quarter. Absent these, earnings in Q3/2009 would have   
been in line with those in the comparison year 2008.                            

MARKET AREA: THE BALTICS                                                        
(EUR million)                                                                   
|                      |  Q3/2009 |  Q3/2008 | Q1-Q3/09 | Q1-Q3/08 |      2008 |
| Net sales            |     40.5 |     44.2 |    118.8 |    125.2 |     168.2 |
| EBIT                 |      3.4 |      1.7 |      7.9 |      5.8 |       6.4 |
| - EBIT margin, %     |      8.3 |      3.8 |      6.6 |      4.7 |       3.8 |

The sustained cost control and operational flexibility of HKScan Group's Baltic 
units, in e.g. adapting the product range to market conditions, has proven a    
strength for the Group in an increasingly fierce competition setting. Both AS   
Rakvere Lihakombinaat and AS Tallegg have grown their earnings and strengthened 
their market position.                                                          

The business environment has been more difficult in the Baltics throughout the  
year than in any other Group market area. The deep economic recession and       
decline in consumer purchasing power are clearly reflected in demand. The state 
of the Baltic economies is unclear to some extent at present, and Latvia in     
particular is facing great challenges.                                          

MARKET AREA: POLAND                                                             
(EUR million)                                                                   
| *)                   |  Q3/2009 |  Q3/2008 | Q1-Q3/09 | Q1-Q3/08 |      2008 |
| Net sales            |     69.2 |     74.2 |    186.5 |    204.6 |     270.9 |
| EBIT                 |      2.2 |      1.6 |      6.4 |      2.3 |       4.2 |
| - EBIT margin, %     |      3.2 |      2.2 |      3.4 |      1.1 |       1.6 |
*) The figures refer to HKScan's share (50%) of the Sokolów Group's figures.    

The Polish business grew in Q3 in terms of both volume and value. Sokolów's net 
sales for the full nine months grew by 16 percent year-on-year when measured in 
zloty but fell short of the euro-denominated figure a year earlier due to       
changes in exchange rates.                                                      

The company's improved access into the selections of modern retail chains has   
been crucial to Sokolów's development in the past year, as these chains are     
where most of the market growth is taking place.                                

Thanks to solid sales in the domestic market, rising exports and cost control,  
Sokolów has considerably improved its EBIT. The decline of the Polish zloty     
against the euro has added momentum to exports.                                 

The current recession is yet to have any considerable effect on the food-buying 
decisions of consumers in Poland.                                               

CAPITAL EXPENDITURE AND FINANCE                                                 

The Group's gross investments in Q3 totalled EUR 9.3 million (EUR 17.0m). Gross 
investments in the first nine months of 2009 totalled EUR 33.8 million (EUR     
70.6m) and were divided among production-related investment in the market areas 
as follows: Finland EUR 9.0 million (EUR 24.1m), Sweden EUR 13.7 million (EUR   
24.1m) and the Baltics EUR 4.7 million (EUR 11.6m). In Poland, HKScan's share of
Sokolów investments was EUR 6.4 million (EUR 10.8m).                            

The installations of machinery and equipment continued at the new distribution  
centre rising in Linköping, Sweden. The centre will come online in spring 2010. 
No major investments were underway in Finland or the Baltics.                   

The Group's interest-bearing debt at the end of September stood at EUR 483.6    
million (EUR 541.0m). The reduction is partly attributable to the weakening of  
the Group's central currencies. Net financing expenses fell clearly from the    
previous year owing to lower interest rates and the reduction in total loans.   
Financing expenses remain burdened by equity hedging costs in respect of        
EEK-denominated equity. Untapped credit facilities at 30 September 2009 stood at
EUR 170.5 million (EUR 183m). In addition, the Group had other untapped         
overdraft and other facilities of EUR 42.1 million (EUR 40m). The EUR 100       
million commercial paper programme had been drawn in the amount of EUR 10.0     
million (EUR 39m).                                                              

At the end of September, the equity ratio was 31.1 percent (30.0%). Stronger    
cash flow and reducing net liabilities remain key priorities, to be achieved    
through means such as more effective working capital management and extremely   
careful consideration of which investments to implement. The company has        
convened an Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders to resolve on         
authorising the Board of Directors to decide on a share offering based upon     
shareholders' pre-emptive subscription right expected to amount to approximately
EUR 75 million. The planned offering is being undertaken to strengthen the      
company's capital structure and to increase operational and strategic           
flexibility. The funds accruing from the offering will also be used to repay the
EUR 20 million hybrid bond issued in autumn 2008.                               

TREASURY SHARES                                                                 

At 30 September 2009, the company held a total of 51 982 of its A Shares. These 
had a market value of EUR 0.48 million (EUR 9.33 each) and accounted for 0.13%  
of all shares and 0.04% of all votes.                                           

BOARD OF DIRECTORS' EXISTING AUTHORISATIONS                                     

(1) The AGM of 23 April 2009 authorised the Board to resolve on acquiring a     
maximum of 3 500 000 Series A shares as treasury shares, equal to roughly 8.9%  
of total registered shares and 10.3% of total A Shares.                         

Treasury shares may only be acquired using unrestricted shareholders' equity.   
The company's own shares may be purchased for a price quoted in public trading  
on the purchase day or for a price otherwise determined by the market.          

The Board of Directors shall resolve upon the method of purchase. Among other   
means, derivatives may be utilised in purchasing the shares. The shares may be  
purchased in a proportion other than that of the shares held by the shareholders
(directed purchase). The authorisation is valid until 30 June 2010.             

(2) The AGM also authorised the Board of Directors to resolve on an issue of    
shares, option rights as well as other special rights entitling to shares as    
referred to in Chapter 10:1 of the Limited Liability Companies Act. The Board   
was authorised to resolve on the issue of a maximum of 5 500 000 A Shares,      
corresponding to ca. 14.0% of all registered shares in the company and ca. 16.2%
of all A Shares.                                                                

The Board may resolve upon all the terms and conditions of the issue of shares  
and other special rights entitling to shares. The authorisation to issue shares 
shall cover the issuing of new shares as well as the transfer of the company's  
own shares. The issue of shares and other special rights entitling to shares may
be implemented as a directed issue. The authorisation is valid until 30 June    

The authorisations concerning purchases of treasury shares and share issue were 
granted to provide the company's Board with flexibility in deciding on capital  
market transactions necessary to the company, e.g. to secure its financing needs
or to execute mergers and acquisitions. A directed acquisition of own shares or 
directed share issue can only be executed for reasons of weighty financial      
consequence to the company and the authorisation cannot be exercised in         
violation of the principle of shareholder equality.                             


In the first nine months of the year, the Group had an average workforce of     
7 301 employees (7 526). The average number of employees in each market area was
as follows: 2 403 persons in Finland, 3 094 in Sweden and 1 804 in the Baltics. 
In addition, Sokolów had 5 691 employees.                                       

An analysis of employees by country at the end of September is as follows:      
Sweden 38.4%, Finland 32.1%, Estonia 22.2%, Poland (Scan) 3.1%, Latvia 2.9%,    
other countries 1.3%.                                                           


The most significant business risks faced by the HKScan Group involve           
developments in the price of raw materials and pork in particular, in future    
possibly the availability of these as well. Country-specific uncertainties      
involve the success of the business development programmes in Sweden and the    
development of the national economies in the Baltics.                           

The current international financial crisis increases the risk of customer credit
losses. The problems experienced by customers are due to the state of the       
economy in their country of operation as well as the availability of financing. 
Ongoing major fluctuations in the Group's central currencies may affect the     
Group's net sales, earnings and balance sheet. Any devaluation of local         
currencies in particular may have a negative effect on the Group's Baltic       

Changes in demand, owing to e.g. rising unemployment and attributable to the    
financial climate, may occur in the Group's market areas or its export markets, 
and these may erode Group net sales and earnings.                               

The Group is currently involved in certain legal proceedings and civil          
litigation. Though the cases remain pending, they are estimated to have no      
significant impact on the Group's financial standing.                           

In the event of an escalation of the A(H1N1)v influenza epidemic, temporary     
arrangements may need to be put into place in all of the Group's market areas to
ensure uninterrupted production.                                                

EVENTS TAKING PLACE SINCE 30 SEPTEMBER 2009                                     

On 2 November 2009, the company's Board of Directors resolved to convene an     
Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders to be held on Tuesday, 24 November
2009 in Vantaa. The Board is seeking authorisation to decide to undertake a     
share offering, in which shareholders have a pre-emptive right to subscribe for 
new A Shares of the Company based on their existing ownership of A Shares and K 
Shares, and proposes a corresponding change in the Articles of Association.     

The contemplated offering is expected to amount to approximately EUR 75 million.
HKScan is undertaking the offering to strengthen its capital structure and to   
increase operational and strategic flexibility. In addition, the company plans  
to repay the EUR 20 million subordinated hybrid bond. LSO Osuuskunta and Swedish
Meats Ekonomisk Förening, the owners of 35.51 % and 12.77 % of HKScan shares and
73.23 % and 12.44 % of the votes carried by HKScan shares respectively, have    
committed to support the contemplated offering, to vote in favour of the        
offering in the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders and to subscribe  
for their pro rata entitlement of the new shares offered for subscription in the

Appointed as Sole Arranger for the planned offering, Danske Markets will,       
subject to certain conditions, underwrite the remaining 51.72 % of the shares to
be offered for subscription in the contemplated offering.                       

FUTURE OUTLOOK                                                                  

The conditions of exceptional uncertainty arising from the global financial     
crisis continue to prevail. Consumer demand for food is nonetheless anticipated 
to remain unchanged in Finland and in Sweden, which provides the foundation for 
stable business development in the Group's main market areas. Signs of sharp    
fluctuations in demand are visible in the Group's other market areas as well as 
its export markets.                                                             

Based on business performance and the outlook in the near term, Group EBIT for  
the current year is estimated to clearly surpass that for 2008.                 


CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT                                                   
(EUR million)                                                                   
|                        | Q3/2009 |  Q3/2008 | Q1-Q3/09 | Q1-Q3/08 |     2008 |
|                        |         |          |          |          |          |
| NET SALES              |   533.5 |    600.4 |  1 567.2 |  1 702.3 |  2 294.6 |
| Operating income and   |  -504.0 |   -572.9 | -1 488.2 | -1 638.0 | -2 203.1 |
| expenses               |         |          |          |          |          |
| Share of profit of     |     0.6 |     -0.2 |      0.8 |      0.6 |      0.6 |
| associates             |         |          |          |          |          |
| Depreciation and       |   -16.0 |    -15.0 |    -43.2 |    -42.1 |    -54.0 |
| impairment             |         |          |          |          |          |
| EBIT                   |    14.1 |     12.3 |     36.6 |     22.8 |     38.1 |
| Financial income       |     1.0 |      1.7 |      3.8 |      4.2 |      5.4 |
| Financial expenses     |    -5.6 |     -9.3 |    -21.0 |    -24.8 |    -34.4 |
| Exchange rate          |     0.8 |      0.2 |      1.1 |     -0.1 |     -1.1 |
| differences            |         |          |          |          |          |
| Share of profit of     |     0.5 |      0.6 |      1.4 |      1.0 |      0.9 |
| associates             |         |          |          |          |          |
| PROFIT/LOSS BEFORE     |    10.8 |      5.4 |     21.9 |      3.1 |      9.0 |
| TAXES                  |         |          |          |          |          |
| Income taxes           |    -1.1 |     -2.2 |     -3.3 |     -3.5 |     -1.4 |
| PROFIT/LOSS FOR THE    |     9.8 |      3.2 |     18.7 |     -0.4 |      7.6 |
| PERIOD                 |         |          |          |          |          |
| OTHER COMPREHENSIVE    |         |          |          |          |          |
| INCOME                 |         |          |          |          |          |
| (after taxes):         |         |          |          |          |          |
| Exchange differences   |     4.5 |     -2.8 |      0.9 |      0.9 |    -21.9 |
| on translating foreign |         |          |          |          |          |
| operations             |         |          |          |          |          |
| Available-for-sale     |    -0.0 |     -1.3 |      0.1 |     -1.0 |     -0.2 |
| investments            |         |          |          |          |          |
| Cash flow hedging      |     0.0 |     -1.0 |      0.2 |      0.1 |     -2.0 |
| TOTAL OTHER            |     4.5 |     -5.1 |      1.2 |     -0.0 |    -24.1 |
| COMPREHENSIVE INCOME   |         |          |          |          |          |
| TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE    |    14.2 |     -1.8 |     19.9 |     -0.5 |    -16.5 |
| INCOME FOR THE PERIOD  |         |          |          |          |          |
| PROFIT/LOSS FOR THE    |         |          |          |          |          |
| PERIOD ATTRIBUTABLE    |         |          |          |          |          |
| TO:                    |         |          |          |          |          |
| Equity holders of the  |     9.1 |      2.1 |     16.7 |     -2.1 |      4.7 |
| parent                 |         |          |          |          |          |
| Minority interests     |     0.7 |      1.1 |      2.0 |      1.7 |      2.9 |
| Total                  |     9.8 |      3.2 |     18.7 |     -0.4 |      7.6 |
| TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE    |         |          |          |          |          |
| INCOME FOR THE PERIOD  |         |          |          |          |          |
| ATTRIBUTABLE TO:       |         |          |          |          |          |
| Equity holders of the  |    13.3 |     -2.5 |     17.6 |     -2.1 |    -19.0 |
| parent                 |         |          |          |          |          |
| Minority interests     |     0.9 |      0.7 |      2.2 |      1.6 |      2.5 |
| Total                  |    14.2 |     -1.8 |     19.9 |     -0.5 |    -16.5 |
| Earnings per share     |         |          |          |          |          |
| calculated on profit   |         |          |          |          |          |
| attributable to equity |         |          |          |          |          |
| holders of the parent: |         |          |          |          |          |
| EPS, undiluted (EUR),  |    0.22 |     0.05 |     0.40 |    -0.05 |     0.12 |
| continuing operations  |         |          |          |          |          |
| EPS, diluted (EUR),    |    0.22 |     0.05 |     0.40 |    -0.05 |     0.12 |
| continuing operations  |         |          |          |          |          |

In calculating earnings per share, the interest on the subordinated hybrid bond 
accrued during the period, adjusted for tax, has been subtracted from earnings  
for the period. The bond has had no effect on the diluted number of shares.     

CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET                                                      
(EUR million)                                                                   
|                          |   Note |    30.9.2009 |   30.9.2008 |  31.12.2008 |
| ASSETS                   |        |              |             |             |
| NON-CURRENT ASSETS       |        |              |             |             |
| Intangible assets        |     1. |         64.3 |        64.5 |        57.8 |
| Goodwill                 |     2. |         85.3 |        84.8 |        81.7 |
| Property, plant and      |     3. |        467.5 |       503.9 |       479.3 |
| equipment                |        |              |             |             |
| Holdings in associates   |        |         20.3 |        18.7 |        17.8 |
| Trade and other          |        |         21.6 |        14.1 |        17.4 |
| receivables              |        |              |             |             |
| Available-for-sale       |        |         10.6 |        11.0 |         9.9 |
| investments              |        |              |             |             |
| Deferred tax asset       |        |         10.5 |         8.7 |        10.1 |
| NON-CURRENT ASSETS       |        |        680.0 |       705.7 |       673.9 |
| CURRENT ASSETS           |        |              |             |             |
| Inventories              |     4. |        135.1 |       151.9 |       128.3 |
| Trade and other          |        |        200.7 |       239.9 |       198.4 |
| receivables              |        |              |             |             |
| Income tax receivable    |        |          1.4 |         5.8 |         1.5 |
| Other financial assets   |        |          2.2 |         3.4 |         2.2 |
| Cash and cash            |        |         49.1 |        33.6 |        92.2 |
| equivalents              |        |              |             |             |
| CURRENT ASSETS           |        |        388.4 |       434.6 |       422.6 |
| ASSETS                   |        |      1 068.4 |     1 140.3 |     1 096.5 |
| EQUITY AND LIABILITIES   |        |              |             |             |
| SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY     |        |              |             |             |
| Share capital            |     5. |         66.8 |        66.8 |        66.8 |
| Share premium reserve    |        |         73.8 |        74.8 |        73.5 |
| Treasury shares          |        |         -0.0 |        -0.1 |        -0.0 |
| Fair value reserve and   |        |        103.3 |       101.9 |       106.0 |
| other reserves           |        |              |             |             |
| Translation differences  |        |        -17.6 |        -0.6 |       -25.1 |
| Retained earnings        |        |         99.4 |        93.8 |        97.0 |
| Equity attributable to   |        |        325.6 |       336.6 |       318.2 |
| equity holders of the    |        |              |             |             |
| parent                   |        |              |             |             |
| Minority interest        |        |          6.2 |         5.2 |         5.4 |
| SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY     |        |        331.8 |       341.8 |       323.7 |
| NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES  |        |              |             |             |
| Deferred tax liability   |        |         33.5 |        35.6 |        33.6 |
| Non-current              |        |        425.0 |       426.9 |       442.1 |
| interest-bearing         |        |              |             |             |
| liabilities              |        |              |             |             |
| Non-current non-interest |        |          4.5 |         6.1 |         7.9 |
| bearing liabilities      |        |              |             |             |
| Pension obligations      |        |          3.5 |         3.0 |         3.7 |
| Non-current provisions   |        |          3.5 |         0.4 |         1.4 |
| NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES  |        |        470.0 |       472.0 |       488.7 |
| CURRENT LIABILITIES      |        |              |             |             |
| Current interest-bearing |        |         58.6 |       114.1 |        82.4 |
| liabilities              |        |              |             |             |
| Trade and other payables |        |        204.8 |       210.9 |       199.4 |
| Income tax liability     |        |          0.4 |         0.1 |         0.5 |
| Current provisions       |        |          2.7 |         1.4 |         1.9 |
| CURRENT LIABILITIES      |        |        266.5 |       326.6 |       284.2 |
| EQUITY AND LIABILITIES   |        |      1 068.4 |     1 140.3 |     1 096.5 |

(EUR million)                                                                   
|           | 1.  | 2.  | 3.  | 4.   | 5.   | 6.   | 7.   | 8.   | 9.   | 10.  |
| SHAREHOLD | 66. | 73. | 8.1 | 66.7 | 20.0 | 11.2 | -25. | -0.0 | 97.0 | 318. |
| ERS'      |   8 |   5 |     |      |      |      |    1 |      |      |    2 |
| EQUITY AT |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| 1.1.2009  |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| Comprehen |     | -0. | -5. |      |      | -0.3 |  7.5 |  0.0 | 15.9 | 17.7 |
| sive      |     |   1 |   3 |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| income    |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| for the   |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| period    |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| Share-bas |     | 0.4 |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |  0.4 |
| ed        |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| compensat |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| ion       |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| expense   |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| Direct    |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |   *) | -1.3 |
| recogniti |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      | -1.3 |      |
| on in     |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| retained  |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| earnings  |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| Transfers |     |     |     |      |      |  2.9 |      |      | -2.9 |  0.0 |
| between   |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| items     |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| Purchase  |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |  0.0 |
| of        |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| treasury  |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| shares    |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| Dividend  |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      | -9.4 | -9.4 |
| distribut |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| ion       |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| SHAREHOLD | 66. | 73. | 2.7 | 66.7 | 20.0 | 13.8 | -17. |  0.0 | 99.4 | 325. |
| ERS'      |   8 |   8 |     |      |      |      |    6 |      |      |    6 |
| EQUITY AT |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| 30.9.2009 |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |

COLUMNS: 1. Share capital, 2. Share premium reserve, 3. Revaluation reserve, 4. 
Reserve for invested unrestricted equity, 5. Subordinated hybrid bond, 6. Other 
reserves, 7. Translation differences, 8. Treasury shares, 9. Retained earnings, 
10. Total                                                                       

*) Interest paid on hybrid bond.                                                

|           | 1.  | 2.  | 3.  | 4.   | 5.   | 6.   | 7.   | 8.   | 9.   | 10.  |
| SHAREHOLD | 66. | 73. | 3.0 | 66.7 |  0.0 | 10.8 |  3.0 | -0.7 | 105. | 328. |
| ERS'      |   8 |   4 |     |      |      |      |      |      |    5 |    5 |
| EQUITY AT |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| 1.1.2008  |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| Comprehen |     | 0.1 | 1.0 |      |      |  0.3 | -3.6 |      | -0.1 | -2.3 |
| sive      |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| income    |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| for the   |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| period    |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| Share-bas |     | 0.4 |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |  0.4 |
| ed        |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| compensat |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| ion       |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| expense   |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| Other     |     |     |     |      | 20.0 |      |      |      |      | 20.0 |
| change    |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| Transfers |     | 0.9 |     |      |      |      |      |      | -0.9 |  0.0 |
| between   |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| items     |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| Purchase  |     |     |     |      |      |      |      | -0.1 |      | -0.1 |
| of        |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| treasury  |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| shares    |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| Payments  |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |  0.8 |      |  0.8 |
| made in   |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| treasury  |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| shares    |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| Dividend  |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      | -10. | -10. |
| distribut |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |    6 |    6 |
| ion       |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| SHAREHOLD | 66. | 74. | 4.0 | 66.7 | 20.0 | 11.1 | -0.6 | -0.1 | 93.8 | 336. |
| ERS'      |   8 |   8 |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |    6 |
| EQUITY AT |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
| 30.9.2008 |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |

COLUMNS: 1. Share capital, 2. Share premium reserve, 3. Revaluation reserve, 4. 
Reserve for invested unrestricted equity, 5. Subordinated hybrid bond, 6. Other 
reserves, 7. Translation differences, 8. Treasury shares, 9. Retained earnings, 
10. Total                                                                       

CASH FLOW STATEMENT                                                             
(EUR million)                                                                   
|                                  |     1-9/2009 |     1-9/2008 |   1-12/2008 |
| EBIT                             |         36.6 |         22.8 |        38.1 |
| Adjustments to EBIT              |         -1.0 |         -3.1 |        -1.3 |
| Depreciation and amortisation    |         43.2 |         42.1 |        54.0 |
| Change in provisions             |          2.8 |         -1.3 |         1.4 |
| Change in net working capital    |        -11.5 |        -31.2 |         1.3 |
| Financial income and expenses    |        -16.1 |        -20.6 |       -29.9 |
| Taxes                            |         -3.3 |         -3.5 |        -1.4 |
| Net cash flow from operating     |         50.7 |          5.2 |        62.2 |
| activities                       |              |              |             |
| Investing activities             |              |              |             |
| Gross investments in fixed       |        -32.7 |        -68.8 |       -84.1 |
| assets                           |              |              |             |
| Disposals of fixed assets        |          1.7 |          8.6 |        12.0 |
| Investments in subsidiary        |         -0.9 |          0.0 |         0.0 |
| Loans granted                    |          0.0 |         -0.2 |        -0.2 |
| Repayments of loans receivable   |          0.3 |          1.8 |         2.0 |
| Net cash flow from investing     |        -31.8 |        -58.6 |       -70.3 |
| activities                       |              |              |             |
| Cash flow before financing       |         18.9 |        -53.4 |        -8.1 |
| activities                       |              |              |             |
| Financing activities             |              |              |             |
| Payments received on hybrid bond |          0.0 |         20.0 |        20.0 |
| Current borrowings raised        |         44.0 |         79.3 |       187.9 |
| Current borrowings repaid        |        -51.5 |        -55.8 |      -164.2 |
| Non-current borrowings raised    |         16.7 |          1.7 |        27.4 |
| Non-current borrowings repaid    |        -61.4 |          0.0 |        -7.3 |
| Interest on hybrid bond          |         -1.3 |          0.0 |         0.0 |
| Dividends paid                   |         -9.4 |        -10.6 |       -10.6 |
| Purchase of treasury shares      |          0.0 |         -0.1 |        -0.1 |
| Net cash flow from financing     |        -62.9 |         34.4 |        53.0 |
| activities                       |              |              |             |
| Change in cash and cash          |        -44.0 |        -19.0 |        44.9 |
| equivalents                      |              |              |             |
| Cash and cash equivalents at     |         94.4 |         56.8 |        56.8 |
| 1.1.                             |              |              |             |
| Effect of changes in exchange    |          0.8 |         -0.8 |        -7.3 |
| rates of cash and cash           |              |              |             |
| equivalents                      |              |              |             |
| Cash and cash equivalents at     |         51.3 |         37.0 |        94.4 |
| 30.9.                            |              |              |             |

FINANCIAL INDICATORS                                                            

|                                  |    30.9.2009 |    30.9.2008 |  31.12.2008 |
| EPS, undiluted, EUR              |         0.40 |        -0.05 |        0.12 |
| EPS, diluted, EUR                |         0.40 |        -0.05 |        0.12 |
| Equity per share, 30.9, EUR 1)   |         8.29 |         8.57 |        8.10 |
| Equity ratio, %                  |         31.1 |         30.0 |        29.5 |
| Adjusted average                 |              |              |             |
| number of shares, mill.          |         39.3 |         39.3 |        39.3 |
| Gross capital expenditure        |              |              |             |
| on fixed assets, EUR million     |         33.8 |         70.6 |        84.0 |
| Employees, end of month          |              |              |             |
| average                          |        7 301 |        7 526 |       7 421 |
1) Excluding minority's share of equity.                                        

NOTES TO THE GROUP'S INTERIM REPORT                                             

ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES                                                           

HKScan Corporation's interim report for 1 January - 30 September 2009 has been  
prepared in compliance with IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting. The same        
accounting principles have been applied in the interim report as in the annual  
financial statements for 2008. These accounting principles are explained in the 
financial statements for 2008.                                                  

On 1 January 2009 the Group adopted the following new IFRS standards and        

- IAS 1 (revised) Presentation of Financial Statements. The revision is aimed at
improving users' ability to analyse and compare the information given in        
financial statements. The means to achieve this include separating changes in a 
company's equity resulting from transactions with owners in their capacity as   
owners from other changes in equity. Non-owner-related changes are presented in 
the statement of comprehensive income. The Group will in future present both an 
income statement and statement of comprehensive income.                         

- IAS 23 (revised) Borrowing Costs. The standard requires that borrowing costs  
that are directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of
a qualifying asset, such as a production facility, are included in the cost of  
that asset. The Group has previously recognised borrowing costs as an expense   
during the period in which they are incurred, in the manner permitted. The      
revised standard means that borrowing costs concerning construction projects    
undertaken after 1 January 2009 are allocated to the project and capitalised in 
the balance sheet.                                                              

- IFRS 8 Operating Segments. The standard replaces IAS 14 and requires adoption 
of the ‘management approach' to presenting segment information, meaning that    
information is reported in the same manner as in internal reporting. The        
standard does not alter the Group's segment reporting breakdown.                

The figures presented in the interim report are unaudited.                      

ANALYSIS BY SEGMENT (EUR million)                                               
Net sales and EBIT by main market area                                          

|                      | Q3/2009 |  Q3/2008 |  Q1-Q3/09 |  Q1-Q3/08 |     2008 |
| NET SALES            |         |          |           |           |          |
| -Finland             |   181.6 |    183.7 |     547.2 |     543.2 |    740.4 |
| -Sweden              |   256.2 |    315.4 |     759.1 |     877.7 |  1 179.3 |
| -Baltics             |    40.5 |     44.2 |     118.8 |     125.2 |    168.2 |
| -Poland              |    69.2 |     74.2 |     186.5 |     204.6 |    270.9 |
| -Between segments    |   -14.1 |    -17.1 |     -44.4 |     -48.4 |    -64.3 |
| Group total          |   533.5 |    600.4 |   1 567.2 |   1 702.3 |  2 294.6 |
| EBIT                 |         |          |           |           |          |
| -Finland             |     7.7 |      4.5 |      20.6 |       8.0 |     14.4 |
| -Sweden              |     2.5 |      5.5 |       7.6 |       9.4 |     18.0 |
| -Baltics             |     3.4 |      1.7 |       7.9 |       5.8 |      6.4 |
| -Poland              |     2.2 |      1.6 |       6.4 |       2.3 |      4.2 |
| -Between segments    |     0.0 |      0.0 |       0.0 |       0.0 |      0.0 |
| Segments total       |    15.8 |     13.3 |      42.5 |      25.5 |     43.0 |
| Group administration |    -1.7 |     -1.0 |   *) -5.8 |      -2.7 |     -4.9 |
| costs                |         |          |           |           |          |
| Group total          |    14.1 |     12.3 |      36.6 |      22.8 |     38.1 |
*) Includes EUR 1.3 million in non-recurring severance pay relating to the      
termination of the former CEO's employment and recognised in Q1.                

NOTES TO THE BALANCE SHEET                                                      

1. CHANGES IN INTANGIBLE ASSETS                                                 
(EUR million)                                                                   
|                                   |  Q1-Q3/2009 |   Q1-Q3/2008 |        2008 |
| Carrying value at 1 Jan           |        57.8 |         65.4 |        65.4 |
| Translation differences           |         3.1 |         -0.6 |        -7.7 |
| Increase                          |         1.5 |          0.3 |         0.3 |
| Decrease                          |         0.0 |          0.0 |        -0.1 |
| Depreciation and impairment       |        -1.9 |         -1.7 |        -2.1 |
| Transfer to other balance sheet   |         3.8 |          1.1 |         2.0 |
| item                              |             |              |             |
| Carrying value at 30 Sep          |        64.3 |         64.5 |        57.8 |

2. CHANGES IN GOODWILL                                                          
(EUR million)                                                                   
|                                   |  Q1-Q3/2009 |   Q1-Q3/2008 |        2008 |
| Carrying value at 1 Jan           |        81.7 |         85.1 |        85.1 |
| Translation differences           |         1.8 |         -1.1 |        -4.1 |
| Increase                          |         1.8 |          0.8 |         0.7 |
| Decrease                          |         0.0 |          0.0 |         0.0 |
| Depreciation and impairment       |         0.0 |          0.0 |         0.0 |
| Transfer to other balance sheet   |         0.0 |          0.0 |         0.0 |
| item                              |             |              |             |
| Carrying value at 30 Sep          |        85.3 |         84.8 |        81.7 |

3. CHANGES IN PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT                                     
(EUR million)                                                                   
|                                   |  Q1-Q3/2009 |   Q1-Q3/2008 |        2008 |
| Carrying value at 1 Jan           |       479.3 |        476.7 |       476.7 |
| Translation differences           |         4.3 |         -1.7 |       -24.1 |
| Increase                          |        31.6 |         67.5 |        79.9 |
| Decrease                          |        -1.8 |         -6.7 |       -11.8 |
| Depreciation and impairment       |       -42.1 |        -40.3 |       -48.3 |
| Transfer to other balance sheet   |        -3.8 |          8.4 |         6.9 |
| item                              |             |              |             |
| Carrying value at 30 Sep          |       467.5 |        503.9 |       479.3 |

4. INVENTORIES                                                                  
(EUR million)                                                                   
|                                   |  Q1-Q3/2009 |   Q1-Q3/2008 |        2008 |
| Materials and supplies            |        82.8 |         92.9 |        80.9 |
| Unfinished products               |         7.8 |          9.3 |         7.1 |
| Finished products                 |        30.2 |         34.1 |        25.6 |
| Goods                             |         0.1 |          0.1 |         0.0 |
| Other inventories                 |         3.9 |          5.0 |         4.2 |
| Prepayments                       |         2.1 |          0.9 |         2.2 |
| Live animals, IFRS 41             |         8.2 |          9.6 |         8.2 |
| Total inventories                 |       135.1 |        151.9 |       128.3 |

5. NOTES TO SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                                                

| Share       | Number of | Share    | Share     | RIUE,   | Treasury | Total, |
| capital and | outstandi | capital, | premium   | EUR     | shares,  | EUR    |
| share       | ng shares | EUR      | reserve,  | million | EUR      | mill.  |
| premium     |           | mill.    | EUR mill. |         | mill.    |        |
| reserve     |           |          |           |         |          |        |
| 1 Jan. 2009 |    39 301 |     66.8 |      72.9 |    66.7 |      0.0 |  206.4 |
|             |       719 |          |           |         |          |        |
| Revert of   |   -47 508 |          |           |         |      0.0 |    0.0 |
| treasury    |           |          |           |         |          |        |
| shares      |           |          |           |         |          |        |
| 30 Sept.    |    39 254 |     66.8 |      72.9 |    66.7 |      0.0 |  206.4 |
| 2009        |      211  |          |           |         |          |        |
RIUE = Reserve for invested unrestricted equity                                 

Dividends for the financial year 2008 were paid on 6 May 2009. At a dividend of 
EUR 0.24 per share, the total came to EUR 9 422 692.56.                         

DERIVATIVE INSTRUMENT LIABILITIES                                               
(EUR million)                                                                   
|                                     |  30.9.2009 |  30.9.2008 |   31.12.2008 |
| Nominal values of derivative        |            |            |              |
| instruments                         |            |            |              |
| Foreign exchange derivatives        |      104.7 |       69.4 |         84.4 |
| Interest-rate derivatives           |      198.6 |      235.6 |        276.8 |
| Electricity derivatives             |        9.2 |        7.6 |          8.6 |
| Fair values of derivative           |            |            |              |
| instruments                         |            |            |              |
| Foreign exchange derivatives        |       -0.3 |       -0.5 |         -2.0 |
| Interest-rate derivatives           |      -17.0 |       -0.9 |        -11.5 |
| Electricity derivatives             |       -2.0 |        1.3 |         -1.9 |

CONSOLIDATED OTHER CONTINGENT LIABILITIES                                       
(EUR million)                                                                   
|                                     |  30.9.2009 |  30.9.2008 |   31.12.2008 |
| Debts secured by                    |            |            |              |
| pledges or mortgages                |            |            |              |
| - loans from financial institutions |       35.9 |       45.0 |         41.3 |
| Given as security                   |            |            |              |
| - real estate mortgages             |       44.7 |       66.1 |         36.0 |
| - pledges                           |       29.5 |        9.7 |         15.4 |
| - floating charges                  |       17.1 |       26.7 |         19.7 |
| For associates                      |            |            |              |
| - guarantees                        |        5.5 |        8.2 |          5.5 |
| For others                          |            |            |              |
| - guarantees and pledges            |       12.8 |       10.3 |          9.6 |
| Other contingencies                 |            |            |              |
| Leasing commitments                 |       19.3 |       22.4 |         23.0 |
| Rent liabilities                    |       40.0 |       17.3 |         42.4 |
| Other liabilities                   |        4.4 |        5.9 |          4.7 |

BUSINESS TRANSACTIONS WITH RELATED PARTIES                                      
(EUR million)                                                                   
|                                     | Q1-Q3/2009 | Q1-Q3/2008 |         2008 |
| Sales to associates                 |       23.1 |       28.0 |         37.6 |
| Purchases from associates           |       26.2 |       26.8 |         37.0 |
| Trade and other receivables         |        1.8 |        2.0 |          2.2 |
| Trade and other payables            |        9.0 |        9.7 |          9.0 |
| Severance pay to the CEO            |        1.3 |        0.0 |          0.0 |

NON-RECURRING ITEMS                                                             
(EUR million)                                                                   
|                      | Q3/2009 |  Q3/2008 |  Q1-Q3/09 |  Q1-Q3/08 |     2008 |
| Employee benefits    |    -0.9 |      0.0 |      -5.0 |       0.0 |      0.0 |
| expenses             |         |          |           |           |          |
| Depreciation and     |    -1.9 |      0.0 |      -1.9 |       0.0 |      0.0 |
| impairment           |         |          |           |           |          |
| Total non-recurring  |    -2.8 |      0.0 |      -6.9 |       0.0 |      0.0 |
| items                |         |          |           |           |          |

Vantaa, 3 November 2009                                                         

HKScan Corporation                                                              
Board of Directors                                                              

Further information is available from CEO Matti Perkonoja. Please leave any     
messages for him to call with Marjukka Hujanen on +358 (0)10 570 6218.          

HKScan is one of the leading food companies in northern Europe with home markets
in Finland, Sweden, the Baltics and Poland. HKScan manufactures, sells and      
markets pork and beef, poultry products, processed meats and convenience foods  
under several well-known local brand names. Its customers are retail, the HoReCa
sector, industry and export customers. HKScan is active in nine countries and   
has some 10,000 employees. Annual net sales are 2.3 billion euro.               

NASDAQ OMX Helsinki                                                             
Financial Supervisory Authority FIN-FSA                                         
Main media                                                             


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