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HK Ruokatalo Group Oyj       RELEASE 17 Jan. 2006, at 2.05pm


Chef Jyrki Sukula has been appointed Creative Director of HK Ruokatalo
Oy and a member of the Management Team effective 17 January 2006.
Sukula will introduce to HK Ruokatalo a new way of thinking that the
company needs to revamp its product range in line with the everyday
needs of the modern, time-starved, discerning consumer.

"Jyrki Sukula is at the forefront of Finnish culinary culture and,
despite his young age, has a sound track record in the catering
business. It is high time to appoint a top-class chef, someone with
expert cooking skills, to the management of a major food producer such
as HK Ruokatalo. This we have now done in a humble bid to get closer
to the consumer. Jyrki Sukula's expertise and diverse experience will
be a major asset in helping us to achieve this aim," says Managing
Director Kai Seikku.

HK Ruokatalo to buy Sukula's VIA line of products

In the same context, HK Ruokatalo is to buy Sukula's VIA line of
products. Originally created to Sukula's recipes for use in restaurant
kitchens, these products can also be used at home to facilitate
everyday cooking at home. The line of products includes ready-to-use
stocks, soups and sauces, all without additives and preservatives.
"The VIA line of products is an excellent addition to HK Ruokatalo's
range of products, making it much easier to design meals from
components," adds Kai Seikku

"Even though I've become popular as a TV chef, in practice my everyday
work is elsewhere: I cook food for everyday meals and special
occasions in restaurants and a catering company. I will begin to
employ the same philosophy at HK Ruokatalo – the only difference being
the ladle and saucepan will now be much larger. I intend to devote
about half of my working hours to HK Ruokatalo. Otherwise, I will
continue to run VIA restaurants and the Kaikilla Mausteilla catering
company, as well as importing Italian wines and other projects,"
envisages Jyrki Sukula.

From 17 January 2006, HK Ruokatalo's Management Team in Finland will
comprise the chairman, managing director Kai Seikku, as well as CFO
Matti Perkonoja, executive vice presidents Antti Lauslahti, Reijo
Kiskola, Esa Mäki, Raimo Laine, Pekka Kaikkonen and Sukula, as well as
new employee group representative Matti Puntila.

Further information is available from:
Managing director Kai Seikku, HK Ruokatalo Oy, tel: 010 5703270.
Please leave any messages for him to call with Katja Backman on 010
Jyrki Sukula, tel: 010 5702660. Visit www.sukula.com for further
information and photos.

HK Ruokatalo Group Oyj

Simo Palokangas

Helsinki Exchanges
Internet: www.hk-ruokatalo.fi
